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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Crucify me, but I'd like to have a VF-2SS toy. This design is beautiful and deserve recognition.
  2. where in Europe are you? AHAHAHA!!! duh... well, it says you're Dutch!!! I have a boxed up one at home. let me see how much shipping will be... Cool. PM me if you are willing to sell it, then I'll pass it through to my colleague.
  3. Wow! A colleague of mine may want to buy this, but we are Dutch. Are there any online shops what sell and ship this to Europe? Argh, just found this on BBTS, but guess we missed out..
  4. Looks great! Will it also be in that beautiful color scheme?
  5. Wabbit

    Jm Regult

    The smaller one! It makes it having an eye-lid.
  6. The VF-1, how realisitic it seemed, more realistic than the Transformers which they used a little too much anime magic for the proportions, that I discovered soon as a kid. The VF-1 and all other Macross mecha (alas, apart from Macross 7) had no mouths and that counted for the 'realism', they didn't need to talk and were not organic, so mouths and lips are just dumb. Oh, and the Regult! First time I saw it as a kid I was genuinly frightened. These were real alien 'beings', much different from the humanshaped mecha from Earth.
  7. Regult pods ofcourse.
  8. *Jaw drops* Beautiful work Supreme Master Cheng! All those little details, the subtelty of the cockpit, the shades on the panels, the extreme skill to put on those decals, it dwarves any beginning modeler, but inspires them also. Great work!
  9. How big would a 1/60 AV-6 König Monster be?
  10. Oh, that is small then... ... What?! Only 1/144??? Woohooow!! Imagine the 1/60 or 1/72 version...! If that would cost like $150 to $200, well it may be expensive, but it would be huge! I'd buy it.
  11. Wabbit

    Q-Rau Review Now Up

    Nice review.
  12. To infinity and beyond!
  13. I voted 'B', but it realy depends on the detail (gaps, quality of the material etc.) of the final retail version. The lack of perfect transformation doesn't bother me on this scale. The reason for Yamato to produce a cheaper VF-0S might be the dissapointing popularity in Japan I heard of occasionaly on this board. To produce a larger scale toy in large quantities would then be a risk, let alone for the larger sculpt that Yamato has to pay for.
  14. Wow, Ray (Rei) has a fat ass!
  15. I was waiting for this pair to come. They will be the pinnacle of my collection!
  16. That guy needs to wear a tight jumpsuit under that armor. It looks like someone has knocked out Master Chief and is now wearing his suit in a slightly odd fashion.
  17. None at all. About that time, there was a furor over Battlestar Galactica toys that had firing missiles that put out kids' eyes. After that, most toys with firing missiles either had to be weakened or the missiles removed. IIRC, that's what happened with the original SW (1980) Boba Fett toy. They were going to have firing missiles in the backpack, but after the BSG toy problems, Kenner retrofitted the toys before they left the factory. And I have a Matchbox Prometheus (used to have the SDF-1 itself -- kicking myself for the way I treated toys at age six), and there's no fittings whatsoever for the catapults. It looks like they completely remolded the carriers when they Americanized the toys. Interesting history. so that's where it all began, to 'Americanize' toys against ridicilous lawsuits. People's own responsibility was then put into the hands of the manufacturer, to support the people who can't even look after their own (children).
  18. I started one episode of Macross, but that was when I was very little and it was Chinese dubbed. I only vaguely remember the opening and ending song, up until then a male singing voice and singing a ballad was very new for me and ofcourse the Valks and the odd pods, so a few years later I was delighted that that episode I saw was finally breaking through in the West as Robotech. I was fan for many years, even when the channel it was broadcasted was no more on the cable. I collected 2 Valks and some kits which some were lost during the years and I held on to a few tapes of the Robotech (and the Movie... ) and waited... I fell of my religion when I wanted more information about the upcoming toys, registered here and found out that it was only part of a shameless cut & paste job for a megaseries. Up until that day I believed that there were three teams working at the series to share the workload. I also thought the Robotech Masters Saga pretty much sucked with very different types of aircraft and mechs. And that Earth was so easily beaten by the Invid after so many years of rebuilding its forces and no use of any main cannons that could be build by the huge Zentradi Factory. All those doubts went away the day I signed up and found about MACROSS. I have DVD-sets of both the series (RT: only the Macross saga) now, for good old times' sake and ofcourse the original, which is more fascinating.
  19. Any chance if there are more MW polo shirts to be sold in the near future? Not necesseraly MW Hong Kong Shopathon ones, that is a special only for the participants themselves. A similar design with the small Macross kite at the front and at the back the GBP and without the Shopathon would be nice. If they only cost HK$ 6 per polo, I'd pay US$ 6-10 for it excl. shipping.
  20. I'm using LeechtFTP, but couldn't connect due too many users. I also use my own MW name.
  21. Horrible... Power Rangers indeed.
  22. Zoom!Zoom!Zoom! I want one!
  23. Hey 3st, just read your mail: the best sellers/stores can be found in the Macross Dealer Announcement and Specials section and you can read the Straight Shooters and Blacklist for good and bad sellers in For Sale section. This is THE place to hang out and find information, almost all sources lead from here. Sending you a PM.
  24. Uhm, guys... Looking at the wrong toys!
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