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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Besides, US and European plants aren't built like Chernobyl. They don't go boom. They brake and become useless but not like u shoot it and it blows up like an H-bomb. Might be some waste, radiation, etc but it's not gonna look like even Hiroshima. Don't sweat Isamu and Guld getting in. They were protected by the script. Well, not quite. For instance, much of the older European nuclear powerplants are pretty similar in design as the Russian plants. France has the most nuclear plants in Europe and that destroyed, it would irradiate the whole of that continent. This summer, which was one of the hottest in recent history, one of the French plants was being kept cool by additional surface water to prevent the first stages of a possible meltdown. I'll fire the writer of the script! Unless it is the Hoary Froating Head himself...
  2. What's the point of buying a bootleg if you can download it..?
  3. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
  4. Wha..? When did you order it? I ordered it on the 21st. Hrmm, then I should get an e-mail soon that the Miria is out of stock too...
  5. Wha..? When did you order it?
  6. Even if the Zentradi used conventional weapons, haven't they also damaged or destroy any surface buildings like chemical factories, nuclear power plants and other hazardous places that would intoxicate the enviroment so that it is unsuitable to live in? Don't underestimate the effects of a nuclear power plant going BOOM! On-topic: if I was a leader of the U.N. Government, I would defend my homeworld, my capital, my large automated space ship factory with an overload of weapons and defenses. Having experienced Space War 1 facing 4 million space ships, who knows if the next time an enemy would throw in 8 million ships? Hmm, after the Sharon Apple incident, I would add even more defenses; two of our own pilots slipped past the grid. That is intolerable!
  7. It will be for me... Can't help but to admire that happy couple enviously... I breaked... *sigh*
  8. Man.. I'm about to break. *must resist*
  9. Make it 8 1/60's
  10. It does. (since I had to twist and bend the hard steel rings of the strap to fix it on the gunpod, it left me with sore fingertips) Takatoys just chose not to use the strap on those photos.
  11. I don't remember the box and which brand it was, probably a Bandai, bought in 1987 on the marketplace. It was a 1/55 VF-1S and I immediately called it the chief mecha of my toy/army collection. Later on I bought some kits of a Regult and a VF-1A brownie in Gerwalk position, built and painted it as good as I could and played with it. The regult lost it's legs soon and I used it as my last defender. I don't know the scaled of these kits, but they were pretty big, especially the Brownie Gerwalk. All of these toys were lost when we moved to another home; my father gave them all away to the neighbourhood kids, but I didn't really complain. Guess those were the puberty years when the toys were discarded... Too bad... In the early nineties, I don't remember exactly, I bought a Bandai reissue 1/55 VF-1S Super Valkyrie during my vacation in Turkey. I think I was still missing my ol' valk and wanted to replace it. This one was priced for about US$12.50!!! It still stands here behind me on top of a bookshelf, some stickers aren't even applied yet but the projectiles are loose, the only one that is displayed because there is no other room for my other recently acquired Yamato's and poseables. I should clean up my place...
  12. Don't forget that most "expensive" sellers/stores are based in the US and have to import these toys and that they speak your native English. That's what you are paying for. That HLJ sells them as high as their U.S. colleages/competition is another story, but also: They speak your language. Hey, if you do speak and read Japanese, then you are a lucky bastard and can buy stuff from cheaper Japanese stores.
  13. Still have to wait until it is released in Europe (27th) You guys do carry the Kite logo as your badge, right?
  14. It took 2-3 weeks last time, it is reasonable. And if you order anything, do mail HLJ to ask them to fill the mailing package with enough protective materials. Both my 1/60 valks were packed in a selfmade tight fit box with no bubble wrap at all and suffered some bumps on the corners. I was not pleased. Maybe they thought mailing to a backwater country in Europe wasn't even worth procesing the order in a proper way or discount items always get this treatment.
  15. After reading that I automatically stopped reading further. <_<
  16. So there are none for sale right now from the manufacturer? Too bad, it could be a nice decoration for the interior of my car!
  17. What the heck is that?
  18. - depends what you are doing with it. (Yamato: great for display, Bandai: great but stubby and sturdy to play, Toynami MPC: i dunno, i guess it's fairly the same as the Bandai with a lot of extras) - dunno - the 1/48 is. only thing is that the intake covers need to be removed or applied depending transformation mode. the 1/60 isn't a perfect transformaton, but it is well worth the money IMHO for displaying and more accurate and detailed than the good ol' Bandai 1/55.
  19. 1/72 : 3 1/60 : 5 1/48 : 1
  20. If it is truly based on that sculpt, I'll buy one!
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