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  1. Translation of their own is impossible in Google but this than you created a decent signature site. It is at the address below. これよりまともな署名サイト作成したけど翻訳がGoogleで自分は無理なの。 下のアドレスにあります。
  2. https://www.change.org/p/マクロス-のリメイクや続編を熱望-ガンダムやエヴァンゲリオンを超えた名作の誕生に期待 翻訳し直してほしい! I want you to translate again! English translation 中国的翻译 愛され続けてまもなく40年が経とうとしている一大コンテンツ《マクロス》シリーズ。先日はNHK-BSでも特集番組が2本放送されました。また、今年(2019年)は河森正治監督のプロデビュ40周年という記念の年ともなります。 いま、《マクロス》が盛り上がっています。 この記念すべき年だからこそ、河森監督にマクロスのリメイク作品を撮ってもらいたい。続編を創っていただきたい。令和という新しい時代の“新しいマクロス”を観たい! これは既存作品のリメイク、続編の制作を要望する署名ページです。 署名の仕方は簡単。ページ下部の『今すぐ賛同』をタップするだけとなっています。 ※この署名は5月31日から東京ドームで開催される『河森正治EXPO』で河森監督、もしくは関係者の方に直接渡す予定です。 〈本文〉 【マクロスの魅力】 変形するメカ、ストーリーを彩る「歌」、そして、三角関係によるラブストーリー…。さらに、宇宙を背景にした迫力ある戦闘シーンや臨場感ある歌唱シーンなど、映像の美しさとクオリティの高い音楽も多くのファンを魅了してきました。 私自身のマクロスファン歴は40年。小学生1年生のときに「超時空要塞マクロス」に出会ったのが始まりです。リン・ミンメイと一条輝、早瀬未紗の三角関係に、ゼントラーディ軍との戦闘…まだ幼い子どもだったのにワクワクして観ていました! また、リン・ミンメイの歌も感動的でした。 そのほか好きな作品は「マクロス7」。熱気バサラとミレーヌ・フレア・ジーナスの戦場で歌う姿に、20歳の自分はマジでドキドキ。「これぞマクロスの王道!」だと思いました。 マクロスにハマり、関連イベントにも参加していました。そのとき、キャラクターデザインの美樹本晴彦先生やリン・ミンメイ役の飯島真理さんとも知り合いました。10年前の某イベントでは、河森正治先生にリメイクに関する署名活動について直接話せそうな機会にも恵まれましたが、当時はご多忙だったようで実現しませんでした。 【オリジナルメンバーでのリメイクや続編を!】 今回の署名は10年ぶりのリベンジです。 河森監督やコンセプトデザイナーである宮武一貴先生は「非公式や二次創作含めてを《マクロス》である」と公言しています。しかし、やはり監督の世界観を交えた映像として、「『監督のマクロス』を観たい!」というのがファンの願いではないでしょうか。私もまた監督の意を汲んだ上でのマクロスの続編を強く望んでいます。また、可能な限りスタッフもキャストも過去作品のオリジナルメンバーで作っていただきたいと願っています。 【全投票結果から見える過去作品のスゴさ】 5月4日の「全マクロス投票」ではおよそ1か月に及ぶ投票により、「作品」「キャラクター」「メカ」「歌」ごとの投票結果が発表され、この番組により《マクロス》がいまだ多くのファンに支えられていることを知らされました。 投票結果から見えてくるのは、《リン・ミンメイ》(4位)や《ロイ・フォッカー》(6位)など初代「超時空要塞マクロス」のキャラがいまだ高い人気を誇っていること。一方、1994年放送の「マクロス7」の熱気バサラは堂々の2位。過去の作品も現代の作品と並び、愛され続けているのです。 参考:投票結果(抜粋) <出典:全マクロス大投票(NHK) https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ ■ アニメ作品 1位 マクロスF 2位 超時空要塞マクロス愛・おぼえていますか 3位 マクロス7 4位 劇場版マクロスF 〜サヨナラノツバサ〜 5位 超時空要塞マクロス <投票結果:アニメ作品https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■キャラクター 1位 シェリル・ノーム 2位 熱気バサラ 3位 ランカ・ロー 4位 シェリル・ノーム 5位 カナメ・バッカニア 6位 リン・ミンメイ <投票結果:キャラクターhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■メカ 1位 YF-19 2位 VF-1S バルキリー(フォッカー機) 3位 YF-29 デュランダル(アルト機) 4位 VF-19改 エクスカリバー“熱気バサラスペシャル” 5位 VF-1S ストライクバルキリー(フォッカー機) <投票結果:メカhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■歌 1位 愛・おぼえていますか <by リン・ミンメイ(飯島真理)> 2位 ライオン <byシェリル・ノーム starring May’n/ランカ・リー(中島愛)> 3位 突撃ラブハート <by Fire Bomber> 4位 星間飛行 <byランカ・リー(中島愛)> 5位 サヨナラノツバサ〜the end of triangle <by シェリル・ノームstarring May’n/ランカ・リー(中島愛)> <投票結果:歌https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series 【制作にはあのヒットメーカーも】 「超時空要塞マクロス」の制作には「エヴァンゲリオン」の庵野秀明監督も携わっています。また、スピーディでアクオバティックな演出で“板野サーカス”と呼ばれる迫力あるシーンで知られる板野一郎先生は《マクロス》の前には「機動戦士ガンダム」を制作。 