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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Thank you, I'll confront him with the information. This is one thing that I love fansites! There is always someone who knows about almost any item that is offered on the net.
  2. Where can one find that stamp? And what are the reasonable prices for a Taka ($170-$250?) and Bandai?
  3. Hehe, it's a dutch seller, so eventualy the shipment would be steep. So the Matchbox doesn't have any planes on it. Does it have catapult launchers like the ones on the picture? I've seen some pictures of a Takatoku, but AFAIK they had red or blue planes. Of Bandai I know knothing of it, but my knowledge of Macross toys was only focussed on the Valks. Just send him a reply back for more questions (size, date of purchase, planes, missiles, more photos), hopefuly he has most of the answeres.
  4. So I hosted the image on my site: Is it a Bandai, Matchbox, Taka?
  5. I got Prime!!! This fella is big!!! Heavy!!! WoooooW!!! If there are any Optimus Prime fans out there that haven't ordered this, you're missing out a very nice and true version of this most popular Autobot leader.
  6. In the end when Mao is being treated on the Asuka, where are Roy and DD?
  7. Some RL players are too..
  8. It's the anonimity that does encourage cheaters, campers, TK's and other skill-less players with no honour. I see that a lot in BF1942:DC. But at least every player has his/her own screen to watch on, rather than playing splitscreen on the tv. And playing with 64 other players is massive... Lag.
  9. Sounds very interesting. I'm playing that laggy, buggy game called BF1952, with the Desert Combat mod. Actually I'm playing ONLY the DC mod. Get 0wned every single time, but that's after I blow up a bunker in Weapons Bunkers, one of my favorite maps. SW version: blow up the shield bunker on Endor after fighting a fierce laserfight adding some of the vehicles like the speeder bike.
  10. Looks good! I want to get one!
  11. More scenes with Miranda Otto...
  12. The Jeep looks good, but the robot itself has... flat feet...
  13. Those ships are troop transports not battlecruisers or even destroyers. Makes it even worse! Why build a big fleet of troop transports without proper armament? But it wasn't the worst movie though. And I have to go with Pat Payne that Star Trek V also deserves to be in the ranks of the Worst Sci-Fi Film. Flying to the center of the milky way is done in a short time while the more modern USS Voyager takes years to cross one quadrant to another. Poor acting, poor script. Rubbish! When are we doing a topic about Worst Fantasy Film? I nominate Dungeons and Dragons! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0190374/
  14. Dunno, only saw half of Battlefield Earth, but learning a bunch of savages to fly 1,000 years old(!) fighter jets in a short time... Come on!!! It's one big Scientology propaganda flick. I heard that part 2 is in the planning/making... Noooo! But another runner up is Wing Commander. The cats didn't look like the cats; more like mutant hamsters, story sucks, physics are laughable (tractor pushes wrecked Terran fighter with dead body(!) off the Tiger's Claw and... falls!!!! In space!!!! ) and the acting.. let's not talk about that.. "I'm a Pilgrim!" Yeah, a pilgrim of bad sci-fi movies. Just stick to bubblegum teenflicks, Freddie. <_< -edit: "The Imposter", uses scenes AND uniforms from Starship Troopers which was slighly a better movie and much more entertaining than this imposter. Though ST was very illogical in battle strategy. Just nuke the planet and fly in wide formations rather than packing the battlecruisers (which didn't even fired a shot!).
  15. I ordered the normal Extended Edition, without one with Gollum, for 34.99 euro (US$41.82). About the cheapest I could get here.
  16. Is it a remake of the series or a sequel? If it is the latter, it explains the English language and Earth-like symbols on that Viper; Earth is now fighting too. If it's not, they shouldn't have done that. Should make the 'Galacticans' (forgot the original name of these cousin species) more alien in culture and language to make it relatively believable...
  17. Wabbit

    I've just been laid

    That is the French pop star Alizée, made a hit with the song "Moi Lolita" in France and other European countries, wearing skimpy sexy outfits, singing sweet lolipop songs... I've also seen that animated avatar before in another forum I visit regulary live in.
  18. Woooooooooooooooooow!
  19. Let's all visit the site and enter bogus information on it! Invite all your friends and forum members elsewhere and generate so much traffic that it will be shut down!
  20. Wabbit

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Hmm, the canopy on that photo is a bit hazy... I saw that on my Low-Viz too, anyone knows a way to get it clear (again)?
  21. He sounds like Balki!
  22. Those commercials!!!
  23. It's odd that there is no Region 1 dvd of this feature, it's often a rule that Region 1 gets the first release, especially when this is made in the US...
  24. I got the DVD here, bought with a discount in a media shop in the Netherlands. No extras, just the film with Dutch subtitles.
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