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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. And yet the question remains...did he ever really escape...i like to think ..yes
  2. ok heres my quick view ... As a player of both everquest and swg i love both No point? of course theres no point......except to have fun..they are games.. ok swg first I think the main problem isnt any developer /bugs etc...yes they are there ..yes its horribly unbalanced right now. I understand yoru pain my main character on eclipse server "shadowplay darkstar" is a droid engineer / pistoleer. It is very true that de need to be fixed BAD and it will...at the same time CH need to be nerfed BAD it will happen. New droids will be added eventually......pilots will want r2 units...player cities will want security droids ...new types of buildings ships will be need droids for....also i have a strong feeling de will lead into vehicle design and sub professions leading to it.....anyway SWG is a roleplaying game that was made for roleplayers and i mean for the most part hardcore rpg though theres a balance there.....the problem is 80% of the people playing dont like to roleplay they are from loot charged school of online gaming ...these people never played pen and paper...or really roleplayed they are driven by big killings and getting the next loot. Swg wasnt made that way...there is no uber loot ...there are no big bosses for the most part. These people are finding nothing left to do once they are done duping resources making tons of cash and finding every bug they can to master their classes...which once mastered they have nothing left to do.....they are either getting bored and leaving or hanging out and whining. This causes a huge problem for roleplayers as you want to roleplay in teh star wars universe.....is walking around and seeing "iwantto kickyourbutt" walking around yelling "Yo lets pwnoage the RoXors" and other stupid lingo. This becomes highly annoying but im doing my best to completely ignore it and when i do finally run into a roleplayer i have TONS of fun. Things will change ..the swg universe isnt going away anytime soon....i think the game is going to start catering to the roleplayer more and more..why? because the roleplayer is what will be left. Player cities is already a large step in teh right direction....cities will be governed by elected officials.....work together ...secured....battled ......i think there will eventually be more tools to make player made missions and scenarios..by the way devs talk this eems to be there plan and i love the idea. One of my favorite moments was walking the desert from bestine and coming across jabbas palace for the first time...it was immense and the suns were just starting to set. I had a whole rpg scenario set up with it that i would invite anyone around me to get involved with . Its just a shame half were baffled. As for EQ ...i always hear people moan about EQ...iv played EQ for over a year and a half now . I love it. Its NOT a roleplaying game...its an adventure game and thats what people need to understand...yes the grind in it can be bad ESPECIALLY past lvl 51-60 ....and i beleive the best way to gain xp would be mission character way ..but thats just me. Anyway people who usually complain about the game sucking , complain because they cant find people to play with or the time and yes the game is time intensive ( the complete opposite of swg ). and LFG still remains a problem......the best thing you can do really is find a good guild and join it. Once you do have friends to play with though ...the game can be loads of fun....nothing quite like using great class based strategies to take down a hard boss. Another thing is while teh classes are still pretty badly unba;lanced...my main is a warrior trust me i know....when you are in a grp or in a raid they are all perfectedly balanced. The higher up you get the more strategy between classes is used to take down mobs and bosses and crawl dungeuns or do cycles and rings. Every group or guild will come up with their own strategy to defeating these challenges depending whose there. Right now my main char is a lvl 65 wood elf warrior...basically the highest you can get in eq minus the alternative advancement points which you can do at yoru own leisure after you hit 65 and basically make your char incredibly strong ( working on my aa now...iv got a pretty good number). My guild is very high up on the server and we have gotten to see things most people never will in teh game....we are in the elemental planes now ....the highest of the planes of the gods you can get. We are taking down gods now and working our way to the plane of time ( which only a handful of people on any server have ever gotten into) its pretty much the highest of the high you can get in game. The rings required to spawn gods and the strategies needed to take em down are sometimes immense and only a really good guild leader can even begin to get guilds organized for this stuff. It is HUGE fun when it all comes together . Anyone here play eq...if you do heres a godo example...taking down the god rallos zek ..the god of war.... you have to first fight through ... mez a named ogre...have him follow you ..bring him to anotehr named ogre..mez him...clear the area og mobs....break mez on named ogre one ..kill and repeat with two... this spawns the god tallon zek...who shoots a giant arrows which does massive damage to anyone in its path so he must be completely agroed by teh main tank...after tallon dies his brother vallon appears and as his health drains procedes to split in two and then three...thats where extra offtanks come in ( go me ! ) .... after vallon goes down ...rallos zek pops... but theres a key..hes a fake ...at fifty percent health he vanishes. Then you have 15 minutes to get back to the begining of teh zone get into the arena area and engage him. The way we do this is by binding our chars to right outside the zone....and having a wizard cast translocate when fake rz is at 70% health. At thezone in we buff up rez up and head down to the arena but the fun doesnt end there...the real rallos zek has an area effect dot which can wipe out most casters and many melee in less then a minute if they get too close so everyone has to be in perfect range and healers have to be in perfect rotation....oh and to make it even more fun... at 10% health loss rz spawns one by one up to 50 mobs...all lvl 65 IN THE ARENA! ....these have to simutaniously be handled by kiters liek rangers bards and druids who can have them give chase.....which would be easy if the mobs didnt run faster then them ! Or teh way i saved the clerics .. while they were being attacked...hit area taunt BOOM they are now after me...i died of course but saved clerics another 20 seconds heal time ....FUN
  3. i got one word for ya : shelob! go over to lotr movie site and see the new trailer..its shows a really really brief scene of shelob....kinda smaller then i expected but its a very fast scene so it might be crouching
  4. http://www.the-magicbox.com/game093003k.htm go here and cry for joy < drool >
  5. The 1/1 hikaru helmet of course
  6. The only time i Download music is when i know for a fact that if i didnt i would never have went out and purchased the cd in teh first place....2. its a band id like to get to know better...or 3. and this is USUALLY the case...its rare hard to find songs and then i make a rarities cd or cd's. Other then that i still love going to record stores and finding great cds ..I love the feel of an album itself ..the booklet the artwork, taking out the cd and placing it in the player liek its a book..reading the lyrics etc etc. I still love vinyl too.....the sound is unbeatable..it sounds raw.....alive. If a band i like is coming out with a new album ...i might download a song or two...listen to clips etc...but in the end i hold off from most of it so when i buy the album its new and fresh and its a suprise. File swapping has put a rut in only one pocket..the music industries...artist get very little money from the sales and sometimes none at all. The music industry isnt worried about the great indie artist out there..they are wooried about the big bloated rap rock bands and brittany spearsers being downloaded. Real artists make all their money from touring live, since very few make much money for getting record deals on an indy label. If anything file swapping is helping advert more indy bands and getting more people to their shows. The only one losing here is the big industry ...and frankly they have nothing to do with music anyway. They make money off of top 40 music cds being sold for 15 bucks in tower records. They arent really needed except to launch careers of no talent people to make some cash...and lip sync on stage. I say screw em who needs em, its time to do away with the big labels
  7. As for the captain though.....EVERY single captain in every single anime to this day looks like that ...its classic
  8. If you look through some of the ancient posts...youll see pics of this thing...hasegawa started workand had near finished prototypes of this thing ages ago.....i have no idea why its taken this long
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