《ガンダム》の二番煎じと揶揄される《マクロス》ですが、じつは日本を代表するアニメーターが参加して作られた、《ガンダム》にも劣らない名作なのです。 【さまざまなリメイクが考えられる《マクロス》の世界】 40年間新しい世界観での展開を続けてきた《マクロス》シリーズですが、それぞれの作品の“その後”にはあまり触れられず、過去作品を過去作品として置いているような状況です。 また、各作品、最後まではっきりとした結末が描かれていないこと、余韻をもたせていることもヒットの要因ではあるとは思います。そして、これが逆に続編を作りやすい状況であることも確かです。 だからこそリメイクしてほしい! 現代の技術を駆使した美しい映像で一条輝とリン・ミンメイ、早瀬未沙の恋模様やバルキリーの戦闘を観たい! 「マクロス7」のハートのあるロック魂よ、再び! 続編に関しては「超時空要塞マクロス Flash Back2012」のその後や、「マクロスF」でより濃く描写されていた恋の行方など、アンサー作品が求められるモノは多々あります。 また、たとえば「マクロスFB7 オレノウタヲキケ!」での「マクロス7」と「マクロスF」のコラボレーションのように“コラボレーション”というカタチでの新作というのも面白いかもしれません。 【河森正治EXPOについて】 河森正治の展示会『河森正治EXPO』が2019年5月31日から東京ドームシティで開催されます。この展示会も我々の背中を押してくれます。 ■歌と変形で世界を変えた“奇才”河森正治40年の足跡 マクロス、アクエリオン、そして未来へ【河森正治EXPO】 原作、監督、脚本、絵コンテ、メカデザインまでこなす“奇才”河森正治。 プロデビュー40周年を記念して、これまで携わった作品のデザイン画、絵コンテ、アイデアノートなど数百点以上を大集結! 河森正治ならではの独創的な新作映像などを展示します。 ・会場:東京ドームシティ Gallery AaMo(ギャラリーアーモ)     東京都文京区後楽1-3-61 ・日時:2019年5月31日(金)〜6月23日(日)10:00〜20:00     ※期間中毎週月曜10:00〜19:00     ※最終入場は閉場の30分前     ※5月31日(金)は13時開場 ・前売券(税込): ■入場券:¥1,800/音声ガイド付き:¥2,600  ※「K-40ドームシアター」の観覧は出来ません。 ■K-40ドームシアター付き入場券:¥2,200/音声ガイド付き:¥3,000  ※「K-40ドームシアター」が鑑賞できる入場券です。 ■【前売のみ】限定豪華グッズ付き入場券:¥27,000(音声ガイド付き)  ※限定豪華グッズ付き入場券は前売りのみの販売です<数量限定>  ※「K-40ドームシアター」が鑑賞できる入場券です。 <出典:河森正治EXPO https://kawamoriexpo.jp/s/ex01/?ima=2608 【署名は河森監督に手渡しします】 もちろん私は『河森正治EXPO』に行きます、そして、この署名を直接監督、もしくは関係者の方に手渡しする予定です。 NHKでの特集番組の放送に『河森正治EXPO』。《マクロス》のリメイクや新作を作れる状況は、これ以上ないほどに整っています。いまがチャンスなのです! ガンダムやエヴァンゲリオンを超える名作を作っていただきたい! そのための第一歩となるのがこの署名です。 ページ下部の追跡型ボタン『今すぐ賛同』をタップして、令和の“新しいマクロス”を一緒に実現しませんか? Large content "Macros" series that 40 years are going to pass soon after being loved. The other day, two special programs were broadcast on NHK-BS. In addition, this year (2019) also marks the anniversary of Shoji Kawamori's 40th anniversary of the pro debut. Now, Macross is in full swing. I would like Kawamori to take Macross remakes for this commemorative year. I would like you to create a sequel. I would like to see the new era of "new Macross" of Dewa! This is a signature page requesting remakes of existing works and production of sequels. How to sign is easy. Just tap "Now buy" at the bottom of the page. ※ This signature will be handed over to Kawamori or related persons at Shoji Kawamori EXPO, which will be held at Tokyo Dome from May 31st. <Text> [The attraction of Macross] Mechas that deform, "songs" that color the story, and love stories by triangular relations. Furthermore, the beauty of the film and the high-quality music have attracted many fans, such as a powerful battle scene against the backdrop of the universe and a lively singing scene. My own history of Macross is 40 years. It was the beginning when I met "Super Space Fortress Macross" in the first grade of elementary school. In the triangular relationship