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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. aye ive found em ...now i want to take down jets at mach 3 I wonder since ps3 will have a HD, would it be possible to "mod" a game like AC using any form of program trickery or is modding any game that plays directly off a dvd impossible? I woud love a macross mod of these games FYI zero is for ps2 however Namco has mentioned recently that they are working on a ps3 AC.....oh man i cant wait to fly over fully detailed cities with little people running around below
  2. I just played through ac4 for teh first time ( currently stuck on last stage). I loved it so much i went out and grabbed 5. I know it wont be there and i know its not really a fighter but i would love if they added the blackbird and the experimental xb-70 as secret jets...just fo fun
  3. go to mandarake in nakano easily get there by taken the main jr line that goes through the central tokyo districts and then taking another line from that...only takes 2-3 stopes off teh central line....its up near ikebukuro mandarake is found in Nakano Broadway about 100 feet from teh station but it might be confusing teh first time as it is on store but seperated into about 8 seperate themed stores all with teh four story "mall" Also it doesnt open until 11 am so dont go too early Nakano broadway has a TON of great places to eat at...i wish i could remember teh name of the small ramen shop thats close to teh mcdonalds there...best ramen i ever had
  4. now with 4% more sting!!!
  5. I was just about to post about this site but searched mw if anyone had first. I came across ARC while searching for references for a japanese ww2 zero fighter im working on right now. What a great source for aircraft and sci modelers too. maybe i should join the forums over there and ill post my zero there when its done.
  6. I dont know if this was ever posted here but heres another fun scale model taken up ten notches 1/20 battleship Also the site that linked to that had some really nice 1/350 and 1/200 ships in its gallery Ship model page
  7. Depends on the situation. Most of these are one time. Most of the makers are not in it to make lots of money. Most do it because they are fans and they want to give their fellow fans a unique piece of art. Some do it for the money, but I gotta think that the $$$ are not enough to feed your family. I know for a fact that Mike could be making lots more by doing some other projects. Correct me if I'm wrong Mike, but I think you are doing this just because you love Macross and you love big scales! 361306[/snapback] oh i wasnt trying to imply that it was for money im well aware why these guys do what they do. i was just trying to indirectly say "im poor i cant afford this awesome stuff right now do you guys save your molds or whatnot and /or ever plan to do another release of them" trust me i dread missing out on this monster right now
  8. Ok i have a question: You guys who have recently been making a ton of original scratch built models based on lesser known mecha / aircraft save your molds? You guys have been making some incredible stuff.....the ghost , 72 monster, spiderbug, 72 regult and zen pilots, the fighter pods, the battleship, and a few others. Someone should make a post compiling the original macross world models. Anyway i was wondering do you guys save yoru molds so you can make more in the future and sell them or are these all one time releases? i cant wait to see the finished monster , i cant afford one at this time but maybe in the future if you do another batch of releases i would def want to pick one up. I also want to get into scratch building i know its an expensive hobby i was thinking of starting out on the little transport jeeps.
  9. Well, he isn't wearing any clothes, so he is actually dickless with a lump there instead... If I were running that company, his cock would hang to his mid thigh, and would light up... Just like mine (I actually have this flashlight trick for parties where I light up my scrotum and touch it against people). 360351[/snapback] No way ...take a closer look , it appears he has an Inner cock like a dog...so when he gets in heat his pink friend slides out ...i think thats very beast like..bravo Maybe it comes out when mystique shows herself
  10. While i agree that the gamecube is very underated the next statement baffles me. Isnt this what you are doing everytime you go see a movie, read a good book or well... look at someone elses painting in a museaum that wasnt created by you. Its art, and games just do it on a more interactive level. As for megaman i love the original and x but lately megaman makes no sense to me, it seems theres a new one every week and i dont like the newer 3d megamans or the pokemon gba megamans. I also dont like how recent megamans including the new zx have taken on the digi/pokemon look in teh artwork.
