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Everything posted by VF-0S FAN

  1. My tastes must seem limited to all of you but I only like S valkyries ( it's also good for the bank account ) So I really prefer the VF-1S rather than the VF-0S in Fighter mode but in Battroid Mode that's totally the opposite and in Gerwalk mode ,I like both
  2. Hi wasabi I've just ordered the GX-02 R from hlj.com and of course it's worth buying cause I only own 1 SOC so far : the best, the awesome GX-04 S Grendizer ! . Actually, there are improvements which are detailed at hlj and I advise you to have a look there and you 'll make up your mind : 2 GX-01 ? 2 GX-02 ?
  3. I was even to meet Kevin Lam from Valkyrie-Exchange ( I felt so enthusiastic ) but unfortunately, he had something like an audit when I was in LA from 05/12/03 to 05/19/03 à Max : je voudrais bien t'aider mais chui trop nul, saches que t'as au moins mon soutien
  4. Don't worry 007-vf1 B) Thanks to macrossworld.com, I noticed there was also interesting French sites but I still love America ( I've been to New York for my studies and I attended the Los Angeles 2003 Electronic Entertainment Expo : E3 the world largest video games show )
  5. I wonder what Prime looks like when you watch him from behind : a big hole on the back ?
  6. I did not know all that ( perhaps cos I live so far...). So you mean that Toynami managed to sell some of them at 3000 $ in spite of their poor quality ? ok I gonna buy an army of 30 "1/48 yammies" instead of 1 superscale
  7. Hello Is anyone lucky and wealthy enough to own one or all of those suckers ?
  8. Guys, just look at carefully the position of the wheels on Masterpiece Prime as a robot and as a truck, then we can guess the transformation will be a bit different from the 1980 's G1. We'll have to turn its waist at 180 °...
  9. A "TheFrenchOne" Selon ce qu'a rapporté Graham, le VF-1S d'Hikaru bénéficiera des améliorations portées sur le VF-1A de max et le Low visibility... Chui ok avec toi au sujet des chtites mains; c'est pas pour rien que Yamato a équipé le proto de VF-1J de palluches bien imposantes Sinon, qu'est-ce que l'armure Meltran ? Tu peux m'envoyer un cliché?
  10. Salut les bouffeurs de grenouilles et de fromage et oui, je suis Français moi aussi : je ne possède que le VF-1S à l'echelle 1/48 mais je crois que je vais craquer pour celui d'Hikaru en attendant 1 VF-0S 1/48 d'où mon pseudo En tout cas, je constate qu'il ya beaucoup de timides... Si vous voulez me connaître un peu aller voir mon profil @+ et Allons enfants de la patrie...
  11. Hi guys Black Ace has the answer... According to him this helmet made by Yamato will only be available for Japanese buyers through e-mail orders
  12. Watch out Prime cause you'll be Mine !!!
  13. Hello ladies and guys 1/48 = 1 But I think it's the beginning of a long lasting collection... and I will have to work night and day to be able to afford them
  14. Hi I'm a new French member. I want this awesome 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S and I will get it !!!
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