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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. What a great valk!!!! Took it out of the shelf so it sees some action. Quick phone pics:
  2. I open all of my valks so no such surprise for me either.
  3. Welcome to the club!!! I have two pairs of spare beige shoulder hinges and half a dozen off white ones that Graham sent me when Yamato provided him with replacements so I'm covered just in case.
  4. Congratulations Benson that's a great haul!!!
  5. Wow I've just seen the Cavalier after you said 7 there's 7 valks on the stand. That's insanely cool!!!
  6. Tough question can't decide which one is my favorite. VF-1S Hikaru and Roy, VF-1J with GBP, VF-1A DYRL? Canon Fodder, VT-1, VE-1, YF-21 Guld, Arcadia YF-19, VF-17 and VF-4G are my absolute essentials.
  7. I have the first issue Ivanov (it's not the tightest valk out there) but it's QC free. Great design IMO. Hope it gets a renewal. If not my Ivanov will do just fine
  8. My blue VF-X 1/72 VF-19A from Yamato.
  9. Thank you!!! Pretty bird, I cancelled my preorder but I'm finding it hard to resist ordering it now.
  10. Pics please!!!!
  11. Con el kit de conversión, se refiere al kit que hizo Jhon Moscato (Captain America), para customizar un 1/48 VF-1 y convertirlo en un 1/48 VF-1D. Es un kit de resina con una calidad increible.
  12. Never seen a Hikaru with clear canopy. My standalone Max 1A has the tinted canopy and old crotch.
  13. That VF-22 looks amazing!!!
  14. Saburo, you make me consider purchasing toys I had originally skipped!!!
  15. I'm in that group! I have cancelled my VF-0D preorder. The delta wings never convinced me, I only like the VF-0D's gerwalk mode and double seater cockpit. But the VF-0S and VF-0A will be mine!!!
  16. Great knews although it was expected!!! Hope Arcadia planned the armor for the VF-0S
  17. Got them crabs delivered from the post office!! Sooner than expected! John has done it again!! His Iigaa is an excellent 3D representation form the lineart. I vote for DYRL? Nousjadeul Ger.
  18. No, they were sold as bundles with the VF-1. They were released as Super VF-1J Hikaru, Super VF-1J M&M and the Strike VF-1S Roy.
  19. I'm keeping my preorder. I don't belive there's going to be enough stock once it's out
  20. Hahaha!!! Good catch don't know what I was thinking about! Meant Guld's YF-21.
  21. It takes two weeks to reach South America so I'll have to excercise some patience
  22. It's the other way with mine! The YF-21 has a better finish than Max and Millia VF-22's. But Gamlin's VF-22 is as good as my Isamu YF-21.
  23. You got some skills Awesome build, you always go the extra mile when building your kits.
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