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Everything posted by TheFrenchOne

  1. Yep Same here on Max's seat. Miriya seems to be in place correctly.
  2. I ve got my M&M for a couple of days and this morning i get my first bad experience with 1/48 line. Max's figure was not perfectly sat in the cockpit (max leant on the right) I tried to sit him better but i realized soon that the entire cockpit has been glued uncorrectly I have checked all my other 1/48 and it is the only one which suffer from that "disease" but it piss me off cause max's 1A&1J are my fav valks. Anyone know how to dissasemble the cockpit of a 1/48 in order to repair it ? Edited: Found a topic about this seat trouble, it seems to be done on purpose 1/48 Seat topic
  3. WoW I want a set ! Any release date planned ?
  4. I was close to wet my pants Anyway it is undoubtly an original custom (probably never seen before) Congrats !
  5. TheFrenchOne

    Better hurry

    I dunno anything about sdf-1 toy, can a post a pic with a 1/55 or 1/60 or 1/48 (something i know ) aside By the way : It seems that u cant keep an avatar more than a day these days. Edited : delete pics
  6. It seems to works. Keep trying, i will seed it too Pmed u the link
  7. so many mazinger in a row Great collection !
  8. I remember a toy-store which was exactly like ur Flat anyway very nice collection edited : correct some mistyping
  9. Ooops i post a little slow
  10. Good thing that Van damme dropped the predator role.
  11. There is more than forum in mw : http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_ve1.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_vt1.htm Edited : Add VE link
  12. Correct me if i m wrong but Yamato put the words "Macross : Do you remember love" on all product 1/48, 1/60 and qrau. This indicates that all products are goodies from the movie and not the us serie aka "Robotech". Yamato respect the rules (ie the 1A max or kakizaki has never been released by yamato) they release ONLY dyrl mechas with the correct color schemes. Retailers, as soon as you keep them boxed it is easy to proof that they refer to the movie and not the serie. Okay TV's and Serie's mechas look obviously the same but it is not enough to justify such a licence amalgam by HG (it is a cheap and unfair way to harass an opponent company) they don't have the movie licence, right ? So they'd better shut up IMO a lawyer could be able to make HG understand this and cease such retailers harassement. Just a little ? to finish Does the Dyrl Movie and other series (2, 7 etc ) have a licence in US ?
  13. VE-1 elintseeker : but not really want u think about VE-1
  14. Hum , will probably get the VF 0 (valkaddiction is too strong to resist ) but no stand (no more room on shelves to expose one decently ) and as said Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 can u post a pic ?
  15. yes the One mode is available (without bugs ! ) Gorgeous !!
  16. Released !! Available : ts 2.1 mirrors + Here (win) and there (linux) and if u want high poly custom models click the smiley !!!
  17. Is it just me or this sounds ironic ?
  18. OMFG from the same seller than above Pink nipple cream
  19. Okay we all have some interest in Japanese Mecha, aren't we ? But there is many other good things to grab in Japan this tshirt may help Jap T Shirt
  20. Thanks for the pic !
  21. OMFG very impressive to see all this kits together
  22. Got mine in the box today ! (with book and kit => HUGE BOX !!! ) Thanks again Monkey-N!! The only problem was to decide on which one to put them . Finally there are on max's 1A (for now). It has never been so beautiful !!!
  23. If you have a way to bid on it try yahoojp auction. sometime a kit pop in there.
  24. Here is mine : lat 47° 20' 8" long 5° 0' 16"
  25. I know that there is some ppl playing this hl mod here so i just want to let u know that the v2.1 of The Specialists hl's mod will be release the 30th april !! Teaser Teaser (bink format- 34 m) They finally drop the mac10 that s a relief but not the ak The maps got a serious lifting (better looking textures, ts_casa has never been so beautiful) and ts_supertimor ...... I can't wait to frag on it Akimbo mk23 POWAAA !! improvement: (quoted from www.specialistsmod.net ) mods : feel free to move/erase if necessary
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