between Lin Min Mei and Ichijo Teru, and Hayase Miyu, the battle with the Zentraj army ... I was excited to see even though I was still a young child!In addition, the song by Lin Min Mei was also inspiring. Another favorite work is "Macros 7". At the age of 20, she was serious and thrilled to sing on the battlefield of hot air Basara and Milene Flare Genus. I thought, "This is the royal road of Macross!" I was addicted to Macross and also participated in related events.At that time, I also met Mr. Haruhiko Mikimoto, who is character design, and Mari Iijima, who plays the role of Lynn Minmei. Ten years ago at the Kizuna event, I was blessed with the opportunity to let Mr. Shoji Kawamori talk directly about the remake signature activity, but at the time it was too busy to be realized. [Remake and sequel to the original member! ] This signature is a revenge for the first time in 10 years. Director Kawamori and concept designer Kazuki Miyatake have declared that "Informal and secondary creation is" Macros ".However, it is still a fan's wish that “I want to watch“ Director's Macross ”!” As a video with director's view of the world. I also strongly hope for the sequel to Macross on the mind of the director. In addition, I would like to have staff and cast as much as possible be made with original members of past works. [Sgoes of past work seen from all the poll results] In the "All Macross Ballot" on May 4, the ballot results for "work", "character", "mecha" and "song" are announced by voting for about one month, and "Macros" is still much by this program I was informed that I was supported by a fan. The results of the poll show that characters from the first "Super Space Fortress Macross" such as "Lin Min Mei" (4th) and "Roy Focker" (6th) are still very popular. On the other hand, the hot air Basara of "Macros 7" broadcasted in 1994 is the second place in the hall. Past works are also loved along with contemporary works. Reference: Poll results (excerpt) <Source: All Macross Major Votes (NHK) https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ ■ Anime work 1st place Macross F Do you remember the 2nd place super space-time fortress Macross love ・ 3rd place Macross 7 4th Movie version Macross F ~ Sayonara no Tsubasa ~ 5th place: Macross <Vote results: anime work https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■ Character 1st Cheryl Nome 2nd place hot air Basara Rank 3 Ranka Lo 4th Cheryl Nome 5th place Kaname ・ Buccaneer 6th Lin Min Mei <Vote result: Character https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■ Mecha 1st place YF-19 2nd place VF-1S Valkyrie (Fokker machine) 3rd YF-29 Durandal (Alto machine) 4th place VF-19 breaks Excalibur "hot air