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Everything posted by TheFrenchOne

  1. Mouais, ma premiere commande de HLJ est arrvive bien amochée avec SAL. les deux boites etaient retenues par un film plastique sur une planche de carton et le tout posé dans un carton. Rien d'autre, du coup la boite du dessus s'est retrouvée bien écrasée Sinon pour VE QUE DU BONHEUR !! Emballé avec soin, Kevin est vachement sympa et repond vite aux mails. Que du bonheur ! Niveau douanes, d'où que cela viennent c'est toujours la loterie. (l'EMS avec l'asie m'a posé le plus de pb personellement) A cette époque de l'année ils sont surement plus occupé avec les conteneurs de contrefaçons de jouets et conneries diverses qu'avec de pauvres valkyries par ci par là.
  2. With the Hikaru's 1S and 1J release we will have to update this topic Not get yet but on the way so: 1/48 7 sets (one of each) 1/60 7 sets (1a max (custom in 1S thanks TheLoneWolf parts) ,1d, 1j Hikaru Max Miriya, 1S, 1a CF ) I feel like a lucky b$stard
  3. Without you , there were probably no way for me (and many others ) to get one set of clear FP. The Monkey Man rules !
  4. Tout à fait d'accord ! La langue de Molière est si belle et empreinte de consonnances délicates, ce serait un crime de s'en priver. U don't understand what is written above ? I feel the same reading Spanish
  5. M&M 1J with and w/out FP (like hikaru's 1J). The problem will be to make room for them (3 FP box + 5 and soon 7 1/48 box ) ... will have to get ride of the Toynami's, so sad
  6. Blue cloudy one is maybe for the non-FP and the other for FP version, <_< , i dunno... edited : I am right ! Non FP Box :
  7. My point excatly ! Since the 1/48 collection still growing i will keep my bucks for them ( +FP +Custom decals ) but i really want to put a 1/60 GBP1J in front of a fatty 1/55 GBP1J. It will orbably be my last 1/60 piece (exception of the Q-Rau)
  8. Has been posted by ... don't remember who posted And try this link http://codyscoop.com/ht-building.html many goodstuff inside Many members are really gifted in modeling, make a search on the previous posts for words like panel line, weathering and so, you will find good advices for sure. Good luck!
  9. Mg shoot REALLY through walls i love that !
  10. Yep, sometimes then ask fee EVEN for a gift marked package , sometimes they don't. It depends mostly on the size/weight of the package (taxing a lill' package is not worthy enough but with a big/heavy one they do not hesitate)
  11. The beast will be released soon http://www.dayofdefeat.com/news.html#DoDon...amLaterthisWeek
  12. The Tv series was great until the FATAL ERROR of the last episode. Shinji introstepction's drama scenarized by only drawings first time i saw it i thought it was something like a bonus episode and not the true final stage (get really sick when i realized it was the true ending) IMO the movies suffer from the same disease. It start great, cool scenario and great action ( asuka's fight versus the winged evas ) it seemed to give a real ending but at the last minutes Bam ! An other tortured ending (GodziREi is holdnig the earth and so and so) anyway, ti stays as one of my favorite anime serie therefore the deception of the end. "Un chef d'oeuvre inachevé" Unfinished masterpiece.
  13. Noble behaviour ! Sorry if i make the mistake to put it in lights
  14. Just a little question : according to your site @ http://www.valktronics.com/Macross.html i "suspect" <_< you to be the same valktronics than http://stores.ebay.com/id=95934258 Am i wrong ? Anyway, great collection !!
  15. Hey ! The 00 is not that bad . I love mine ! Problem is that we will have to wait until feb. to get these soc (according to babelfish's translation )
  16. Soul of Chogokin Eva GX-21: Eva 03 Soul of Chogokin Eva GX-22: Eva 04 Will need to make room on the shelves
  17. Never seen in France either
  18. I love the specials effects sounds of this add !
  19. Er, they are MPEGs, plays fine for me in Quicktime. You did remember to unzip them, right? yes, my mac unzips them automatically. But I can't play them on either quicktime or windows media player. I'll try again. smells like codecs problems for me <_< Edited : Oups posted too late
  20. G-R-E-A-T ! The remote bioman ...
  21. oldies but goodies. Great thanks for sharing this Shawn.
  22. Check the link below... 5.56 flechette I have never heard of that. http://www.waffenhq.de/infanterie/flechette.html but the steyr ACR looks like evangelion palette rifle obviously likely
  23. Here is the Big Box ! Kidding apart it seems just deeper than the "normal" one.
  24. A box with multiple levels like the SOC Eva could probably do the trick. I hope that yamato will make a box that could de easly handled if not this accesorry must be join to future yamato's releases.
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