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Everything posted by Hayabusa

  1. It is possible for Yamato to make the YF-21 without a heel joint. I preety much can judge the foot flips 45 degrees at the ankle and stows away in the lower legs. Usually (on gundams...) I see them make certain models with non-moving heels and moving heels so Yamato might make it with a non-moving solid foot (given from Battroid CAD assumption).
  2. So our 1/72 VF-11 is close to a 1/60 eh? Oh well! Let's just have Yamato build it again but with more articulation then. Add some boosters, Fast pack, missiles, and a nice box and may your wallet be 'thin' for awhile. Sort of off topic, but what would you think if Yamato made the DRONE fighter jets? http://www.un-spacy-qmtdb.com/Macross%20Pl...ronefighter.htm I'd really want these little flies along with my VF-11 (If it Yamato does build one...)
  3. The color would probably look like that because of the camera flash or lighting. If you were to actually see the model at the show, I'm sure the colors are more favorable. Then again the Macross 0 Line up is almost complete right? We are just missing out the SV-51 cannon fodder colors, the VF-0D, and the Shin VF-0D. Sigh...definitely ordering a fleet of this one so I can repaint as a Russian scheme!
  4. I'm surprised to see the battroid mode CAD, but is it just me or the head is not visible? I hope it's just me. From what I can judge from that picture, the wing hinges looks very smiliar as used on the SV-51 wing. It contains another joint segment inside the wing to have it fold over once more compared to the 1/72 with only one hinge. The only thing that worries me now is the side profile of the fighter mode. I highly hope the proportions are accurate as the anime from the side view and not a really huge gap on the side with the arms visible. Bwah lol! The wing concept I had doesn't have to go on this, just an idea Eugimon so you don't have to take it too seriously. I honestly still think some extra features are nice to have with it though. Let's just play the waiting game then. So until then we can see how it turns out.
  5. I'd actually prefer any of the Ace Combat Zero schemes. Especially those camoflauge patterns or that digital pattern used on the Wyvern bird! Or just any camo job!
  6. Then again the SV-51 had some flaws right as you say? Well I hope by next year it wouldn't be like that. P.S. Love your sig, but my teacher said it was one of the best thing he flew in his days!
  7. They had BUGS on OUR SV-51!?!?! >~< No wonda dey take soooo longu! Thats good to hear they are fixing something. You wouldn't know what the bugs could be Graham? Just a guess?
  8. Ah someone who understands ! Thank you Mr March! I'm bookmarking that site too! With the idea I had, both High-speed and High-manuever mode can be done too. If I have more time later on I might fine tune the idea a little more. What I really liked about the YF-21 was during the first take off scene where the wings were shaped for that take off. The high-manuever mode I knew it was possible to make because it was just a hinge part that cants the wings downward, but the high-speed mode with the changeing wing shape was difficult at first, but after thinking I knew with some sliding parts like flaps, it was possible to draw on board. That way its hitting two birds with one stone. Both you can do the gull-wing YF-21 and the more aggressive YF-21 with slighltly bigger wings.
  9. That's very true too. Yamato is doing us a favor in making the YF-21. Anyways I thought it would take this week to get the idea on paper/computer. Here it is:
  10. Vic Mancini Yes there is a joint as to where the wing has to fold during transformation. My idea was combing a fowler flap-like mechanism to the tip of the wings only. So the wing still has a segment to fold in, but the tip area and the main wing areas are made to slide outward for the high=speed mode. That way you don't have to just bend the wing segment down for a cheap high-speed effect, but rather a more 'morhping-like' feature. Tell you what, I'm gonna just start sketching B&W drawings and an exploded diagram (I don't have scanner like anyone, but I'll do it good. Give me maybe around this week.)
  11. Sorry no pics, but how Bandai did it was they took an aluminum strip with a ring hole at the bottom (for the screw to attach to the main wings), and they coated the strip with rubber shaped like a feather. So this enabled you to 'bend' the feathers as you like, but constant moving of the feathers led to the aluminum strip to wear and snap.
