Hi Yammie Fans!
If it weren't for Macross World, I would have never re-kindled my passion for Macross a long while ago (Thanks Graham!!).
I feel quite fortunate that I got my 1/48's when I did a long time ago (Pics might be forthcoming as I am unpacking from a move). I think I would have liked to get a DX or two if it came out 18 years ago. The DX seems nice, The reviews that I have seen online make a very convincing argument...if you don't own a Yammie.
Do you recall the jump that Yamato made to get to 1/48 once upon a time?
To me, that was enough change and refinement to punish my wallet to shell out monies for [3] DRYL VF-1S' and [3] Gen #1 Low Viz's. I don't see that kind of jump with the DX. Yamato set a high benchmark. It seems to me that the DX is really a Yamato-plus. I probably would shell out / donate a functioning organ to get a better VF-1...
...but in order to do so, the DX needed to make a greater leap or go back in time about 18 years...