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About Hayabusa

  • Birthday April 24

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  • Location
    Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Interests
    Just about anything goes here. Guns, Planes, Mecha, Ships, Tanks, Cars, Bikes, and everything mechanical.

Hayabusa's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hayabusa

    Latest custom.

    Just impressive as hell and back to back! By the way, did you use the Low Vis 1/48 valk as your base or just the Roy Fokker ver.?
  2. Man this thing is a work of ART and not just a toy. Damn...
  3. I'm so glad this YF-21 now has "real" landing gears. I was abit bummed with my 1/72 as the landing gears where small peg-like gears that only stuck out a few milimeters off the ground.
  4. I remember one time when I was young and I bought a VF-11...Played with it till I actually fell asleep from being over joyed and next thing in the morning I found my VF-11 nowhere and it was under the pillow with a broken hip joint. So I left it displayed in fighter mode, however being saddend I broke something I loved so much by sleeping with it* , I bought the VF-11 Fast Pack edition. Love it to heaven and hell! Anyways, Graham, seeing most pictures from every sources, the YF-21 1/60 seems to be in Flat finish or in Gloss Finish. Is the final production model maintaining a Gloss finish?
  5. God its tooo good to be true! I kinda hope that cockpit is more clearer though...kinda hazy for my tastes. Everything else...I could just smell that new plastic smell of the YF-21 from just looking lol! I might consider buying a bunch so I can repaint it as black stealth model, camo, and so on! Soo many possibilities with this one! God it's SLEEK!
  6. No more pictures guys?
  7. Dang! Just wow GhostKiller! Should have this up in the custom galleries once you get all the pictures!
  8. lol just save up Fort Max! That's why we have such things called Cup Noodles.
  9. Hey thanks a lot for the clarfication! Wonderfull indeed I bet you won't be doing the "crash and burn" thing you did with the other YF-21 lol! Too bad there is no pictures on the liveries or the fastpack/gunpods. I'm more curious on those things.
  10. Wow I was off by like...90 YEN lol! But my god...it's so CRAZY!!!! Can't sleep now thanks a lot Graham! >~< Grr! Oh on the contrary, I would like to know ONE thing about the YF-21 toy. Are those intake covers removable or are they something on the toy that pulls down to cover the intakes (like movable hinged intake covers)?
  11. Makes sense! The article does say the YF-21 will come with a lot of 'volume' so I believe it will come with the fast pack, stand, and the attachment for the booster. God I can't wait! Mecha Hawaii prepare I'm gonna get it !!!
  12. I hope I read this right, price is 22800YEN, release date April.
  13. I'm reading those TINY little characters, but it does say about the fast pack attacment, fold booster attachment and display stand. Problem is I can't read the tiny kanji next to it if it says included or optional.
  14. It'ss...SO....BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This oughta show them YF-21 haters the greatness of this bird!
  15. Lime green+Yellow trim? SUBMIT TO THE SubLYMONal project! lol j/k, you want a scheme like that? I find black on dark red a little better like the new planes in Ace Combat 6.
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