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Fade Rathnik

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Everything posted by Fade Rathnik

  1. I don't really post much more of a lurker there. Name is the same, I post here more often. That and I am part of the Macross Aria project.
  2. Considering the pre docked arms of the Macross were originally designed to function as fighter bays. I would say that the tactic of splitting up the fighter and ship force to secure a larger area. Perhaps use one of the ARMDs in a scout or power projection role. Notes on the design state that it originally includes provisions for a fold system. Think about it, instant flanking maneuver.
  3. Had a feeling that you were on these boards too Brand-X. You do such good work over at HLP I am glad to see it here.
  4. I bet the 19 is still the standard with the N.U.N. Air Force as some have observed before
  5. That is a sweet lid,... Could you do a 3 view of it I might make you a 3d render of it for fun at some point. I like how you moved the HUD into the helmet, removes some serious point of reference issues with it being projected onto the canopy.
  6. After poking around I found the 1000 meter per second is fairly consistent of all the standard performance rounds in the military currently. Only gun i could find in the 3000 range that has been fielded is the stratosphere gun And they don't use those any more in favor of missiles. So that puts macross weapons pumping out their rounds at 3 times the velocity of their real world counter parts. Not totally surprising considering the advanced materials.
  7. well you could make a gerwalk with a static leg position and thrust vectoring... But i know the real trouble with something like that would be keeping it upright being top heavy and all.
  8. Well the gravity control would also have to counteract the forces of acceleration. Considering the speed at witch the Macross can move. Think about the ending of Frontier when M Frontier sucker punched M Galaxy. Imagine being a crewman inside that arm, there would have to be some type of pocket of controlled gravity. Besides it's already cannon that they can do complex gravitational fields while in a gravity well just watch DYRL, after Hikaru and Misa get picked up
  9. Looks like they are wearing some kind of pussified version of the Crysis nano suit
  10. Well with a name like supervision and having both Protoculture and Zent in their ranks... Strikes me as that they were the force that maintained order within the Zents, till they got taken over of course
  11. Wow this is so weird, That place has been my start page for over a year and I found it through this site. I guess it helps to re-reference stuff.
  12. Well if you took the VF-25 and ditched the shield i am sure you could mount a third engine back there too.
  13. IAD's you tube
  14. I always though that was one of the coolest and most insane moves I've ever seen, but I always thought he had to do it because he was switching the wings around? Oh btw how are the remote SV-51s doing these days, any new insane maneuvers that you've pulled off?
  15. So I know its been asked around before, I ran a search but I have a more specific question. The secondary engines of the VF-4, I know there are no official stats on them; however i am trying to get a ball park of what the true thrust of a VF-4 with all engines burning. I reason its some kind of plasma rocket. In order to impart the VF-4 with a competitive thrust to weight ratio with a standard load you would only need a rocket that pumps out a little over a third the power of the of the rockets they slapped on the back of the VF-1. Basically each of those behemoths in a fast pack pump out 120,000 kg of thrust but they have to compensate for all the extra weight so they pull a 6:1ish ratio out of the thing. So I figured if competitive is meeting or slightly exceeding the VF-1 w/FAST pack, then that thrust to weight ratio is what i needed to ball park it from. So using Mr.Marches benchmark for take off weight I figure the VF-4 comes in at around 20 mt, well that if my math is right requires 120,000 kg of thrust to get 6:1. The turbines on a VF-4 pump out a total of 28,000 kg, so that means you only need to add 92,000 kg or rather 46,000 kg for each. I'd make it 50,000 just to it could out pace a VF-1S. So I ask is this a fair assumption as long as I don't quote it as official?
  16. Nah it's from an on going personal project that may or may not ever get done.
  17. I know that this isn't totally important as the Prometheus could submerge, but isn't she is drafting a wee bit deep.
  18. So I'm a little out of practice but I can model, this is and unfinished peice bout 4 years sense i touched it I'd be willing to brush up and get back to it for something like this
  19. Is it supposed to look like its missing one of the canards?
  20. I don't think it was ever on the VF-1 on the school just in the legend of zero.
  21. This is very true but I still wonder if that could be counted as the actions of a whole fleet or just Galaxy Anonymous. The only way they could have lost without a doubt is if they were locked out of using the Varja network to piggy back on, and Grace showed they could really be any where. They just mind control any hapless implanted sod they need. That's the great thing about this villain, even though this was a tactical defeat of major proportions, it's a strategic victory. They likely have all the data they need to take any queen if the can get to it, giving them any Varja under her control. They'll show up again.
  22. The one I really want is from Alto's and Brera's arial fight ep 13
  23. I think you are on to something as the emotion index was something Grace was often checking when studying Ranka. I think its more combined though, as in strong emotional connections lead to sympathetic fold waves. This appears to be able to create a telepresent state not unlike the cyberspace demonstrated in Macross F. We do not understand to what degree Galaxy had mastered fold quartz, Frontier was getting the hang of its use for communications, travel, and weapons. If i were to guess galaxy had already mastered its use for communication and begun using it in beam weapons. For all we know they could have already mastered putting a human into cyberspace with no implants by using fold quartz based equipment. Hence Ranka being able to use the VF-27 cockpit and grace being able to manipulate Ranka when she was aboard Galaxy.
  24. The proportions look right for the scale, i think that the tail is a bit too long though.
  25. Well ultimately we don't know if it does or doesn't have a fold drive sense the only external fold drive its been seen with is a new type. We all know what advantages the new boosters have and its been seen in fold space without a drive. I think its ultimately better to say that its inconclusive weather there is a traditional fold drive internally. Although it would make sense for a strike fighter like the VF-27, I am kinda leaning tword it not being there. All the small scale fold drives we've seen so far have parts that are covered by a transparent material and tend to glow when active. The VF-27 has nothing on the fighter that looks like it could be a fold system, but with those extra engines it likely has the room and power to have one. I do ultimately think Antares Squadron was on the Dulfim and that the whole first attack story arc was a stunt to drag Frontier into a war and sneak Antares Squadron onto Frontier. At the end of the battle they just piggy backed with the Dulfim.
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