hlj.com has a picture of Masterpiece Optimus Primes's packaging : and what do you see on the left down corner ? MP-1 which means that there will be at least another Masterpiece : Megatron ?
Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait ...
I heard that future Binaltechs should be a Jeep Wrangler as Trailbreaker or Hound and a Chevy Corvette as Bluestreak...
A repaint Binaltech ? A good idea for Takara to lower the production costs like for G1 Transformers but I really want different cars
I agree and I don't think the 20 dollars price is realistic because Hasbro's Alternator Smokescreen is already available in Hong Kong for 30 dollars ...
I'd like to see something extreme like a 1/48 Yamato Jetfire. I saw 1/60 ones which were awesome so in a bigger scale ... with red strike fast packs : waoh !!!
C'est joli mais je n'achète pas un jouet pour son emballage ... j'ai fait la bêtise une fois avec le Masterpiece VF-1S de Toynami alors quand la version 1/48 de Yamato est sortie je l'ai acheté direct
For those who still don't understand French I just told TheFrenchOne that I dont' buy a toy for the beauty of its box any more since I did it once with a Veritech from Toynami before I discovered the new 1/48 Macross line from who you know . However, I must admit that the Yamato's new boxes are nicer than the first black ones