Basara special" 5th place VF-1S strike Valkyrie (Fokker machine) <Vote result: mechanism https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series ■ Song # 1 Do you remember love <by Lin ・ Min Mei (Iijima Mari)> 2nd place lion <by Sheryl Nome starring May'n / Lanca Lee (Nakajima Ai)> 3rd Assault Love Heart <by Fire Bomber> 4th interstellar flight <by Langa Lee (Nakajima Ai)> # 5 Goodbye to the end of triangle <by Sheryl Nome starring May'n / Lanca Lee (Nakajima Ai)> <Vote results: song https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series [Also that hit maker for production] Evangelion's director Hideaki Kanno has also been involved in the production of the Super Dimension Fortress Macross. In addition, Ichino Itano, known for his powerful scene called "Itano Circus" with speedy and aquabatic production, produced "Mobile Suit Gundam" in front of Macross. Macross, which is considered to be the second inning of Gundam, is a masterpiece comparable to Gundam, made with the participation of an animator representing Japan. [The world of Macross where various remakes can be considered] The Macross series has been developing in a new world-view for 40 years, but it is a situation where past works have been left as past works without much mention of the “after” of each work. In addition, I think that it is also a factor of the hit that each work, the clear ending to the end is not drawn, and it has an aftertone.And it is also true that this is a situation where it is easy to make a sequel. That's why I want you to remake! I would like to see Ichijo Hikaru, Rin Min Mei, Misaki Hayase's love pattern and Valkyrie's battle with beautiful images using modern technology! Rock soul with the heart of Macross 7 again! As for the sequel, there are many things that require an answer work, such as the aftermath of Macross Flash Back 2012, and the future of love described in Macross F. In addition, it may be interesting that the new work in the form of "collaboration" like collaboration of "Macros 7" and "Macros F" in "Macros FB7 I'mnouki!", For example. [About Shoji Kawamori EXPO] Shoji Kawamori's exhibition "Shoji Kawamori EXPO" will be held from May 31, 2019 at Tokyo Dome City. This exhibition also pushes our back. ■ The “Genius” Shoji Kawamori has changed the world with songs and transformations 40 years of footsteps Macross, Aquarion, and to the future [Kawamori Shoji EXPO] The original, director, script, storyboards, and mechanical design "Kinatsu" Kawamori Masaharu. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the pro debut, we have gathered hundreds of design drawings, storyboards, idea notes, etc. of works that have been involved so far! We will exhibit original works such as the original video by Masaharu Kawamori. Venue: Tokyo Dome City Gallery AaMo (Gallery Armo) Bunkyo Ward Tokyo 1-3-1 ・ Date and time: Friday, May 31, 2019-Sunday, June 23 10:00 to 20:00 ※ Every Monday 10:00 to 19:00 during the period ※ The last entrance is half an hour before closing ※ May 31 (Fri) is open at 13 o'clock ・ Advance ticket (tax included): ■ Admission ticket: ¥ 1,800 / with audio guide: ¥ 2,600 ※ You can not view the "K-40 Dome Theater". ■ Admission ticket with K-40 dome theater: ¥ 2,200 / with audio guide: ¥ 3,000 ※ It is an admission ticket that you can appreciate "K-40 dome theater". ■ [Advance only] Admission ticket with limited luxury goods: ¥ 27,000 (with audio guide) ※ Admission ticket with limited luxury goods is sale only for advance sale <limited amount> ※ It is an admission ticket that you can appreciate "K-40 dome theater". <Source: Shoji Kawamori EXPO https://kawamoriexpo.jp/s/ex01/?ima=2608 [Your signature handed to Kawamori] Of course I will go to the Shoji Kawamori EXPO, and I plan to hand over this signature directly to the director or concerned parties. Shoji Kawamori EXPO for broadcasting special feature programs on NHK. The situation where you can make remakes and new works of Macross is more than perfect. Now is your chance! I want you to make a masterpiece that exceeds Gundam and Evangelion! This signature is the first step for that. Won't you realize the "new Macross" of Deiwa together by tapping the tracking type button "Now buy" at the bottom of the page? 大型内容 “Macros” 系列 ,40年 后很快就会 被爱 。 前几天, NHK - BS 播出了两个 特别 节目 。 此外, 今年 (2019) 将 是 川守商事监管 Purodebyu 40 周年纪念 的一年 。 现在, 超时空要塞 正在崛起 。 我希望川森在 这个纪念年度里 重拍超时空骑。 我希望你能创作一部续集。 我想看看Dewa的“新超时空要塞”的新时代! 这是 一个签名页面,要求 重新制作现有作品和 续集的 制作 。 如何签名很容易 。 只需 点 按页面底部的 “立即购买”即可 。 ※ 此签名将于5月31日在东京巨蛋举行的 Shoji Kawamori EXPO 交付给 Kawamori或相关人员 。 <文本> [超时空要塞的吸引力] 变形的机甲 ,为故事 着色 的 “歌曲”,以及三角关系的 爱情故事。 此外, 如唱歌的场面战斗场面和逼真的这层意思,是强大的,这是对宇宙, 还有视频 的美丽和高品质音乐 的背景 吸引了大量的球迷。 我自己的 超时空要塞历史是40年。 这 是我在 小学一 年级遇到“超级太空堡垒超时空间”的 开始 。 在Lin Min Mei和 Ichijo Teru以及Hayase Miyu之间的三角关系中,与Zentraj军队的战斗......我很 高兴看到即使我 还是个小孩子 ! 此外,林敏梅的这首歌也令人鼓舞。 另一个 最喜欢的作品是“Macros 7”。 在20 岁的时候,她在 Basara和Milene Flare Genus热气腾腾 的战场上唱歌时 非常认真和激动 。 我想, “这是超时空要塞的皇家之路 ! ” 我沉迷于超时空要塞, 也参与了相关活动。 在那个时候, 我遇到了饭岛真理 美树本晴彦目的地 学生和磷Minmay 角色设计 的 作用 。 十年 前在 Kizuna活动中, 我很幸运有机会让 Shoji Kawamori 先生 直接谈论重拍签名活动, 但当时它太忙而无法实现。 [原始会员的翻拍和续集! ] 这个签名是10年来第一次报复。 川守 监督, 这是一个概念设计师和树宫武 老师 一直自称是 “非正式和WO包括二次 创作的”超时空要塞“”。 然而, 与纳入监管的世界观的静止图像, 因为 “我想看” 超时空要塞的导演 “!” 是或不希望风扇。 我也 有一个强烈的愿望续集超时空 上,吸引了导演的注意。 另外, 我想 尽可能地 与过去作品的原始成员 一起 制作 工作人员和演员 。 [从所有民意调查结果中看到的过去工作的结果 ] 通过 “全超时空要塞票” 在 长达约一个月 五月 4 天 的投票 ,“工作”,“人物”,“机械”,每个“歌曲”的投票结果 揭晓 , 这个节目“马 交”仍然是我被告知它得到了很多粉丝的支持 。 