  11. I love art books.....i dropped 300 bucks to own The Sky which was basically amanos work for ff 1-10 other then that i have a ton of art books , my fav artist being amano and mikimoto Elvenz by mikimoto is a must have filled to teh brim with beautiful artwork
  12. star wars galaxies is dead
  13. superfuzz!! Ernest Borgnine + super powers + giant bubblegum = first rate movie
  14. LOL EXO i just realized you live only a few blocks away from me i live right across from the lakewood mall
  15. Uh Oh ...people fighting with eachother over dungeons and dragons the geekmometer just hit a whopping 112 degrees
  16. Im not sure what movie you guys went to go see but i saw king kong and it was damn awesome Not for nothing but ive seen the original many times from when i was a wee lad until now...sorry nostalgia and respect are what make the original hold up so well , cmon the story and acting in the original was downright cheesy Yea of course the dinosaur stampede defied logic....and because of that it was awesome. Why? Well probably because this is a story filled with dinosaurs and giant apes. I love when people look for realistic nuances in a movie that is designed to be a spectacle. Lots have said the boat scene dragged...not sure why i felt it built tension, especially since we already know what was going to happen for the last 80 years. It made the whole thing alot more ominous. I thought it was 3 hours perfect , wouldnt want it any shorter. A+
  17. One of the funniest episodes...the seamonkeys "for some reason he told me i had to close my eyes and suck it out of a hose"
  18. Some new sketches Oh and it appears VP2 wont be the only game... "A remake of the original title with extra scenes tying it to its sequel, extra movies, and recreated in 16:9 widescreen. "
  19. Here we go Afterburner Climax
  20. i also love this game...this to me equates to ART ....theres very little to do in teh game besides kill the collosi however the experience and feel of teh world is in itself something some people enjoy doing , theres plenty of little hidden areas and temples that exist solely for the reason of finding and exploring, its not something i would want to just play all the time but its something i have already felt like going back and experiencing just for teh feel and atmosphere of it soc was originally going to be a follow up to ico but it was decided instead to be a completely new story that was related to ico only in feel and atmosphere i have gone back and fought the same collosus multiple times just for the sheer thrill, these things are huge and the way they move , are animated and look they are freightening and amazing and alive and its enjoyable to see and climb and take them down even after youve done it The soundtrack is awesome especially the opening theme
  21. ok ive been playing the new combat revamp on teh test servers for the last few days... first the bad : The "twitch" needs to be worked on alot, its hard to aim because when you are strafing its so jerky due to teh way your characters walks when going left or right all they need to do is add true fps strafing and maybe a gun barrel view seperating crafting and combat classes was just a very dumb move, people do not want to be forced into one style of gameplay, if soe gets wise they will dump the trader class and instead let all of the 8 other classes choose a secondary crafting skill out of the 9 crafting choices Only 9 classes? Another bad move, right now there is very little difference save weapons and small ability difference between the classes, get wise and at least up it to 12-14 classes. You should have multiple paths you can climb within a class to differentiate between one and the other....if you are a bounty hunter at end game there should be bounty hunters who are better at hand to hand combat while others may have aimed towards more stealth. Jedi 24/7.....teh annoying unlocked jedi were bad enough but now that you can be jedi from scratch get ready for roleplaying to be destroyed completely as 6 thousand jedi sword fight in front of you you still cant reall jump The good news: The new demo and tutorial area is GREAT , that first ten minutes of play have felt more like star wars then the last two years of the game Movement is faster and the general game seems to flow faster , quest come easier and your movement and run speed are faster The "twicth" is also faster but one problem i see with it is since you can only fire when your target lays over the mob meaning you can never really miss, this needs to be changed , you should be able to fire your weapon whenever your target is in crosshair form ( 90% of the time ) the only exception being when it becomes chat bubble or interact target. The shots should have zero effect on teh surroundigs if they miss but the act is you should be able to miss...period. Add in a true fps jump and that in itself would up the game to me another 10% so in general if they ... add a few more classes and a few seperate paths in each class give us a jedi free server for roleplayers remove trader class and let any combat class choose one of the 9 tradeskill jobs give us a TRUE fps interface , gun barrel view, a jump, better strafing movement, and being able to shoot outside the targeted area those alone would make this game amazing
  22. oh dear lord this is everything i have wanted since teh development of swg began...i might actually go back to playingmy character that has been sitting in his home for months
  23. did a search for revolution guess it wa in a non revolution post
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