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Everything posted by BuzzLightYear

  1. My wish list: 1) 1/48 VF-1D 2) 1/48 GPB 3) DYRL SDF-1 4) new sculpt VF-19
  2. As much as I enjoy the work of the directors listed so far, I feel there are a few more directors worth mentioning. 1) Jean-Luc Godard 2) Andreo Tarkovsky 3) Tsai Ming-Liang 4) Krzysztof Kieslowski 5) Federico Fellini 6) Ingmar Bergman 7) Werner Herzog :-)
  3. just watched the fan subbed version... my guess is that Edgar brings the VF-1 to Shin or Roy in the 5th episode...
  4. Yes, gluing it back is a better solution. Thanks for the advice guys!
  5. In the end, I just pasted a piece of double sided tape on the panel and just stuck it back... good as new??
  6. you can sort of see the dried glue on the panel...
  7. the wing panel exposed....
  8. you can see it just came out like this...
  9. Was posing the Low Vis in gerwalk mode when I noticed that one of the panels on the left wing looked like it could be opened. I realised that the glue on one of the panels of the wings had just 'dried' out... and that the panel just simply dropped out. This is the panel...
  10. Check out this online review of the comic. http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/revi...34021036268.htm The artist's name is Jorge Lucas. Interesting points from the review about the artwork, "his Sentinel designs are a little strange. Sure, they look great, but I was under the impression that these were supposed to be older versions of the giant robots and these have a futuristic look to them." Maybe the reviewer had not seen Eva before, or was aware that the artist/colourist totally copied the original designs from elsewhere.
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