  12. Rubber? No no no no no ! I had nightmares with those rubber feather with that small aluminum insert and tabs! (I do have one, but sadly the insert held to the screw broke ~.~ ) Aluminum and rubber not a good idea. I do think the YF-21 is quite a big bird so comparing it to the VF-0 might be a little handicap?
  13. You're right, I don't really want to shoot my hopes up too high as well. The rear landing gears aren't going to affect the wingtips as far as I know since it is more closer to the fuselage right by the arms and those landing gears are very very long. Gimmicks are everything pal! From airbrakes, engine nozzles, cockpit, landing gears, guns, bay doors, and ailerons, that's what makes a great toy.
  14. Waaaaaahhhh~~~ High-speedo modo go baibai~! Eh hem , I don't think it will be thick, as it is possible to make it very thin due to it being a 1/60 scale. Flaps jamming and deployment is all about trial and error/R&D. Besides its only a CAD right now so there is plenty of brainstorming for Yamato to figure the initial transformation. Once that's done it goes down to features. But you're right, it is lots of work and effort. Then again I sorta do think it is kinda critical to the YF-21... Wonder how Yamato will do it though.
  15. I don't really want the YF-21 to "flex" the wings upwards. Just that downward and rearward is just fine so only one direction is good. Thats why I liked the fowler flap concept. Then again it is possible to make it smooth without any slots visible by creating additional flat-semi-curved wings panels on top of each other. So basically the moving mechanical parts are stowed on top of the wing, inside the wing, and under the wingtips. SV-51 is a highly complex design for something made from Legos in the beginning too! I know Yamato can achieve this much more detail on the YF-21. I know it. We've already seen how they did the 1/48 VF-1s with the leg struts, the 1/100 Monster, 1/60 VF-0, and the two new YF-19 and SV-51s. The YF-19 surprised us with those arm mechanism and the fuselage, and the SV-51 with the entire body and wings. So I highly believe it will possible to make.
  16. Sigh~! Oh well, I wrote it down in my earlier post in how Yamato should do the high-speed mode. Anyways, instead of how the Yamato 1/72 YF-21 wings just bent down with a simple hinge, I was suggesting a FOWLER FLAP-like wing tips. So this means like the same flaps used on the B-747 Jumbo Jets when landing or taking off, the wings of the YF-21 tips have layers of wings on top of each other that slide downwards and rearwards. So that way you don't have a hinge fold-downed high speed mode, but rather a smoother curved highspeed mode. So of course the sliding system like the flaps on aircrafts is made on the YF-21 so that you don't see the sliding slots or glides. So no bendable rubber wings or exchangeble parts. If you guys don't know what I'm talking about I'll later just do couple sketches. For now watch this: . Just picture the exact or similar mechanism used on the tips of the wings so it would be seamless, smooth, and savvy. Also this is other detail I want on the YF-21: Have those working covers for the gunpods.
  17. Yeah umm...I don't really like my YF-21 to be some kiddy version transformers with spring loaded clear-red-missiles . I would still go with the opening missile bay hatches/platform and the wing warp. When are we expecting our new updates on pictures?
  18. ACE 3 will feature both YF-19s and YF-21s for your enjoyment buddy! http://ace-game.jp/ace03/top.html
  19. Color is pretty important here too. I do think Yamato might make it more of dark blue instead of purple. How many of you guys might get a couple to repaint this bird? Perhaps in like the YF-23 scheme or maybe some exotic aggressor schemes? Let's keep the VF-11 talk in the VF-11 forum shall we? This forum says YF-21 after all and it needs its place lol!
