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Macross World Daddy

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Everything posted by Macross World Daddy

  1. DUDE!!!!! BE a man and tell her NO, if she tries that $hit with you. I have a closet full of Macross/Robotech stuff and it's starting to explode into the room but it's my area!! We have a Master Bathroom and her stuff takes up 3/4 of it. We have 3 closets in the master Bedroom and 1/2 of one is mine. So, you have to draw the line somewhere dammit!!!!......
  2. Thanks guys. I found some UHU sticks and it works like a charm.
  3. I bought a couple of Hasegwa Macross kits from Ebay (Hawks and Moon Shooters) and they arrived all crushed. I went off on the shipper because I told him 6 times to ship them carefully and he didn't. Well.....Now he is willing to send me two new boxes from the factory (flattened) and I want to know what type of glue to use, in order to make them look like they came from a store and not screw them up and have the glue come apart later on or worse.
  4. The 1/48 Max limited is up for auction on Ebay but the asking price is over the top!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamato-Macross-Valkyri...2|39:1|240:1318
  5. I was going through my Macross collection in my closet and on opening a few cardboard boxes that contain my prized toy collection (MISB), some creepy insects flew out. There was no visible damage to the toy boxes that I could see. Are these those moths that people talk about, whichh eat clothing? I thought that paper was safe??..... If so, how do I keep my collection away? Moth balls, moth ball pouches or is there a better alternative?
  6. I just saw that there are brief mentions of Toynami's variants: http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=346 I hope the "exotic variants" refer to the Strike, VE-1 and VT-1!!!!
  7. I meant the 1/55 valks by Bandai, not the crapola 1/60 yamato line of a few years back.
  8. So if I undersand this, the early 2000 Bandai version and the Origina of Valkyrie versions are identical except for the new heat shield? If so, the Toynami and Bandai versions that are coming out this year are identical except for the packaging? I thought I heard something about the Toynami version getting a new head sculpt........not so for Bandai Origin of Valkyrie version?? .......and will the Toynami version come with the heat shield as well? Has Bandai or Toynami released news of previously un-released models aside from the infamous VT1 and VE1 versions that we have been hoping for since the 2000 version re-releases that never came out??
  9. OOPS!!! I meant to say 1/55....... I have seen the new Bandai 1/55 Origin of Valkyrie line start to come out. What's the difference between this version and the re-release of the 1/60 chunkey monkeys in 2001..ish by Bandai? There is also a Toynami license 1/60 version coming soon of the same thing. What's different between this version and the versions from above? THis is all so confusing..........
  10. Does anybody know if Frank n Sons has the PS3 Dual Shock 3 controllers yet?
  11. I went to school and busted my a$$ to get where I am today, making a six figure income. I buy what I want, when I want straight from my check. I have one of everything in the Yamato and Bandai line and love my collection. Btw, I hate unions because they raise prices on the goods that are produced, which are of low quality. I am a Republican and firmly believe that nobody needs to take care of you but yourself.
  12. I am new here and want to say hello to all. I am a long time fan of the show and hardcore Macross/Robotech fan. I got this "leaked" list a few days ago from a close friend (his brother allegedly works for Yamato) that says this is Yamato's schedule for the next two year but I didn't know how reliable this info was, so I laughed at it and told him to get a life. Now, with Graham’s news, my bud did nail the YF-21 so who knows..... Regardless, here is the list: 2008 1/60 YF-21 (March) 1/60 Reactive armor for VF-0 (May) 1/60 VF-0B (July) 1/60 VF-0D (Aug) 1/60 VF-11 (Sep) 1/60 VF-19 Ravens version (Nov) And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-4 Lightning !!!!!! (Dec.) 2009 1/60 VF-22 Max 1/60 VF-22 Millia 1/60 VF-0? Color variant 1/60 VF-19 Macross 7 1/48 VE-1 Elintseeker 1/48 VT-1 Super O And the grand finally...................1/48 VF-1D!!!! Once again, I am not sure how true this is and I am guessing he might be talking out of his a$$ but I guess we will find out. MM
  13. sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! How awsome will the YF-19 be....next to my YF-19!!!!! MM
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