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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Wabbit


    I share that hate. But is US$29.99 the regular / a good price of a VF-17S? Almost watched all the M7 episodes, now I want one!
  2. OMG! They have Huey & Dewey as Protodevlins in Episode 47!
  3. I am watching the episode where Gamlin is possessed by Gabil and man, I HATE that furred butt of a protodevlin. Even more annoying than Basara, more annoying than Gigil in the first episodes. Beauty of DEATH!!! DIE GAYBIL!!! Oh, and he is a pussy, retreating like that every time and a weak pilot, getting blast almost every time by the far superior HUMAN Gamlin!
  4. # Ga-la-xy de-fende-r
  5. Macross II - Love Song? Ah, someone got the right answer above me!
  6. Evil overlords in the making...
  7. Mr. Medina seems to be the real name of Mechafreak who ripped some MW'ers off with his fake sales and presumely lives in Florida. Zeo-mare beat me with that. !!!THUNDER!!!
  8. If you buy per box set (of 3 dvds) instead of per disc, you get a black box with it. So if you get all three boxes, each three dvd's have a black box for 'decorative' purposes and keeping them stored tidy. And often if you buy the whole lot at once, it might be more cheaper than buying them seperately. To sum up: You can buy a disc seperately, can buy a box with 3 discs or buy 3 boxes at once.
  9. You will listen to Basara's song! Let's go!
  10. ooo, really nice!
  11. SW: Triumph of the Sith!
  12. they're called LOSERS! j/j sorry but you set yourself up for that one. I know that, but that can't be the whole lot...
  13. Based in Japan.
  14. What are ppl called that are born between 1975 en 1985?
  15. Price is reasonable and November release date is also positive, gives me time to recuperate my balance. Now I hope that the price will drop a bit, shipping is always high for me.
  16. Nope. At least not anymore, a friend has a set with much more accurate subtitles but it doesn't seem to be common anymore. Best suggestion would be to compare against more accurate scripts of the show that can be found here: http://www.chaoticempire.org/macross/eps/ Either that or download the fansubs available online. Hmmm right. Thanks for this info, maybe I should rip my dvd's and burn new ones added with fansubs. Not all subs are horrible, the last episode of disk 2 has adequate translations and is more logical.
  17. Hey, THAT'S MY CAR!!!!!
  18. 2 episodes per dvd... plus a figurine... I find it still too expensive and it WAS 7000 yen!
  19. Is this 'Investigating team' supposed to be a bad translation for 'Supervision Army'? The FX set is a poorly translated, as expected from bootlegs. The line is more like: "We haven't confirmed anything yet, but we do know that the enemy's machines seem to be of the type sent on an investigative mission to the 4th planet in the Varauta 3198XE system." Too late! I recieved my FX sets last week and am now annoyed every time I see typos and worse, lines like: Milia's VF-1J gets blown up when Gamlin pilots it: Milia doesn't say that... You say that to a broken robovacuum cleaner She'll say in the line this: I understood "Valkyrie". Oh well, at least my sense of logic can correct those translations in my mind so I can understand anyway, though I don't speak Japanese. Btw: are there versions that have good English subs?
  20. Now that would be awesome. I'd buy that in a second! Ditto!
  21. Wow! Although the graphics are very simple, it is nice 3D. I can see why it would be very intensive to work it out, let alone the loading and lag time for such a big game. Still, it can be a nice option for maps.
  22. As far as i know, Hikaru didn't have a baby, either Lisa or Misa.
  23. More suggestions on top of the previous ones: Add a city block level, where: - Gerwalk = capable of high hover-speeds on ground and short bursts for jumping over obstacles (bridges, low buildings etc.); - Battroid = low speeds, shooting around the corners, footsoldier; - Fighter = Fly up the city over buildings at high speeds. Make variants like in the jungle (seen in Macross Zero), in canyons, old Indian ruins in S. America, alien worlds (not per sé aliens, but the enviroments)... etc. If that is possible though!
  24. This goes out of hand! Maybe the mods should make this a sticky, for MW'ers who are bored at quit hours.
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