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  1. Hi guys, Just in case you were curious about the 1:8 scale Bust statues. Here is my review. Enjoy.
  2. Thanks SMS, Yeah Im working on a new Background. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. I know it’s a little bit late, but I thought you guys might enjoy anyway .
  4. sorry just saw you message LOL, Thanks Jenius for the assist! Hope that helped? let me know if you have any additional questions. I will be posting my review of Ley or the " Rand " Version Soon.
  5. mustang1

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Well, looks like i'll be in the market for another Vf-19 advanced. Honestly, I only wanted this because I want to display a 19 in battriod mode. Can't see paying up the ass for a few minor design changes and the Macross plus scheme. Really can't justify paying that much on the secondary market for stickers. Bullshit! who i am i kidding! i still want one!
  6. Awesome! Thanks for the tip! May build another and try your method. Any pics?
  7. mustang1

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh crap, is this going to go the way of you can’t own this and less you go to eBay ?
  8. Yeah nice variety , but Bandai is superior in my opinion. But not bad over all, you just need to be a little creative with some of the seem lines.
  9. I usually do, but this is a snap together kits and the lines get a bit difficult.
  10. Glad you noticed, unfortunately the engine the cell doesn’t fit too well. There’s a natural gap for some reason and I’m not that great with putty. so it created an uneven surface but it had an unexpected result that I thought looked really cool so I just left a semi gap and then painted a gun metal stripe running up the engine. Actually kind of prefer it that way . Of course that meant I had to do the same thing to the other side for uniformity. But I like the end result looks like the Canon has a groove.
  11. Thanks guy! Pretty solid kit too!
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