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Everything posted by TheFrenchOne

  1. Uh. . . bad news for the collectors? These have been out for only a year or two. The price increase has been negligable so far. If you're buying these for their investment value, I suggest you go to the stock market. Bad news for the 1J because it will be delayed? Why? It is entirely possible that Yamato is capable of putting out both at the same time. The reissues are already designed, sculpted, etc. All they needed to do was paint them. Who knows, maybe they have a new production line. Sorry if I sound bitter. I just hate unqualified assertions of fact when there is really nothing certain known. Either way, I think this re-release (if it pans out) bodes well for Yamato and the 1/48 line. Obviously, there is a large demand for them! Hmmmm, wasn't someone on the old boards saying that the 1/48s would bankrupt Yamato? H I am not buying the Yammies as an investiment, my point is that a 1st release has always a little "plus" than a re-release (even if the re-release are improved as the incoming Yamotos) Model after model, after a long wait it was a real pleasure to get my 1/48's, that's something that the re-release won't make. For the IJ, i am not sure that a release of many models in a short period of time is a risk that a company could take (it is nothing more than my opinion)
  2. The mechas in macross zero are slowly but regulary update at http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/macrosszero/m_vf0.html
  3. low vis and FP are sold out on TM http://www.tmpanime.com/default.php/cPath/.../sort/2a/page/2 Hey Mr. Yamato WTF is that ? I do not want to let my yammies naked !
  4. Very nice pics ! Congrats ! but the elint head in battroid is so tiny !
  5. it is this one ? I dont understand japanese a translate will be helpful.
  6. 19 months Impressive ! What a gifted boy , u must be proud of him. Gift Idea for such a boy
  7. Re-release of the previous 1/48 yammies is a good thing for the ones who have missed the 1 release BUT it is a bad new for the collectors & it will delay the release of the 1J Is it really such a good new afterall ?
  8. Oups i forgot to mention the ones coming from other MW members
  9. Let's dream ! try to make a "petition" to yamato for such a pack, he will maybe hear the voices of fans (maybe )
  10. Why you should buy the VF-1S Hikaru ? The 1 S is my favorite one, that's why it was my first 1/48 yammies but since yamato is making 1/48 with such real perfection (except some little crap like hands ) i get the max&Hikaru soon after. I though that 2 vf -1 A was enough but i finally felt for the 1A low vis. I'm weak and it will be the same for the next ones. The VF1-S hikaru will join the squadron like the others. It will be probably the same for the next 1/48 release of Yamato and what ? I won't go on holidays with my gal with winter, my banker will soon know by heart my phone number, i won't change my car this year (again) ..... maybe but my squadron will be complete
  11. all from Kevin except vintage from Noel and others guys
  12. A bitch transformed my car into a piece of jerk a month ago. I understand what you feel.
  13. With fastpack the Vf-1A looks ......... Grrrrrrrrrr F******* customs release mine !!!
  14. Spent 290 USD on a MIB GBP, no regrets it makes my VF-J like a real monster
  15. 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 7 (2 on the way to my home) 1/48 = 3 (2 on the way to my home) none come in more than 1 ex.
  16. Nice collection of evas The SOC look as tall as the kaiyodo, am i wrong ?
  17. looks amazing ... takara's great piece
  18. Fastpacks definitely improve the look of the gerwalk. Wait the Yamato 1/48 ones to do the same on my squadron
  19. Impressive level of details for paper
  20. One eva 04 on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...09&category=348 I have the 00,00',01,02,03,04 (1st release for each, not mettalic or trans.) They really are amazing. Only one thing : impossible to keep on card properly. Had to open with sharp blade. To everybody who have the 03 (black one) can you explain me how tu put it back in the box (the correct position) Due to the multiple joints i failed to put it in the original position.
  21. Oups, sorry guy we were so happy to find compatriots with the same interest in Macross that we let us overflow and speak french. I will be a good boy and won't do that anymore we will keep french in PM
  22. Je comprend bien le problème mais ne fais pas partie de la solution. Bah oui, moi je bloque depuis toujours sur Macross DYRL, le seul autre truc sur lequel je peux aider c La serie Zero. Bon courage pour tes recherches de staff par contre si t'as besoin d'un "pisseur de code" Html, php, xml&xsl ca peut s'arranger
  23. Graham avait deja posté des pics de la bêêêêêêête le Q-Rau Ca fera enfin un mechant de taille, mes valkyries vont le bouffer !!!
  24. J'aime pas les cuisses de grenouilles, me rendent malade. Pour les 1/48 c de la balle ! (comme disent les jeunes) Mais le vf-0 c pas pour tout de suite ni l'armure meltran (depuis que j'ai vu les photos JE LA VEUX !JE LA VEUX !JE LA VEUX ! ) ,mais c prevu alors faut attendre. En parlant des 1/48 de chez yamato, je suis le seul a trouver leurs mimines un peu ratées ? Pas belles et impossible d'obtenir un grip ferme du gunpod. Apres les A et S faut quand mem que Yamato passent aux J car le VF-1S Hikaru ce sera en fait exactly ca : http://www.robsthingies.com/custom/481s.htm disponible depuis un bon bout de tems En esperant que les modeleurs de chez Yamato auront attenuer l'immonde jointure de la tete.
  25. Mon dieu ! On devrait s'ouvrir une section " France " sur MW ! Je te rassure MAX DYRL JENIUS y'a plein de fans en France (comme partout ailleurs) c juste que l'on se retrouve peu et quand c le cas c sur des sites etrangers (et du coup we speak english to be understood by everybody ) . Si tu connais pas (mais je pense que si) www.robotech.fr.st Ya de belles collections en ligne
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