The only time i Download music is when i know for a fact that if i didnt i would never have went out and purchased the cd in teh first place....2. its a band id like to get to know better...or 3. and this is USUALLY the case...its rare hard to find songs and then i make a rarities cd or cd's.
Other then that i still love going to record stores and finding great cds ..I love the feel of an album itself ..the booklet the artwork, taking out the cd and placing it in the player liek its a book..reading the lyrics etc etc. I still love vinyl too.....the sound is sounds raw.....alive.
If a band i like is coming out with a new album ...i might download a song or two...listen to clips etc...but in the end i hold off from most of it so when i buy the album its new and fresh and its a suprise.
File swapping has put a rut in only one pocket..the music industries...artist get very little money from the sales and sometimes none at all. The music industry isnt worried about the great indie artist out there..they are wooried about the big bloated rap rock bands and brittany spearsers being downloaded.
Real artists make all their money from touring live, since very few make much money for getting record deals on an indy label. If anything file swapping is helping advert more indy bands and getting more people to their shows.
The only one losing here is the big industry ...and frankly they have nothing to do with music anyway. They make money off of top 40 music cds being sold for 15 bucks in tower records. They arent really needed except to launch careers of no talent people to make some cash...and lip sync on stage.
I say screw em who needs em, its time to do away with the big labels