  20. Thanks RuskiiVFaussie! Just like that 1/72 resin model, that YF-21 has detacheble limbs that can both transform with the legs on very sturdy and without in fighter mode. Yes and I've just added to the madness lol! Thanks for those pictures Eugimon! I also wanted to make a point in my first post as to how the gunpods are attached to the fighter for both models. One with a fastpack and one without. AH~! Thank you for agreeing! Then again, another reason why detacheable limbs is a very cool thing is because you can display your YF-21 like it is in for a maintenance. I'm sure for all you aviation mechanics/buffs and crew chiefs, you know how a fighter plane looks like if you remove the engine for an overhaul/100HR maintenance right? It looks just like that picture I posted earlier. It gives the bird a nice gap/emptiness, yet a very cool feel to it. And then again you can display/play with the bird as if it was fighting the X-9 or just to pose it like its under maintenance. Only problem I see with this is how Yamato will pull off the fast packs. I really want my YF-21 to mount both guns under the fuselage without the fastpacks and mount both guns with the fastpack on and including the small little gun port to open up like in M+ when Guld fired off a few shots at Isamu. And finally to have the fastpack to open up to allow the YF-21 in battroid to remove the gun pods with more sense...Instead of our 1/72 YF-21 FP set which you HAD to remove the FP from the fusealge to remove the gun pod and what's left where the gun pod was? It was a nice big hole shaped like a Gun pod! So if we can see if Yamato can make a sliding port cover for the FP to replace the gun pod that is in use, that will be perfect. Then again the other thing I find it hard is that infamous high speed mode the YF-21 pulls off with anime magic on the wing warp. I can see it is possible to sorta make that wing warp effect if the wings had layers of flap-like-wing sheets on each other so the wing can open out or open downward like the fowler flaps on 747s during T/O or landing. So that way we don't have to worry about wing segments that fold down making those spaces in between the wing joints, but rather a layer of fowler flap like mechanisms to smooth out the wing to bend downward and swept forward wings. Good idea right?
  21. Ah! I wasn't asking for a huge internal missile bay like those on the real F-22s, but a more flat compartment just to show the micro missile lined up like a honeycomb. So I don't think it should take up any space at all for a 1/60. I'm guesing maybe the thickness of the missile platform part to be around 3~4mm tall so it wouldn't take up any space for the legs. Sigh~! I really hope Yamato will make this bird not chunky like the 1/72! It must look flat, fast, and fantastic!
  22. Nice meeting you guys, I just registered because I wanted to get the latest scoops on our favorite bird! Honestly the detacheable limbs like in the OVA would be something worthy. Since it is one of the more memorable parts in Macross Plus where Guld falls from the sky and jettisons the limbs to fight the X-9. I believe the SHE YF-21 had a detacheable limb feautre and had the port covers underneath the YF-21. So I do believe it is possible for Yamato to make it. Its like how Yamato made the SV-51 telescoping neck function (perhaps a weak example), but small things like that did not go unnoticed to Yamato, they included it. I have some pictures from http://nosutaru.fc2web.com/MACROSS/%82x%82.../1-72YF-21.html , but do you think Yamato would make it more aggressive like Hasegawa's YF-21? (NOTE THIS IS THE HASEGAWA 1/72 KIT) Just like in those hasegawa kits, the Gun Pods are sort of flush and of the same color unlike how Yamato made the 1/72 YF-21 FP set with grey gun pods, but thats more of the style I wish to see. Those are the Resin 1/72 YF-21 kits source: http://park1.wakwak.com/~jasshy/yf21.html Like how the resin kit shows the detached limbs I believe it would make a great extra feature. Only other things I wish maybe Yamato will do with thier new YF-21 is if they can make the missile bay hatches for the micro missiles. Thats the one thing I always rarely see on any 1/60 Macross series. If only there was a missile bay hatch that opens up to reveal the micro missile lined up inside the belly or side, that would just make my day to recreate the scene when Guld fires off all his missiles at Isamu. No? sigh~ Other features I guess should be made with the YF-21 is a display stand, detailed cockpit, detailed landing gears/bay doors, and clear red plastic parts used on the cameras and the front laser cannon (I'd be happy if those light up!). Hayabusa
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