即将可见从投票结果 ,“林明美 ”(第4) 和 “罗伊福克”( 第6), 第一代 “超时空要塞” 之类 的字符是 仍然很受欢迎的自豪。 另一方面, 1994年播出的 “ Macros 7 ” 的热风Basara是雄伟的第二名。 过去的 工作也是当代艺术 作品和平行 的美, 它已 被 喜爱。 参考:民意调查结果(摘录) <来源: 所有超时空中主要民意调查( NHK ) https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ > ■ 动漫作品 第一名超时空要塞 F. 你还记得第二名超级时空要塞超时空要塞吗? 第三名超时空要塞7 第4部电影版Macross F ~Sayonara no Tsubasa~ 第五超级时空堡垒超时空要塞 <投票结果:动漫作品 https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series > ■性格 第1届谢丽尔诺姆 第二名热空气Basara 等级3 Ranka Lo 第四届谢丽尔诺姆 第五名Kaname·Buccaneer 林敏梅6日 <投票结果:字符 https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series > ■机甲 #1 YF-19 第二名 VF-1S Valkyrie(福克机器) 第三名 YF-29 Durandal(奥拓机器) 第四名 VF-19 休息 Excalibur“热空气Basara Special” 第五架 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie(福克机器) <投票结果:机制 https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series > ■歌曲 #1你还记得爱吗? < 由 Lynn Minmei(Makoto Iijima)> 第二名狮子< 由 Cheryl Nome 主演的May'n / Ranka Lee(爱中岛)> 第三次突击爱心   < 消防轰炸机 > 第四次星际飞行< 由 Langa Lee(Ai Nakajima)> #5再见 三角结束 < 由 May'n / Lanca Lee(Nakajima Ai) 主演 的 Sheryl Nome > <投票结果:歌曲 https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ranking/?cat=series > [也是生产的热门制造商] 新世纪福音战士的导演Hideaki Kanno也参与了Super Dimension Fortress Macross的制作。 此外,Ichino Itano 以其 名为“Itano Circus”的强大场景而闻名 , 具有快速和水生 产品,在Macross前制作了“机动战士高达” 。 这是“机动战士高达”是嘲笑“超时空要塞”的老调重弹, 但 代表了日本的 Ta 其实动画的事 被创造,参与进来的杰作,是不作为“机动战士高达”为好。 [ 可以考虑 各种 重制 的超时空世界] “ 超时空要塞” 系列 已经在40年的新世界观中发展, 但 过去的作品一直 被 遗忘作为过去的作品,而没有提及 每件作品的 “ 后 ” 。 此外,每个工作, 可以不按清晰 , 后果 到最后, 我觉得 这 也就是 记住光洁度 命中的一个因素 。 而且, 它也肯定 这很 容易使 反向 续集 的局面 。 这就是为什么 我要你重拍 ! 现代 科技 在 美丽 的图像 ,充分利用 辉一乘,磷Minmay 的 , 希望看到 的爱情模式和米沙早濑的武神战! 摇滚灵魂再次与超时空要塞的核心! 然后 ,“超时空要塞闪存Back2012” 续集, 以及 如 爱 的下落, 已在 “超时空要塞 F” 被描绘暗 ,东西回答工作需要有很多种。 此外,例如 ,“超时空要塞 FB7 Orenoutawokike!” 为了 “超时空要塞 7” 与 “超时空要塞 F” 中的 “协作” 的 合作,它可能是有趣的是,在形式的新的工作。 [关于Shoji Kawamori EXPO ] Shoji Kawamori的展览 “Shoji Kawamori EXPO” 将于2019年5月31 日 在 东京巨蛋城举行。 这 也展 为我们按我们的背上。 ■ “Genius”Shoji Kawamori用歌曲和变形改变了世界 40 年的足迹Macross,Aquarion,以及未来[Kawamori Shoji EXPO] 原创,导演,剧本,故事板和机械设计“Kinatsu”Kawamori Masaharu。 为了纪念亲们首次亮相40周年,我们收集了数百幅迄今为止参与的作品的设计图纸,故事板,创意笔记等! 我们将展出原作,如Masaharu Kawamori的原创视频。 · 地点:东京巨蛋城 画廊AaMo(画廊Armo)     文京区,东京后乐园 1-3 -61 - 日期和时间:2019年5月 31日 (星期五) 至6月 23 日 (星期日)10:00 至 20:00      ※期间每周一 10:00 至 19:00      ※最后一个入口是关闭前半小时      ※5月 31日 (周五)13点开放 ·预售票(含税): ■门票:¥1,800 /带语音导游:¥2,600   ※您无法观看“K-40圆顶剧场”。 ■K-40圆顶剧院门票:2200日元/带语音导游:3000日元   ※是可以欣赏“K-40圆顶剧场”的入场券。 ■[仅限预售]限量奢侈品入场券:¥27,000 (带语音导览)   ※限定奢侈品的入场券仅限预售<限量>的促销   ※是可以欣赏“K-40圆顶剧场”的入场券。 < 来源: Kawamori Shoji EXPO https://kawamoriexpo.jp/s/ex01/?ima=2608 > [你的签名递给了川村] 当然我会 去 Shoji Kawamori EXPO ,我 打算 将 这个签名直接交给导演 或有关方面 。 Shoji Kawamori EXPO在 NHK 播放特别节目 。 “超时空要塞” 翻拍新 作 的 装备不更 的 情况 。 现在是你的机会! 我想让你制作超越高达和新世纪福音战士的杰作! 这个签名是第一步。 页面下的履带式按钮的一部分“现在同意”点击, 或者不实现起来RYOWA的 “新 超时空要塞”?
