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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. so basically hes saying to get one on your weinershnitzel agent one...and he wants pics!
  2. Yea the whole "manga is "hip" right now so lets draw in a manga style even though we cant and it comes off looking like a generic urban t shirt character design in a bad pose witha messed up looking face and chopped up mix between manga and american comics" needs to go away NOW. i LOVE manga iv been buying it since teh late 80s, and i love american comics. I enjoy my american comics looking liek american comics to look unique and original though and i like my japanese comics to be....japanese. Artistic expression nothing...whats the point if it looks liek crap?
  3. Thats gonna suck when you realize fraternities are just popularity contests for rich boys whose parents have enough cash to send em to a nice college, so they can buy their friends. Oh ive said too much Not trying to incite anything , but i used to work across the street from UMD right on fraternity row, probably one of the biggest frat schools in tHE us.. and well yea , ive seen it all and heard it all Who knows maybe your fraternities were actually the very few created that base all their projects on community issues and try to help and resolve them , or its just another bunch of rich kids who wouldnt dare be different from one another and would cry if they had to do any labor that didnt involve buying sports jerseys and pretending to like classic rock Anyway what im getting at is you can make fun of someone for wanting to get an anime tattoo because you think theyll be embarressed in twenty years but getting a frat burn mark is just as embarressing. and i mean in general i know agent one didnt make fun of teh kite tatoo, but in all honestly almost anything you burn or tatoo is gonna have repercussions 20 years down the line , people change and or you realize things you thought were "meaningful" 20 years ago just are not anymore As for me i know ill still love macross 20 years from now but not enough to get it tatoo'd on my arm hah. I think ill show my appreciation in another way , like maybe using bits and pieces of how macross or other old anime or music etc that inspired me when i was younger show up in the work i do. I think thats the best kind of tatoo....and hey you dont need to get it surgically removed later!
  4. I own the genesis climber mospeada OST ......on vinyl, found it in mandarake before they moved to santa monica , sucked ass, and went out of business in a month Has a nice cover by amano
  5. Now if only those were actual gameplay footag and not just cg movie opening screens...
  6. The LA times article from today ( features same picture) says the the unit itself ways a 100 pounds and the backpack is 70 pounds...however the man wearing the unit feels as though hes carrying 5 pounds...thus weight of the unit itself is of no consequence Scary thought ...your running with this thing and the battery suddenly fails
  7. sigh why must EVERY single donloadable movie or video file be on its own simple unique codex or require a completely unique program to open it up... having thousands of unrelated programs on yoru computer make computers slow =(
  8. jeus christ ..im not even a HUGE eva fan Yes thanks for the incredible lesson blaine and drew , being a musician i know absolutely nothing about the entertainment industry ..thanks for the huge tips about $$$ Uh yea i sure like how when someone brings up a macross live action movie people fly off the hook and the flames start flying about how animation doesnt need to be solidified as a true entertainment source or form of artistic expression by making it into its "final true source" as a live action blockbuster. Thanks for the comparison to books ...obviously animation is as socially acceptable for adults as books as a viable form of mature intelligent artistic entertainment Theres a huge differnece between books or comics...they are a different format all together....There was an eva movie, 2 actually ...so really theres no reason to make a live action movie
  9. well my complaint was basically .... live action anime is BAD ...and this just proves it....and please you can say what you want about "maybe itll have a great plot etc etc " ...the point is ...this is america....when you live in america and you take something that is not so popular and make it into something popular but far from the original.....well just ask anyone what happens to fans of the original This isnt spiderman ...spiderman is a large part of the culture as are american comic book culture in general ... if spiderman would have sucked they would have made a different interpretation in 5 years things work a little differently I mean if they want to do an evangelion movie..and change all teh characters ....and americanize it up...then at least change teh name and robot designs and call it "robotika " or "cybergun" or another dumb name more in tune with live action b movies. All this really proves is lack of originality on movie studios shoulders. There is just no reason to make animation into live action other then trying to milk a franchise...thats IT! Its simple... if anyone really appreciated and enjoyed the artwork and animation and story then release it as is subtitled in a movie theater. As it was intended. And saying WETA IS WORKING ON IT! THEY MADE LOTR really means nothing to me ...yippy wow.. i love lotr but that doesnt impress me. Its all about the $$$ Anyway hopefully this movie never makes it out of pre production and just becoems another case of the live action akira ( thank god that choked on itself and died)
  10. evengelion after being raped by american money hogs well we knew about this for awhile now but these pictures just confirm one thing...american movie companies suck....what a horrible defamation to artwork....rei to ray....white-a-nize her? ..misato to susan?
