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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. $19.99??? i would not pay a $1.99 for it. Weeeell, maybe if it was offered in a local shop I would buy it for $1.99. And then let my original 1990 VF-1S beat the crap outa it.
  2. I don't think so, but I don't for a second doubt that it will be the more popular one. Just like the Solberg version of the 2004WRC Smokescreen sold out far quicker than the Hirvonen. In the one month that it's been out it's already become hard to come across. Thanks guys! Maybe I'll just take the chance, buy two and hopefully one or two of em ends up with (a) white one(s). If not, I'll trade it. The wine red color is beautiful, but the white one reminds me of the cool character Jazz.
  3. Wabbit

    Yamato Stand!

    And to be really safe, put a big cushion under it. Permanently.
  4. Great cartoon!
  5. Say, is the red BT-08 Meister version a limited edition? If so, if I order randomly at HLJ (who sadly does not sell the colors seperately), I have a bigger chance to get a desired white one? I can buy the loose white and red one somewhere else, but HLJ is very cheap.
  6. Does it ever! It's amazing how one person's custom can look 10x better than a current Hasbro line such as Energon. I don't think I've ever wanted a scratch-built custom as badly as this one. Looks like a crossover between Kub and Hot Rod(imus Prime).
  7. With the 1/100 VF-0S and probably other variants coming, a nice box wouldn't be bad though. I need it to keep all the darn loose parts of that toy together and what better than in a graphicaly appealing and re-usable box.
  8. Correcting the pieces that Yamato had failted to do so!
  9. Is the 2nd seat a photoshop also? Looks fragile on the bottom side.
  10. The lower fins do fold during the approach, the upper fins stay extended until after its landed, except in the case of a capture claw retrieval where they all fold up after capture. The thrusters will eventually take on a sort of burnt bronze color, just enough to make them stand out against the main hull, but I am not at that phase yet. Thanks for your answers, good luck finishing the job.
  11. Wow, Rei is really nice! I might pick one up.
  12. Because HG as the contracter wanted to market the Toynami MPes AS 'masterpieces' better with nifty packaging because they knew the toy itself wasn't such an über-toy as it should have. Or just had more money for the packaging rather for the toy. Whereas Yamato concentrate on the toy itself, made the box more formal, knewing the target group they were aiming for are adults who don't have to be swayed by a visually appealing box, because they are paying for the über-toy itself.
  13. Are thise fins folding up during approach of the landing bay or after the landing? If it is the latter, I dunno if the below fins are hitting the ground. And are those manouvering thrusters going to be painted in the fighter's color in the end? IMHO it's better if the starfighter doesn't look 'patched up'. But this is just cosmetics.
  14. A few millimeters and it makes all the difference with the shield. Why didn't Yamato do it in the first place...
  15. The Milia costume should fit tightly, not that loose. And Hikaru's VF-1J, is that silk? The maker(s) of it had put a lot of effort in it though...
  16. Hope the materials are durable with this swapping of parts...
  17. The triplepack F&F missiles are very,very nice. But it will crowd the space under the wings, thus I like the single 'phoenix'-like missile more for this fighter. But that's my opinion though. Triplepacks can be fitted for other purposes. Or maybe on the space between those engine fins, somewhat curved to fit the round form. The starfighter and missiles are looking great, Knight26.
  18. That's done nicely! I think the rough form is almost finished. And it's not that odd that the braking power is less than the forward thrust, giving it equal the power and engaging it, the pilot would have its internal organs splattered on the instruments and HUD.
  19. TRANSLATION: I now look like a biatch to all of my peers. I am ashamed and want to jump off of a bridge. Please close this thread so I don't have to see the reminder of the fact that I am a 'panty waste' anymore. You're not worth it.
  20. Hope it's really cheap. After the 1/48 line, 1/60 Rau's and 1/100 Koenig Monster, it's time to recover my balance bit.
  21. Thanks for the picture! That's some odd place to have the gun covered, I wonder how it looks like when the gun fires for real; will be pilot be any way distracted.
  22. I always thought that the Yamato Y/VF-19(A) was fat in fighter-mode, so I'm really curious how the VF-19 FP will look like. Hopefully Yamato has made it sleeker. Is that Spiderman's hand there at the YF-19 toy?
  23. Maybe the blocky lines should be rounded somewhat to fit the engines' smooth form or the other way around and add some angular fins/wings, but I think it's already badass. Hey, that's the first time I heard of an existing craft that has its guns mid-fuselage..! Do you have a link or photo of it? Quite interesting... I agree with Nightbat that fins are unnecessary in space, but it can add some agressiveness to the craft. Not to mention extra little fuel, housing thrusters or telemetry aparatus and other sensors that may not affect the performance of the machine, but will come in handy for the mechanics if they want a full diagnostics.
  24. Yep. That's what I think. We have some real babies around here. We're all collecting toys here and even (figure)dolls in MW. Not to mention we're watching animated film. We men are ALL babies here, like you. I only comment on the badmouthing here, I'm not a christian, just wanted to point out to use their minds when dealing with others. But hey, some people don't want to, which are the babies anyway? It's going nowhere now, we're only calling eachother names in the end. I can live with the fact that even on this forum there are genuine pigskinned selfish Basaras, too stupid to get past their pumped up ego. Mods, feel free to close it.
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