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Everything posted by mustang1

  1. Thanks Eggie! It's z really simple technique... Dry brush wil make that effects look great!
  2. Hi guys , did the 19 and a few others!
  3. Honestly, I have played every metal gear game since "87" on the original NES system. Loved the game play here so many great elements. having said that, I have never been so disconnected from a metal gear game as I was with Phantom Pain. . I found the mission inexcusably repetitive, every time I did a mission I kept asking myself why am I doing this mission again? the narrative through those darn tapes was laughable and just plain lazy! The other elements as " open world" IMHO was nothing of the kind. large for sure, but completely devoid of life. but for the occasional skirmish with Russian soldiers there is nothing. yes, I know it is Afghanistan, but trust me when I say Afghanistan is teaming with afghans. my point in this respect is that not every game needs to be made "opened world" and we don't have to fear linear game play. Finally, it was obvious to see that this game was incomplete, and not just technically, that first level, escaping the hospital, amazing! the rest of the game made me feel very anemic. that is to say, that I was simply playing the game in the hopes that I would get to a cut scene, something, anything that would jolt my connection to this game. Honestly guys I felt like I was playing an unfinished giant sand box of VR missions. and trust me when I say I love Metal Gear!!!!!!!!!!! that is why I was so disappointed. just my opinion.
  4. Thanks reaction, thanks mr. Bomber
  5. Hey guys , as promised I took some pics of my premium format statues , and in honor of the new star wars trailer! Some other goodies , enjoy! Thanks reaction , thanks mr. Bomber!
  6. looks amazing!
  7. Thanks! no3ljm Thanks Saburo!
  8. good question spanner, what I have found is that the issues with transformation after a top coat , dull or clear are relative to how thick/thin a layer that is applied. I usually stick to a very thin layer on these valks as think layers are not usually needed. you are correct sir! pre-order that baby when she was announced! I will post some pics amazing sculpt! wow !!!! that 19 looks sick! amazing job! yes please more pics! Thanks MJ yeah, its just finding the time. I cant wait for them to come in! DUDE!!!!!!! just saw the 19 advanced! wicked!!!!!! :D
  9. Thanks spanner! Hopefully I will get it in soon and I can start the process. Will defiantly post pics. That beautiful baby just screams custom. Eggy, I had such a long debate about what mode I would do the weathering in . Ultimately though, fighter won! 😉 Would love to see your pics! I went crazy and did a binge buy and will be doing all the valks including VF- 25 S with super parts VF- 25 (alto) with super parts VF -117 cannon fodder and alto both with super parts VF-19 advance Busy month! And rediculouly expensive! 😒
  10. Thanks yman, thanks eggy! Few more pics! Hopefully doing VF-19 advance soon!
  11. Thanks guys! Zplus : no airbrush simple acrylic wash and dry bush weathering finishing with a flat coat Thanks Exo taking them now😅 Thanks chaotic : I understand you have some great stands for them. Thanks spanner76 I like the weathered look as well!
  12. Finished product
  13. So, I just back from a long vacation from collecting Macross , man am I glad I'm back. Just got this baby and could not help but weather her! With be doing the rest to the line up once they come in! 😅
  14. These figures are amazing ! just wanted to share a few pics of some Real action Heroes figures as well as the Play arts Kai
  15. Am I the only one that thinks this looks awful? Like really awful, clearly Hollywod cashing in on the whole seal team six operation... When I first saw the trailer for this I thought it looked really cheesy. Just saw the second trailer during the super bowl and it looks even worse. Don't get me wrong , I served 5 years in army but this just looks really awful... Some kind of wired hybrid between G.I. Joe and an episode of JAG. I hope I'm wrong
  16. Sorry. Can you move this topic to the proper thread?
  17. And now there seems to be a bug that Nintendo has no patch for and does not look like they will ever solve. Apperantly at some point in the game, if you try and solve a dragon song quest in a ccertain sequence, you will not be able to save with that data for the rest of the game From nintendo : This issue'We have been made aware of the issue that results in being unable to progress in the Song of the Hero quest. If the game has been saved after completing the sequence of events, it will no longer be possible to proceed through the game on that save file. The only options at that point are to either start the game over or to use an earlier save file to continue. WILL NOT OCCUR if the Fire and Water Dragon songs have already been collected before collecting the Thunder Dragon's song. Talking to Golo in the Lanayru Caves will also NOT trigger this issue. If the game has been saved after completing the sequence of events, it will no longer be possible to proceed through the game on that save file. The only options at that point are to either start the game over or to use an earlier save file to continue. I wish I had a better answer, but I'm afraid there currently is no other fix available. I can assure, however, that we are documenting all feedback we receive on this issue. Thank you for your patience and support. Sincerely, Sharon Matheny'
  18. Is it me? Or does anyone else feel like this new zelda pulled an Apple on us? (iPhone 4s) fanboys be calm, i am an iPhone owner, but back to the point.... did i just grow up of am i just too HD'ed everything now that my eyes cannot take the less than impressive graphics, strangely i have to say that twilight Princes look much better than Skyward Sword. I like the more mature theme, i hate that they are going backwards, and i am really disappointed that the design choice of the game was swayed by the graphical limitations of the WII. I have tried and tried to get into it... but alas, i cannot take this game seriously and it is really bothering me, i can't understand why? I really love the Zelda series and i was so excited about this. but i am really tired go hearing bizarre grunts and reading text, i mean c'mon, welcome to 2012!!! any thoughts guys or is it just me?
  19. great premier ! but man the supposed 90 minutes we were supposed to be given was more like 60 minutes total. I clocked it and approximately 30 minutes of it was AMC selling products , i swear every four minutes the season 2 opener went to a commercial. I know they gotta pay bills but my god!
  20. I still say this is nothing more than a high budget e-surance commercial!!!!!!!
  21. my friend, that that is one sexy bird!!! great build!
  22. I totally agree with this point! C'mon guys I grew up on G.I.Joe Tranformers etc. Do you remember G.I. Joe the " Movie" Do you recall when Cobra Commander was captured, held down by gaurds, got a mouth full of that spore stuff, and them ripped off his shirt in agony and turned into a primative cobra! I mean that was a cartoon, i must have been about 9 or 10 at the time and i thought wow ! this movie has balls! I remember lady jay looking totally freaked out, for the first time she was really scared. we are growing a new generation of totally soft kids! I recall the first rip off of voltron which was power rangers in the 90's. I remember thinking my god what is this Model UN nonsense. with a youth center and touchy feelings carbage. i just remember a time when shows has some balls...
  23. Ok seriously, that intro is just ass!
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