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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Good luck! Looking forward to see the work on your photographs.
  2. I dunno about those gatlings that I feel they're too far in the back of the plane and because it's in the back also too close to the fuselage. It'll give the pilot a uncomforting feel that they could be hit by their own guns if the fighterbomber would perform tight turns, rolls and other high manouvres. If you look for instance at IMHO the most beautiful fighterplane from WWII, the Supermarine Spitfire, it had guns on the wings and slightly forward of the pilot's position. The later jet fighters also had the guns in the forward positions, if any, there was a period that people believed in missiles only and dogfights were unnecessary with that.
  3. It does block the pilot's view in those angles, but what the heck. If it can be made like the wings are 'draped' over the outer engines it'll be cool and somewhat protecting it against nme fire.
  4. Your mother is ugly as hell and your father 'plays' with your little sister. Relax! It's just the internet!
  5. Ahhh, come on now. Be nice. Maybe if you behave yourself I'll let you feel my muscles at the next con. Why is it that the little girlie men always want to call me childish? It must be bicep envy. I mean seriously these sissy little girlie men are crying and whining about one thing or another and they they say I am childish?!!! HA! You don't need to bother with one of your loser replies, you can just hear me now and remember me later. I'm not your bitch if that is what you are trying to say nor am I intimidated by your muscles, Johnny Bravo. Come with real arguments why you must spoil it for others and can't act sane if it does not fit in your picture. Is it territory drift, anxiety, you have to compensate for something else, or just playing around not realizing people can have different opinions than you...
  6. Hmm, lessee: full of himself, his ways is the only way, the obsessive-compulsive disorder to react on M7 or bringing it up... poo, he's Basara incarnated... Glad you like it. We all do it to entertain you. let me guess...Agent One got to you, huh? i can't speak for him directly, but he really means nothing by it. 99% of what he posts is just him having fun, its never really about trying to start beef with anyone. his "girlie man" antics seem to get under a lot of peoples skin but he just playing around...i think? hes the kind of guy you either love him or you hate him....i'm still kind of on the fence about that one. my advice, take his and others people posts with a grain of salt. you getting worked up about something only encourages more trash talking fromt eh trash talk-ee. if it doesn't have to do with your topic/question directly, just ignore it and it'll go away. *readies pack of salt* Agent One is not the only one, though he does act childish if something doesn't appeal to him.
  7. you what? gotta be kidding right? LET'S GO! Tsukinuke you ze...
  8. Mmmm, legs... Have fun there, Mappy!
  9. Hey, you're right! I didn't recognize him on that photo at first.
  10. People can act different, bolder online rather than in RL, I only hope it's not because they are frustrated. Since Robotech is part of my youth, I can't hate it so much that I go beserk only by the mention of the name. Maybe other people had other experiences or are trying to forget their RT past. Amen brother! Yes, it's an action > reaction thing, but you also say: "Only then did the M7 bashers start their usual game.". Making me to believe that some people actualy enjoy to troll, or escalate things in threads and subjects they don't like, which makes it a repeating abuse. If it annoys some people, they can ignore the thread. It can be easily done, just move your mouse away from the title and go on to the other, more to your liking. I myself am not that old an member, but to my experience, this was the second time someone came up with this subject. The world is not ending with it, so I contributed to the thread like most of the others ("because I have a dream." - MLK). But I see a few members there coming back after their first negative reply, some in a not so nice tone, replying like why it isn't closed, don't be so nerdish, because we say so and other similar reactions. Are those people moderators? If so, they can close it. Otherwise, just stay out and let the n00bs form their own little discussion group and have fun with it. All of them are sane enough to have the common sense that it isn't possible yet to create a transforming jet and test its practicality, but can't they speculate? Fantasize? Is that forbidden? If there were a sticky, it would be a lot easier, that I agree. Still, abuse is a no-no. Sorry if any of my sentences aren't right or not understandable, I'm Dutch.
