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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Hong Kong is the place to be.
  2. Arrrgh! Why is this so tempting!
  3. No matter what the box office says, Picard rocks the hizzie LOLOL!!!
  4. Kick dat mule to the curb and get with da Laughing Man HERE. Oooo... Thank you senpai!
  5. I'm not going to buy a Q-rau Max, unless it's cheap. And I'm going to Hong Kong this winter anyway, so maybe..
  6. Where do you get it or with which keywords? I can't find it on eMule.
  7. Should the series have been broadcasted on more channels instead of only on UPN, ST: Enterprise would have been more succesful.
  8. OMG this is awesome!!!!! Look at those tiny details!
  9. Nnnooooooooo...!! I've c/p a few of the previous posters, saves me some typing. - The battle at Endor (RotJ) - The battle for Deep Space 9 where the Federation fleet has to punch through the Dominion fleet to retake the station. - New Battlestar Galactica Nebula Escape battle - Macross Plus (OVA) openning scene - Macross DYRL (openning and ending battle) - Macross II ending battle - The battle at Deep Space 9 where the Federation fleet has to punch through the Dominion fleet to retake the station. (Sacrifice of Angels) - Any large scale space battle in B5 - Battle for Earth in the beginning of Star Trek: First Contact ("It ìs good day to die!") But I realy, truly still miss a perfect space battle, THE ultimate space battle as the battle at the Pelennor Fields in Return of the King is THE 'ancient' land battle. A space battle scene that is ongoing, without jumping to another sidestory on a planet. I'd love to see a long and large space battle, each time focussing on a hero struggling for his or her life, failing or succeeding. A flagship-crew that is working frantically to get the orders out and to assess the situation, a captain that is making tough decissions. The battle of the New Galactica at the Ragnar station was a step in that direction, with distorted voices over the comm that battle was exciting as the physics were correct (remember the afterburn slide in Wing Commander?), it was however still too short.
  10. Nnnooooo, not swords..!
  11. Seems each of the Animatrix segments were judged separately... and the Animatrix bits really weren't that much to speak of, with the most worthy segments being the two Second Rennassance clips. -Al Agreed, the 2nd Renaissance chapters were the best in storytelling and great in animation.
  12. Good idea... Let's cut those missiles into bits without fearing them to blow up on my face if I would do that and block incoming beam shots and other discharges from distance weapons like a jedi... It isn't gundam! Give them a bajonet like on the the VF-11 gunpod for close quarters fighting, that is sufficient and the most logical thing to do. Beam sabres... Next are giant tower shields...
  13. latitude 52.2474 52° 14' 50" longitude 4.827 4° 49' 37"
  14. I am 82.5% otaku pure (17.5% otaku corrupt).
  15. Ahh, how could I forget that...
  16. Hiigaran Battlecruiser (http://well-of-souls.com/homeworld/hws/hw2/images/battlecruiser_weaponry.jpg http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=well...UTF-8%26sa%3DN) Vaygr Battlecruiser (http://well-of-souls.com/homeworld/hws/hw2/index_vaygr.html) TCS Concordia (Confederation Class - Wing Commander II) USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E New Battlestar Galactica Star Destroyer Super Star Destroyer That's about it for now...
  17. Valqueery?
  18. Erm, that's not for one dvd with a couple of episodes - that's for three disk special edition, one dvd with four episodes and 5.1 sound, one dvd with the same four episodes but with DTS sound and the first soundtrack album. The standard single dvd with the first four episodes is just $18. Oh uhm, thanks. It now moves to the "Affordable" section of my wish list.
  19. That's still a bit much for just one DVD with only a few episodes... Oh well, I'll just wait for the results of the lottery at the end of this month.
  20. Best. Avatar. Ever. Agreed. Thanks! But it is however a rework from a .gif that someone else had ripped. I found it here: http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=home...DUTF-8%26sa%3DN and done some ImageReady to resize and put a frame on it.
  21. Nice pictures of Rei, Asuka... But I want that Tachikomaaaaa (in the first pic)!!!!!
  22. Wabbit

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Ugh! This is making my 1/48's jealous! A-W-E-S-O-M-E
  23. Must... Buy... Yamato... Toys... By Your Command.
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