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Everything posted by TheFrenchOne

  1. Cheers to that !
  2. I got it at e2046.com for a great price and 2 dollars shipping to boot. It looks like a got the last one for awhile though, I think they have to make more. Mine took awhile to get here because they had to make some parts that were missing. I spotted many beauties on www.e2046.com site awhile. I didn't order cause i dunno i they were reliable. It is maybe time to update the topic http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=3286
  3. Yeah still not worth the BIN price even with the cell. Oups didnt see the bin price
  4. Same here...
  5. WoW ! Outstanding ! Congrats it is really impressive the engravings on the nosecone are really well made.
  6. I want what he's smoking. I'm suprised he's gotten $99 for it so far. EDIT: Oops, my bad. He's gotten nothing so far, I thought he had a bid on it. Reason for such price is probably the cellar of miriya added in only few sets
  7. I remember the size of the gijoe carrier : do you still have room to move in your home ? For my personnal pleasure : Put one or 2 air skystriker (i am sure you have some) on the gijoe carrier and take pics PLZ
  8. Yep ebay is the place to get it cheap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=62053 ( i bought mine for more $hit ! ) One thing Chicago pic in sig are not loved by mods.
  9. If the delay is just of a little month it is not that annoying, that a relief it could have been worst.
  10. Agree this that ! Joke aside as told before the 1S is "the" valkyrie to get (I prefer the roy one personnaly but hikaru's Strike is handsome too). I purchased my 1S Roy absolutly certain that it will be the one and only one 1/48 on my shelves (too pricey to be bought without thinking about it twice) But i was weak and now all the 1/48 are on my toyshelves : i ate a lot of cup noodles during some months To make up your mind easily watch DYRL movie again. It will probably help.
  11. Reading that many four-letters-words come to my mind Keep us informed...
  12. Got mine for something like 300 USD (shipping in France included)
  13. I confirm this plush is near impossible to find I tried a long time and finally give up....
  14. Look how much s.o. dare to sell them in france and laugh (or cry) http://mospeada.free.fr/vente_collection.shtml for info € is slightly higher than $ those days.
  15. TheFrenchOne


    I received the mail today, mine is on the way
  16. Thanks for the pics. The Q-Rau box looks good, i will may be change my mind and grab one. This VF-0 is a proto, as all of you i hope they will improve the look of their ugly landing gear
  17. After you get your first 1/48 addiction is close.... Anyway when you will make a 1/48 custom pilot do not froget to post pic
  18. That would be the Conquest fighter you're referring to. Hmmm..I'm guessing the blobbed Joe is Flint? I've own alot of Joe's too. I remember when Duke was only available through catalog order at first back in 83' and I waited what seem like an eternity to get my hands on him. It was like I've given up thinking that Hasbro lost my money order or something and then voila, my sister said I had package in the living room and Duke was awesome! The "blobed" Joe is leatherneck (dont remember the name in french) Duke ... This one ?
  19. I am quite amazed that so many guys broke parts of their 1/48 ( and so sorry too). I have carefully transformed each of mine a couple of times (all the 7), put and remove super parts and i still have no broken parts to report. I take my time to transform a 1/48 and never force any part during transformation IMO it is the only way to transform such a toy. The 1st time i transform 1S from Fighter to Battroid it took me something like 20 minutes to proceed carefully through each steps.
  20. I dont even want to think about it.
  21. It is the 5 DVD boxset of the serie.
  22. An other thing catch my attention the world macross never appear on the European version and there is no BigWest License Tab as on the Jap Version
  23. all mine are here. I know that at least the 13rd angel & berserk eva 1 are missing in my collection but i passed on them (no more room )
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