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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Coca-Cola & Macross: Yeah!!!
  2. LOL!!! They're making a softpr0n version for the dvd-release!
  3. Yès, yès! Zor stole de protocultúre et went too de Odeur Anime et Science Fictiôn! Oui! Sorry, The French One, couldn't resist.
  4. People, people, calm down! There is really no point to go on argueing when all the sensible arguments are depleted and then turn to flaming eachother. That's the point when everyone's different opinion cannot be changed and nothing can be done about it other than rolling on the floor fighting eachother, which only get you a warning from the mods.
  5. Dang, she should marry me, next to collecting Valks and spending hours on the internet sleeping is also my favorite 'activity'.
  6. With the GU-11 gun pod ofcourse!
  7. Someone tell em!
  8. Well, Cpt. Kinryu chose to die with honour after he realized that the Varauta were targeting their big guns on Battle and City 7, he sacrificed himself to save the many. That's not 'sad', it's a hero's death.
  9. Wabbit


    That's also the average price of the few I could find with Google. Oh well, I can settle with just a VF-17S 2nd edition I just won on eBay. Someone tried to outbid me, but with a high first bid that VF-17S is mine mine mine!
  10. Wabbit


    Man, those D's are even more hard to find... What's the best price for a VF-17D? Since there was only a reissue of the S.
  11. Cool! Btw: you tear up shields and hull with the quad mass-driver first, then you fire your heavy torpedoes! Otherwise it is a waste of torpedoes slamming into the shields that absorbes the damage. Those good ol' days...
  12. Sheet, I don't have 1/48 Roy VF-1S yet! Why!?
  13. Lifetime Member? NO MA'AM!
  14. Yes, there are no subs. The quality pretty good, don't expect a flashy menu etc. The price on eBay is good enough, should not exceed $10.-.
  15. Nice handywork nevertheless, nice lights (I guess blue leds are difficult to manufacture) and no dust!
  16. Wow! Talking about creative! Where'd you get the LED lights and were they easy to connect?
  17. Nice designs Knight26, keep up the good work. Btw, were you inspired by Wing Commander 2? The purposes are similar to the slow but heavy turreted and übercool Broadsword and the more sleaker Crossbow bomber. Cool! I really miss such games and if there were ships like these for a game again, it will be the good ol' days again.
  18. nice!! how much will be the shipping for it though? I guess eve if it's 20, it'll still be under 150! Shipping thru EMS/Speed Post won't be cheap, but hey, that thing is heavy and will be roughly as much shipping if you EMS them from like HLJ. By regular mail is cheaper, but the chance that it is lost during shipment and wait weeks for it is something I'd rather not take. But always buy insureance, even sent with EMS doesn't guarantee the parcel will be safe! Postmen in the Netherlands often act like third-world thugs and stole my last year's shipment of Valk-goodies.
  19. And read the Macross 2 topic in this subforum, 2 takes place in a different parallel timeline/dimension.
  20. Yes, the English dubs are surprisingly good, except that one moment Graham described about (no) Shinsei Industries. I'm sure the one dubbing the voice of Millard should noticed that, plus the whole studio, but unfortunately it is not the case. But the rest is really good.
  21. Wabbit


    Thank you o-VF-17 expert!
  22. 2nd Ending credits is Dakedo Baby Thanks!
  23. What's the song called that is played in the 2nd ending credits? The one with the clock alarm and Mylene is too late for something.
  24. I have finished watching the main show too and well, why did those protodevlins took 49 episodes to discover karaoke?!? Just go shopping at a music store and buy some songs and a media-player and begone with it, so-called 'superior' beings of mass destruction! Gamlin is right to get jealous about Basara, the pacifistic selfish anti-hero who treat Mylene like a spoiled little brat, but she loves him anyway. The last 2 tv-episodes from the FX-set had horrible subs, Gamlin was translated as Gumlin, Kamlun, Gamlan etc... Maybe a 'funny' practical joke once, but very unprofessional in the least. I really suspect the English subs were translated from Chinese subs.
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