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Everything posted by VF-0S FAN

  1. I just got my BT-08 Meister from hlj. Wow !!! it rocks . I got the red one since we can't choose the colour by hlj but i don't mind because I gotta buy em all Now I can order the white Mr Jazz Binaltech by toy-wave . Keep one for me Ken I'll post pics of my binaltechs and Masterpiece Prime soon PS : the red one came with a car Transformers and Autobot / Cybertron stickers. For those who got the white BT-08. Did you got the same mini gift from Takara ?
  2. What a work of art !!!
  3. I think VF-0S FAN meant the dead Gold Saints who wear Sapris(Hades armor) in the Hades chapter, like Saga, Camus, Shura, Deathmask, & Aphrodite in Sapris. Ah...! Got it. That make sense. Anyway, HLJ has Wyvern Radamanthys up for pre-order (with 5% discount). This time, it is under sci-fi instead of the figures section. Exactly what I meant mpchi and thanks question for the info but I always order Binaltechs and Myth Cloth saint by hlj
  4. 5 finger discount? Actually, I work for Nintendo France as a salesman. I love my job
  5. oh my god Can't wait for the Spectre Gold Saints. Good work Golgoth 13
  6. Merci Golgoth 13 . Where do you get the information ? Any pic ? Thanks my French compatriote
  7. I will get mine for free... guess why
  8. Thanks Neova. Now, the one I wait for is Focker's VF-0S in big scale . Come on Yamato Guys
  9. That's all folks
  10. Hi guys. My first pics
  11. Me too. Nothing but Economic Girlie men at Hasbro. I can't wait for this movie and I trust Spielberg not disappoint us...
  12. I want my 1/48 VF-0S !!! Guess why ?
  13. Hi guys the repaint of Tracks ( BT-11) will be Ravage !!! a bot mode with a cat head www.tfkenkon.com
  14. non transformable = GX-04 S Grendizer of the soc line by Bandai transformable = 1/48 Yamato VF-1S + strike armour, Masterpiece Optimus Prime and Binaltech
  15. Transformers 20th Anniversay line : Binaltech + Masterpiece
  16. I think that th non gold saint could be the bronze with their latest cloth in Hades chapters
  17. Hopefully Dohko as Libra or Saga as Gemini for the ? Gold Saint but anyway, i'll buy them all
  18. I really can't wait for a BIG Yamato toy for this thanks for the scan G
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