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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Well said!!!
  2. I'll get the VF-1J with GBP a few regults and the Monster from this line. Not really interested in completing the whole line. I have my bases covered with Yamato/Arcadia.
  3. I've checked my order history with Nippon Yasan and it was $319,46 each (two VF-4G's) plus $88,15 Eco - SAL registered to South America.
  4. Need more GBP's but don't need more Hikaru VF-1J's
  5. Great pose, very dynamic.
  6. Here we go again with the brightness/saturation/shade of the color
  7. WelI I hope they get around to do the VF-2JA Icarus.
  8. TV and DYRL? Cannon Fodders look great dressed in GBP
  9. Wow turned out great!!!!
  10. It's from the Studio Nue Entertainment Bible. Taken from the Starship Troopers section.
  11. Must be the two crates that Mechtech built to ship his 1/200 Daedalus! The Daedalus is inside of course
  12. I have the Studio Nue Entertainment Bibles will check later! I think it's a hand going into the Star Ship Troopers suit.
  13. Hope you secured the Yamato 1/60 Monster prototype! I'm serious!!! Or is it the 1/200 Daedalus?
  14. That's the Yamato 1/60 HDP Regult kit.
  15. Yeah looking great!!! Adds a lot of detail.
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