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  1. CA glue didn't melt a plastic, actually, it form a thin layer to fill the gap within a join, so increase friction of the join
  2. no thx, yes, I mean two metal pegs, thanks your description!!
  3. This is a post to show how I try to fix the loose wings problem when it's wings attached all missiles I think this is a seriously problem , even Yamato add a wing fixer.. but not a very good solution on the right hand size, the problem is fixed, comparing to left hand size, totaly different outcome. Actually, I use CA Glue to fix this problem please remember 1. only apply very few Glue to a join at first, and clear out excessive glue 2. after that, try to move the join for 10 seconds, after 30 seconds, move it again to avoid the join stick together 3. if not enough, please redo step 1-2 4. please stick a join one by one the red circles are where I apply a glue to finally, the problem solved In fighter mode, Wings look so straight even I don't use Yamato wing fixer try to compare swoosh's photo, (sorry to swoosh), there are totally difference on wings I hope this can help sv-51 owners
  4. no need to shaving off the plastic!! just rotate and shorten the long end
  5. yes, I haven't shaving off the plastic!!
  6. I think sv-51r is modified from Russian , SU-27 since it's shape is very similar to su-27 let's take a look ------ and some decals like "X"(=No Step) and some small label is copied from making son SU-27 you can find two makings with are used on sv-51 too (e.g. "X" , converted "C") That's a good news to me, since I love su-27 / su-35 very very much, more than F-14
  7. Thanks Swoosh's translate my script!!! here is my sv51 in robot mode, look great at full loading!!
  8. I am dogjumpjump who fixed the problem one not very hard to move the metal pin, just use small screwdriver to push the metal pin from the end to the front (pls look the direction in this photo) I think GRAW(Swoosh) will help me to put photos here and translation them into English version Thanks for his help!!!
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