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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I hope you're right. I really want a renewal VF-27.
  2. I've used superglue, so the problem is permanently solved
  3. Y las olas!!!, tengo pendiente un viaje de surf por Iquique.
  4. That's an incredible flawless build!!! The painjob is perfect. It's an awesome reproduction of the Emirates version.
  5. Age 6 supervised sounds about right!! Thanks!!! Used to build some kits with my dad when I was a kid and I think I was 7/9 years old. Can't really remember.
  6. What's the right age for my son to start building HG/MG's with me?
  7. Impresionante el SV-51!!! Gracias por postear el link!
  8. There's nothing wrong with the angles, the pics you took are perfect. Gerwalk pics are the best, you captured the menacing look of the VF-17, a true killing machine!
  9. Cool, great start!!
  10. Another vote for a 1/10 MADOX-01 Yamato needs to pick up the MOSPEADA license and finish the 1/10 ride armors and make a new Legioss/Tread.
  11. Those two are the essential ones!! Great start for a collection.
  12. I'd say go for the cannon fodder SV-51.
  13. De veras, excelente iniciativa!!! Cuenten conmigo para cualquier ayuda que se necesite. Muchas gracias a todos los que hacen que posible esta sección en castellano!!
  14. It's the best 1/3000 SDF-1 out there!!!!
  15. What color is the piece of plastic that came out? Could it be some excess flash that was jamming the foot inside?
  16. Where's that picture from?
  17. Now this is how I want both my VF-4G's to look like!!! Excellent paintjob William!!!
  18. Used the nail polish method on the pegs, now all the missiles stay on more securely. I'm toying with the idea to glue them on though.
  19. Time to grab your credit card and get one!!
  20. Happened to one of my copies too. I think it's dried up excess glue.
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