  3. I'm thinking of gathering signatures reanimating "original god Macross". I would like to increase the remake of my past work and to make it fun to reanimate your guess! ****** From the "Now Agree" button ****** ****** No money is required ****** ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【Request for signature】 Introduction ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Even the huge series "Macross" that everyone knows, the beginning was only 23 episodes. However, due to the realistic and innovative setting that broke through the concept of science fiction and robot animation and the shock of the story, the sales also increased to 36 episodes! In the following year after the end of the broadcast, the theater work "Super Dimension Fortress Macross Ai Do you remember?" Was also a huge huge hit. The high quality and deep psychological depictions of romantic drama are still worth seeing. I want you to remake original Macross with modern paintings! Unlike real life, there is no gap between fans' speculation! Young people are pleased with rediscovering great works. The active generation is pleased with the reunion with a wonderful work. Like 'Gegege no Kitaro' or 'Osomatsu-kun', 'Re-animation of the original Macross that "absolute audience rating rises" is indispensable! Please sign your name. Please also ask friends, acquaintances, society members on SNS for signature cooperation. If this re-animation comes true, the possibility that your proposal will be reanimated will increase! ****** From the "Now Agree" button ****** ****** No money is required ****** ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【Welcome to Macross Swamp - New Event · New Information ~】 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ① How! NHK is doing macross popularity vote. The voting period is from March 1st (Fri) in 2019 to April 21st (Sun). We will decide the number one from all works from the original Macross to the latest Macross. I will vote for the first Macross, but why do not you vote there if there is anything you guessed? If this is successful, other animations should also start popular voting! Voting period: Friday, March 1, 2019 to Sunday, April 21, Presentation: May 4, 2019 (Saturday) (Part 1) 21: 23: 30 (Part 2) 23: 45 - 24: 45 https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ ② In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the professional debut, Animation Expo directed by Kawamori Masaharu will be held in May. Director Kawamori Masaharu is an "eccentric" who performs the original work, director, script, storyboard and mecha design. It is a great opportunity if you bring a petition and will not you join us? Macross swamp is also friendly and helpful for beginners. Schedule: Friday, May 31, 2019 - Sunday, June 23, 10: 00-20: 00 Location: Tokyo Dome City Gallery Irmo Price: Admission ticket 1,800 yen (Advance ticket) 2,000 yen (same day ticket) Admission ticket with K-40 theater 2,200 yen (Advance ticket) 2,400 yen (same day ticket) https://kawamoriexpo.jp/s/ex01/?ima=5358 ③ Can not you send me "I / I would like you to make me"? Recently, whether the secondary creative industry is active or not is a guideline for animation production. · Macross second comic · Macross's second novel · Favorite places of macross · "Make this Macross!" Let's send out everyone! By communicating "I want you to make such a macros", I want you to strengthen collusion of the Macross swamp and also make it a guideline for an animation production company. Twitter tag is "# Macross Re-Animation". ****** From the "Now Agree" button ****** ****** No money is required ****** ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 【Request for signature】 Conclusion ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 35 years since "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". It is 40 years since animation "first generation Gundam". There are also many works that are no longer seen due to the old pattern. It may be the same for your work. To propagate your prophetic work again. To animate your suggested work again. I hope the goods of your work may come out again. Let's first make a flow of reanimation from original Macross. I love animation and I hope everyone involved in animation will agree with this signature. Please spread this signature activity. I would like to ask for your best regards! ****** From the "Now Agree" button ****** ****** No money is required ******
  4. Since the work of the company was accumulated after LIVE, we were late contact. The premier Macross matters were influenced by the departure of 14 o'clock, Question or performance time is short, Therefore, I had no time to tell about the signature. In addition, Mr. Haruhiko Miki who came by an official of animation Directed by Masaharu Kawamori was not going to participate, just being able to come to the department at 14 o'clock. I am very sorry for the people who sent the signature. https://www.change.org/p/初代マクロスの再アニメ化を-あの独特なキャラたちにまた会いたい-新マクロスしか知らない若い世代にもぜひ
  5. I replaced them with other images! It is something that does not catch on copyright. https://www.change.org/p/初代マクロスの再アニメ化を-あの独特なキャラたちにまた会いたい-新マクロスしか知らない若い世代にもぜひ
  6. I just posted the same content again by mistake(>_<)
