Hello everyone, I have been a long time visitor first time poster here at macrossworld and love both macross and mospeada. I have a pretty good collection of toys from both series, from companies like Yamato, Toynami, Megahouse, and CM. I can honestly say that the CM legioss/ tread with all the problems that have been discussed here is a better buy than anything Toynami may come out with. My CM has tight joints and is not as floppy as my toynami legioss is. The only complaint that I have like many others is the connection arm. Like others have stated the should have made two one for armo fighter and another for armo solider. The reason I believe that CM is a better buy at 280 is the quality and finish as compared to the 210(150???beta+70 or 60 alpha) for toynami with really poor quality and finish. Just my two cents. By the way I love sleek look of the CM legioss