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Everything posted by TheFrenchOne

  1. Only one to choose ? <_< Probably Roy's but I will get the Hikaru's cause it's rocks with Strike parts as seen in DYRL. But the only one VF1S i really want is the DYRL Max's
  2. Wait for mine to land in my box
  3. VF-1 oldies but goodies
  4. My only lill' problem with the black ones : i left fingerprints on them.
  5. Here come the 1S Hikaru on eBay ! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3251018022 OMG less than 140USD for a vf 1S Hikaru shipped
  6. found at www.toy-wave.com Not as beautiful as the 1A low vis and as the 1 J hikaru but better looking than the first release black scheme IMO 1J Box
  7. I know that it was a good idea ! thks for the pics Mechamaniac, HLJ here i come !
  8. The size of a 1/35 AV-98 seems to be close of a 1/48 yammies (seems ! i am not really sure) http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?BCL2134 Any one has a 1/35 Av-98 and a 1/48 yammie to make size comparaison ? I really want to change the ugly hands of my squadron
  9. I do not want to know how you reach that weird (but funny) stuff
  10. chainsaw and hammer for eva1 ... seems too much cartoonist IMO In the serie Evas had only a functionnal look not like this too much armored eva 1
  11. The only lill' problem i have : fastpack are quite difficult to take off. Otherwise everything is okay !
  12. In france, i ve seen an anime shop selling one at 200 € -> 234 US Dollar Yep, you read correctly. There is no thief, only ignorant customers.
  13. Thks 4 the pics & happy BDay ! The box of the 1J seems really awesome, i hope that Yamato will forget 4 ever the total black scheme of the first ones.
  14. In my case it is just that this MIB 1/48 is as expensive as the most loose old 1/55 of ebay. I had never seen that before. With this auction xmas occurs twice this year.
  15. 25 for me !
  16. 1/2 than regular price Good deal or good trap ? .... dunno maybe he needs cash that bad.
  17. Drop the pad ! Take the scan !
  18. totally agree with that ! He s facing troubles and letting him "at home" in MW forum could be more than just a symbol. He is a great contributor here, mods please pin this topic.
  19. Man, i am so sorry for you Sincerely good luck
  20. One set was for sale on ebay
  21. nice work !
  22. One set is for sale on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3151716725
  23. TheFrenchOne


    GBP Gitfset is really a piece of collection. I've got only the GBP armor, Mine has stickers unapplied i put it on one of my vf1J hikaru and it even if the result seems a little fatty it looks great ! I love it and i am not ready to let it go (though many $$ could change my mind ) The future 1/60 Gbp seems more "athletic" (less fatty) than the old one and for sure it is the thing that will make me buy one !
  24. indigofx28 -> Really huge pic but unfortunalty so poor quality.
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