  7. Urgent !! signature Wanted ☆ Ganso Macross revival of! → per Mari Iijima live Tokyo2018Summer "Be There" Platinum ticket winning, suddenly handed dared plans and the ask from Iijima's in the river forest supervision in the night of the part! Why in as much as possible until around August 20, many of you to ask for your cooperation! Now 180 people agree. https://www.facebook.com/macross.new.project/ https://twitter.com/Ani_Ma7 #MariIijima #Shinsei #Macross #MikiHimoto
  8. Do you know the first macross? Although it is the Macross series in which many TV works are produced Even though I know recent Macross series, There are also many people who have never seen the original Macross. The cornerstone of all the macross series including numerous hits, The first macross that should also be called a legend. That book's aired Those who know that it was thirty years ago, How long have you been at this time? It will surely remember if it is a real-time generation. I broke through the concept of SF and robot animation Too realistic and innovative settings and story Speaking of shock! In addition, the theater version was also big, big, big hit. The high quality and deep psychological depictions of love drama, Even now it has enough spectacular appearance. Because it is such a wonderful work, Even if it is airing now Not to mention old fans, Even if you know Macross F and others, To young people who have not seen the first generation yet, Maybe you can enjoy it with a fresh feeling. Outline of the work (I cited it): "" The Super Dimension Fortress Macross "is a sci-fi animation televised on TV from October 1982 to June 1983. Fighter, Gowalk, Variable fighter that deforms with Batroid, Valkyrie, urban space in huge battleship, huge alien with no culture, pilot and female superior officials, triangular relations with idol singer and so on, including aliens and aliens With the epic story of interstellar war of the principal axis, I drew life-sized young people. Received its popularity, the theater was released in July 1984 "Super Dimension Fortress Macross · Do you remember Love?" Is made into a movie, composed entirely of new stories, made entirely in a new work. The character setting and the mechanical setting were also renovated and drawn with more realistic setting. In addition, it is also a pioneering work of media mix that singer in the play actually issues record, and the theme song "Do You Remember Love?" singing by Iijima Mari is beyond the framework of animation fans, many It became memorable music of the people of. " ※ For those who want to know more about the first Macross Here! (Wikipedia) how is it? A new generation that does not know the first macross, too, Do not you want to see Macross that Minmay is active as well? If it is produced now, To the staff, Mr. Masaharu Kawamori, the director, In the character design, again with that beautiful style, Mikimoto Haruhiko who appeared in the animation world like a comet and breathed a life of the world. (It is not certain but it was scouted at a doujinshi event that was still rare at that time.It is a common case now, probably has not started from this time) And we can not speak without her, Lynn Minmay of the heroin, by all means, the voice actress and a singer; Mari Iijima! (She seems to have been adopted as a mincee during the university of music university.The first match with the role of Lynn Minmay cast as a voice actress for the first time, I have greatly raised this macros popularity.After that, It seems that he was living in the United States to study, but at the time it is an English version of Macross which was extremely popular in the United States, and she has been playing the voice of Lynn Minmay again! The same character, in Japanese version and overseas dubbed version Perhaps she is the only voice actress who did that. Even this alone, enough elements of sufficiently different colors and super luxuries line up. And surely we will have many legends again! Actually, last year was the 30th anniversary of Macross. One big event commemorating it "Super Spacetime Orchestral Music" It was held that there Mr. Masaharu Kawamori; the director, was also present. At that time ~ I want you to produce the sequel of the first macross ~ I was plotting to express my feelings in my petition and hand it forward. I was also seeking a signature for that ... Suddenly I could not participate in the event suddenly due to circumstances, personal delivery and pleas have been forced off. ... It is! There is a live of Mari Iijima on August 25th this year, The director Kawamori Masaharu may appear to enjoy her live I know it will come occasionally. And very luckily, we can get the premiere ticket for this live! Again, the opportunity of personal delivery visited! Mari Iijima Live in Tokyo 2018 Summer "Be There" ■ Details of the concert ■ Date and time: August 25, 2018 (Sat) 14: 00/18: 30 Twice performance (contents change partly) Location: Shibuya · Shinku Hall Price: Advance / 5,800 Days / 6,300 (All seats specified · Tax included) Works of Gundam and Macross that can not defeat recent animation I want to make it come. Whether or not, with everyone's approval, Please diffuse this page as much as you can. change.org - Re-animation of the original Macross! I want to see those unique characters again! Please do also to the young generation who only knows the new macross!
  9. Is that a long ago? The current director Kawamori should not do anything in the super-spacetime orchestra event or digital editing of the old movie Macross indeed! But since I am doing it I still have nothing to do with my first generation yet! What?
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