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Millia Jenius

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    Millia Jenius

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Doesn't anyone here use cooking oil when making coffee?
  2. Maybe Mari won't have to hear only fanboys sing her songs.
  3. Yay! I got Arwen. It would be really sad if I was a hobbit.
  4. Does anyone have any oxy clean? The blood from my ears has dripped onto my shirt and I can't get the stain out!
  5. I'm just a poser with 3.37%. I can safely infiltrate the geek fortress without fear of becoming one of them.
  6. Have a great Thursday everyone What is everyone having for dinner? I'm making chinese food.
  7. My vanity kept me from joining the navy! I was 17 and went to the local recruiting office and took an aptitude test. After getting the results I was told I could do anything except go on a nuclear submarine because it messes with the reproductive organs. I was all set to join when I watched a program on bootcamp. I was horribly shocked to see girls getting their hair whacked off. At the time my long hair was very important to me and the thought of having it cut was too much. So I decided not to join.
  8. I'm a single Meltrandi. I have yet to find my Max.
  9. All this talk reminds me of a time in Japanese class. Sensei had us get into groups of three. My group only had two people so she gave me an inflatable Doraemon. At the end of class as she was explaining what we just did, she suddendly stopped and looked over at me. I was punching Doreamon in the face! Upon being caught I quickly started patting Doreamon on the head and hugging him and said in Japanese "I love you Doreamon, You're my friend." It got a big laugh out of the class.
  10. And the correct answer is...............................Matsuda Seiko. Take it away iker!
  11. Name the female singer Mikimoto Haruhiko had a thing for and based his design of Minmay on.
  12. The cafe is called 'Variation' and the sign on the arcade has 'Battroid Attack' featured on top, but I believe the actual name of the arcade is 'Close Encounters Game Center.'
  13. What a Hell's going on!
  14. I was a ninja..... in 1985!
  15. I'm 32. That probably makes me the oldest Meltrandi here.
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