  11. Rebel and Imperial cars and even more star wars cars
  12. blah angelfire sucks
  13. You cant run from a mob in EQ? /boggle you have have never gotten past lvl 10 then ...getting away from mobs in eq is sooo easy ....... If that was true there would be no kiting ..... if you are in a raiding guild the only way to even get half the mobs ( whether in raid or group ) requires being able to outrun a mob to pull . The onlyt exception is high lvl mobs who summon you . Even as a 65th lvl war i can hit a creature and run Not to mention the buffs sow soe etc and alternate abilities run 3 If your in a good eq group or raid ...the inability to learn running and tagging skills is unavoidable Of course if i really wanna get across an area w/o a scratch i just cast my bard speed horse and ride across it
  14. Another thing that bothered me is locked battles.....its just a pain ...why cant i just make a run by smacking...or switch targets faster
  15. Heres my SWG character In the mountains of tattaoine No we arent friends Leaving jabbas palace On to new adentures Journey to the distant planet of Lok , nyms hideout Returning to pay jabba a visit on my new swoop High in the ewok tree village My new swoop , in the ewok lake village on endor Same village The sun rises on a new day and another adventure Darkwillow Darkstar 65th overlord of Evolutia Shadowplay Darkstar Droid Engineer / Pistoleer on Eclipse
  16. Heres my EQ adventures with the raiding guild im in Heres vallon zek ready to toast us Thats me in the red before we take down some parakeets in plane of fire After killing Fennin Ro the god of fire , and obtaining the first key to the Plane of Time, we decided to have one of our enchanters turn us all into ogres and see how many ogres we can stuff into a bank! ( the shield is the time key ) After killing the giant Croc in plane of earth , clearing the path for us to take down the arbitor of earth Just obtaining the last key to xegony ..godess of air ...she lies on the other side of the rainbow ( thats me on the horse) Typical carnage during a raid fight once the nukes start flying
  17. I dont know i tried to play FF 11 ...i really wanted to like it...its just the game seems so slow and the controls and HuD setup are just ancient in terms of maneuvarability and doesnt seem to be able to adhere to any personal setup ,control is sloppy and slow. Im sure this has to do with teh fact of it being a game designed for a PS2 controller , but it really ruined the game for me. Its a shame the design of the world and the very fantasylike imagery was really nice and the world is deep in lore. The very very limited facial designs and 0 body design was bothersome though ..i mean its even less variation then eq.... everyone looks the same. My biggest concern though was the ff 8 and 10 types that i knew would be all over the place ...if your lucky you get put onto a japanese heavy server. 1 character per account ...thats another complaint...having to pay more to try a diff path in an online rpg...very silly anyway i decided to post some of my other online adventures...ill make a new post more fitting
  18. Huh ? what is everyone talking about ..those designs look a little too modern for my tastes..why does shin look so old now..unless hes supposed to be...whats with the point nose and small eyes ..bleh new anime design = bad my avatar = how shin SHOULD look
  19. too bad the character designs are awful and ruin the original
  20. anyone notice that top destroid has a sign saying mari ijima =)
  21. I see these shirts all day long ..i work at LAX. Soon you notice some of these are actual common brands like the bettie blues shirts Oh by the way in china town LA theres a viet restruant called.....i kid you not "My Dung"
  22. Just incase no one has seen it yet heres a review from ign .com http://ps2.ign.com/articles/456/456372p1.html apparently not only are the reviews really good...it seems you can switch between tv and movie mode...movie mode being teh hard mode check out this picture ......where you choose between both modes ( btw if this has been posted before sorry ..im not going through 27 pages of posts to find out =p)
  23. Is this the area where i write how lame the movie really is and its overated or the area where i say "yea it was good /shrug" I first saw Akira 1989 ...i was 10ish . I was blown away , at 10 i knew anime was different then american animation. Back then getting ahold of anime was very hard especially at that age. Blah blah blah..... This movie is incredible...the story is top notch, i never had any problem even at ten understanding it. The way the story music and visual collide together is what makes a movie and this movie is perfect.....The soundtrack IS the greatest cinema soundtrack ever made. The movie flows perfectly and people always tend to have a problem with the lack of action in the middle half of the film... a problem i dont understand. I think people are jaded with anime.
  24. awww cmon guys....start a character on eclipse =( look for shadowplay
  25. Same haircut please...and use an 80s artist ...not one of these boring "lets make everything as angular and ugly as we can " wannabee artist
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