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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. I get the Grimrock in a week or so.
  2. Nice job!
  3. The dorky hair of Anakin lets us see what his future son will be looking like. Great detail!
  4. Just get a good display case that is enclosed with glass! IKEA is your friend.
  5. Congrats Graham & Amy!
  6. I've got my Mech #13 and Mikimoto #16 today! They are AWESOME!!!
  7. Are there English subs or is it Japanese only?
  8. Wow!!! Homeworld ships! Mundo coolness!!!
  9. Well, you never ever have enough artillery support when you need em.
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe I stretched too much, but I still think they distorted the image a bit. As for the legs I sincerely hope they bend much more. Part of the problem is that the angle of the ankle section is steeper than the original line art, but then again, you can do things on paper that you can't do in real life. No offence ofcourse, cos I really like that stretched 'fat' look. I also hope they make an extra joint for the legs to let it turn in an 'tough' stand like the Yammie valks.
  11. More tacticaly wrong movies? I think the first movie had some flaws in military thinking, though I never been into service: Why using troopers to clear out a planet? Just drop nukes on it or carpetbomb it. They have the resources to build gigantic cruisers, but they don't have real weapons on it. Maybe I should call it gigantic troop carriers. And why did they have to fly in close formation with those behemoths? Just make a Wing Commander movie again, this time a really good one please.
  12. I still think the above is more true to the real one. Look at the holes at the end of the barrels and the holes on the arms. The photoshopped one looks like it has eliptical guns and ammo.
  13. I have an old VHS of it and saw it again some weeks ago. Boy, it is awful. The voices were recorded in a big hall, so it seems, it echoed terribely. The actual robot fighting as seen on the Robotech Masters were as is. The same pictures, but with different roles/actors in this horrible movie. It's just laughable. I keep the tape for future education: This may NEVER happen again! Bugger, bugger, utterly bugger. Although the ending song was pretty good, for an eighties synth sound. You may find it on European video rentals, 15 years ago... Maybe someone sells it on eBay.
  14. Wabbit

    Yammies per user

    1 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz 3 1/48 (Max, Milia, VF-1J FP) more under way 7 1/60 2 1/72 1 1/72 coming up
  15. Wabbit

    hong kong

    Ahh, I'm tracking this topic for future use.
  16. I'd like to see a Stampeed Valkyrie (and buy it if the sculpt won't raise the price at ridiculous levels).
  17. So young... RIP Richard Biggs.
  18. It's the weapon that caused this flux. It was powerfull enough to destroy a planet, and thus also powerful enough to alter time when it is seriously damaged. That's what I think, though. My thoughts exactly. Where were the warp2 wvessels (sorry, couldn't resist) that dinkytoyed with a Klingon bird of prey at the beginning of the Xindi arc? Shran suddenly appeared, "tracking them down". Although the Andorians ar very cool in ST:ENT, this doesn't make sense. Maybe Shran was already in the vicinity of Earth, wanting or ordered to help the pinkskins and boasted that they have the capability to track them. That might be a logical approach.
  19. Agreed. It is blasphemy! Kidding. It's a nice design.
  20. If they have a cheap alternative for petrol, I'll be freaking happy! Petrol in the Netherlands is €1,29 = US$1.60 per litre!!!
  21. Bah! This is an outrage! I hope that shop will kick Chronopost's butts till they're Q-rau-green!
  22. I want that over a Minmay's!
  23. Beautiful!!!
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