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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I've just recieved the payment request!!
  2. Bienvenidos a todos los hispano parlantes!!
  3. A bit on the big side from certain angles but those hands look very good!
  4. What a relief then. The horror of not owing a single Macross book at all
  5. The Gold book and Macross Perfect Memory are two essentials.
  6. I have a preorder since February
  7. I was going to suggest trying the tamiya weathering sets that come with an applicator brush. If you're not satisfied with the result you just wash it off with water.
  8. This VF-0D could be pink and I'd probably still buy it.
  9. The Gamo is turning out great!!!!
  10. I guess you were thinking about Rosario Love's 1/55 Super Ostrich customs. Welcome back.
  11. Thanks for the scans!!! Which months DKH magazine?
  12. TV Roy has black arrows on it's head and comes with the optional rounded tv hands. Those are the main differences
  13. Thanks for the pics!!! That VF-1D is amazing
  14. VF-3000 and VF-5000. But my all time favorite (not listed) is the SW-AXI Scneeblume!!!
  15. Couldn't agree more!
  16. Una pena que no the haya gustado, pero como dicen, sobre gustos no hay nada escrito Yo tengo dos y es de mis preferidos. Suerte con la venta!!
  17. I use small ziplock bags for all the extras and label them.
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