  11. Those are cheap prices to go to a concert.
  12. ...Do they have the right to spoil it, bashing people, show their anxiety/hate towards it, causing the thread to get closed every time someone (new) opens one? Really, almost every Macross 7 thread end up with haters who tries to be funny with their long rants of how bad and gay it is. Sure, flying in a plane with only music instruments IS odd and Basara IS annoying to most people, but only give a friendly advice and don't spoil it for the n00bs. Let them have their own judgement. Then this thread which some 'oldbies' claim they have had this discussion over and over again in the past. Fine. But some even get hostile and call the ones participating it fools and make such needless fuss like a drama queen to get it closed. Why don't they just ignore the thread and spend time on more important issues? Are they craving for attention, showing their 'superiority'? Are they bored? I don't know if you, the MW-moderating crew, are willing to do something about it. But these cases where people are acting like little children are affecting my pleasure of being a member of this fine community. My own rant, Wabbit
  13. Yeah, it was also in http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st+in+the+shell and http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st+in+the+shell I decided not to buy it, yet.
  14. If it is more detailed than the Rei, maybe...
  15. Very nice! Have yet to get to the first comic, but it'll be a fun read!
  16. The faces now have more a generic anime style. Myun has a nice 'warm' face, which is good.
  17. If it takes a long time, I'll be able to save money for it.
  18. Congratulations Kevin & wife!
  19. Thanks for the advice. Battlefield 1942 was frustrating, I can't stand lag and choppy graphics.
  20. Let the kids have their fun. Most of us old-timers will just sit back and let the kids make fools of themselves. Why is this thread still here? I wonder the same thing... here we go once again.... Why the hostillity? BECAUUUUUUUUSE!!! i didnt mean any hostility, it's because i know i've asked it about 11 times since September of '02, various powerplant questions since then, and i've seen about 100 questions like those asked by tons of people, so i was wondering why cant people just use the search function on this board at all before posting.... dont take it personally anybody... I was a moderator once on a larger Dutch forum than this, and what I'd do was to close down double topics and put a link refering to the older topic and 'UT(F)S' in my closing reply. In a friendly tone mostly. And often before people would turn hostile and flamed against new people who started a discussion that the veteran users had done it time and time over and feeling somewhat superior to n00bs and would not hestitate to show it. All people were newbies once, just put a friendly reply that there was already a discussion about this and they would find it using the search like they should do (I can't find it though with keywords: possible transforming fighter/jet). Or put the link right here. And not reply with, like: "Let's watch and see them make fools of themselves.", that can be found earlier this thread. That's really not helpfull at all. If you find this sort of discussions about the possibility of a transforming plane utterly stupid, just stay away from it. Don't come back and nag about why it isn't closed yet like some people did (or do you crave attention?). It's not contributing to the discussion, how stupid you think it is. There're so many people and so many interests, they're bound to clash, but with modern technology like internetforums and the remote of your tv, you can choose to ignore it! Use that luxury! Just an ex-moderator with his 2cts. Not mad, but surprised and disappointed at the childishness of some grown ups.
  21. Let the kids have their fun. Most of us old-timers will just sit back and let the kids make fools of themselves. Why is this thread still here? I wonder the same thing... here we go once again.... Why the hostillity?
  22. I saw the MAcross 7 FX set in Valkyrie exchange, what is exactly? How is the quality of video, sub and audio? Probably the best available atm I ordered it during the summer and wasn't disappointed at all... Weeeell, I'm not that satisfied with the FX which has many moments of bad subs that are: - completely gibberish - absolutely gibberish - totaly gibberish - bad timing (so fast you can only read the fisrt two words then it dissapears) - got names wrong (most notable in M7 Dynamite) - no subs in the extras But there are episodes with good subs from fans that ended in this FX edition. You say that 'cause you don't like M7 J/K: this version has its issues, yes, but overally it's a good deal IMO I do like M7, but rather had all the episodes and extras fansubbed.
  23. Congrats to the lucky couple!
  24. I saw the MAcross 7 FX set in Valkyrie exchange, what is exactly? How is the quality of video, sub and audio? Probably the best available atm I ordered it during the summer and wasn't disappointed at all... Weeeell, I'm not that satisfied with the FX which has many moments of bad subs that are: - completely gibberish - absolutely gibberish - totaly gibberish - bad timing (so fast you can only read the fisrt two words then it dissapears) - got names wrong (most notable in M7 Dynamite) - no subs in the extras But there are episodes with good subs from fans that ended in this FX edition.
  25. Third? Did I miss something? What are the first (König Monster?) and second? 1. 1/100 Koenig Monster 2. (supposedly) 1/60 Destroid Monster 3. I SURE HOPE THEY DECIDE TO RELEASE THE Zero Monster. *skips a heartbeat*
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