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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Great news!!! We're getting th YF-19 earlier!!!
  2. I'm so getting this set!
  3. The battroid "cape" is part of the VF-0D design. Pushing the wings 1 cm up won't be a great posability improvement.
  4. You deliver such great models Ruben!!! Fantastic paintjob.
  5. Best news!!!! Thank you
  6. Great diorama!!! We need to see more pics of your finished Regult
  7. Did you extend the hips out before rotating them? Each hip has to be equaly extended.
  8. Wow if that Monster is the result of having "basic skills" then I can't wait to see a kit when you consider yourself a pro!! It's so awesome!!! Nice subtle weathering.
  9. I find the head looks stupid too. Can't unsee a pirate's hat.
  10. If I manage to scratchbuild a quality Gosu I will share it. I'm also doing a 1/48 Iigaa. It's my first time scratbuilding so we'll see how they turn out. Thanks for the feedback!! I'll try to do my best. Almost three years ago I started scratbuilding a 1/48 Iigaa (the smaller scout Inbit) and then I bought a new house and my two years old son and my eight months old daughter were born so the project took a long hiatus!!! I've recently completed the 1/60 HDP Regult and started working on the Iigaa project again. And since I love the Gosu why not try scratchbuilding it too
  11. Making some progress with my 1/48 Gosu. A quick cellphone pic:
  12. The shield is too thin.
  13. I'd say go with the VT-1.
  14. Enough talking about the price range. New debate: Since the VF-0D has a split paint scheme, how is Arcadia going to separate the bright blue that goes on top from the white? Are they going to paint the top from the front fuselage and rest of the plane? Because the scheme has an irregular dividing line.
  15. Same here but cool if they got part of the frontier license.
  16. Glad it's brighter. It's an added bonus, but the darker proptotype canopy wasn't going to prevent me from buying the YF-19.
  17. Hope it's a VF-0D!
  18. LOL! I have an extra Yammie Q-Rau and yes I have to get Kurisamas upgrade! I wonder that too! I ordered a custom display cabinet so I should have plenty of space to display part of my collection
  19. More pics!
  20. Posting pics as promised. More to come!!!
  21. Give me a couple hours I'm working on posting better pics!
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