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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Eagerly anticipating your update!!!!
  2. I like that price much more!!! 20.000 yen with 18% discount. Hope I'll be able to preorder it.
  3. Unfortunately that's the situation!!!
  4. Love the YF-21/VF-22, but get the SV-51 first. Then buy a VF-22. You don't make a choice when macross toys are involved. You should've asked which one should I get first
  5. Yeah, that's what I do when I can't log in.
  6. The wait is killing me.
  7. Another difference is that the TV VF-1S has black arrows on the head while the DYRL? VF-1S has yellow arrows.
  8. Wrong there's more than ten fans! We're fifteen fans
  9. It will probably cost at least the same as VF-17D with fast packs, or above.
  10. Gundamguy blogspot has been updated, that's where I picked up the price. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com.ar/2013/07/gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite.html But as you suggest we should wait for official confirmation.
  11. Are you looking for this pic?
  12. Metal Composite Banshee confirmed price: 20.000 yen.
  13. Couldn't have said it better!
  14. Wow incredible job!!!
  15. I refuse to give them any idea of how much we are willing to pay. I do know it's going to be very expensive, and I also know I'm going to preorder it and take it like a man
  16. Exactly, great minds think alike The zoomed in pic you posted clearly shows the rudder being a different piece.
  17. This goes well with my Unicorn Prism coating version. I kinda like this glossy metallic coating (I normally prefer a flat finish)
  18. Those grey bits on the tailfins appear to be hinges. If you zoom in the scan, the right tailfin seems to be made out of two different pannels.
  19. Well those gray bits are present in the CAD image, so they must serve some purpose.
  20. Yes, the fighter kits are the Chara-works trading figs.
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