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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I voted Arcadia's YF-19 (I have two). Didn't get Bandai's VF-19 (don't like its proportions) but a friend of mine who has one let me handle it and transform it. All thew curves and shapes of the Arcadia YF-19 make it perfect in fighter mode, it's how I ever envisioned the YF-19 in physical 3D.
  2. I'd go with the Gakken and the CM's Legioss/Tread set.
  3. Yes, it looks great!!! I like the lightened panels.
  4. But that VF-1A has just the GBP shoulder armor. The chest is similar to the Orguss Valkyrie and it has no forearms armor either. It's a cool hybrid by the way!
  5. No just Hikaru with his VF-1J
  6. It was during sarcasm mode on.
  7. MrK. said the black part of the leg fins comes as a sticker and we should apply it after carefuly trimming it!!
  8. You're right!! If the legs are not rotated carefully one might end with cracked thighs.
  9. There's no shapeways replacement, but the extra parts appear occasionally on ebay. That's how I got mine for $40 shipped.
  10. Yamato's YF-21 and the VF-22 are great toys, I'd say almost perfect, the sculpt fit and finish are top notch. Some people dislike battroid because of the skinny legs, they're okay in my book. Don't know if a renewal YF-21 would be a vast improvement over the existing one.
  11. Choose your favorite:
  12. Yes, you are right one thing we have to thank the internet is the possibility of seeing and discovering these awesome OVAs!!!!
  13. Yes, the VF-0C is a delta winged single seat ver.
  14. It was 33.400 with HLJ's discount. Should have grabbed it when subie posted the link, I checked and it was low stock.
  15. It's one of my favorite 80's OVAS. I'd buy all the transformable bikes from Megazone 23.
  16. Well it's the best looking in my book I like the VF-0D but the VF-0B 2 seater with swing wings owns it.
  17. +1 That's the best valk from the VF-0 series.
  18. As others previously said, Bandai and Arcadia should hire you to take their promo pics for the toys!!!
  19. Great color scheme!!! Looks very nice.
  20. Wished they kept the 1/15 scale, but I'm still excited with this announcement.
  21. That's what I did. If I'm not convinced I'll cancel my HLJ preorder.
  22. Great news!!!!
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