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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I see the ill fitted parts and wonky proportions now that I've got more time to examine the pics. Was initially excited to see the first completed kit. Duck has the skills to do it right so I guess Convectuoso can get his kit redone where needed. Looking forward to see more progress of your "Hemorroid" (actually I don't 🤣)
  2. Box art looking great, but I have the Yamato version. Would consider a PF.
  3. I'm always desperate for new pics!!! 😄
  4. Looking great!!! Thank you @enphily
  5. Excellent pic my friend!!! It's perfect.
  6. Got them through a whatsapp group, will ask for the link! A couple more:
  7. Seems broken to me.
  8. Yes, you have to pay up front to preorder this TWE
  9. Great pic!!!
  10. Thank you sh9000 for the pics!!!
  11. Awesome scheme!!!!
  12. New video
  13. She's finnally here!!!
  14. The pic makes it look less pink than it really is. Would have prefered red but I can live with it 😄 Was more surprised by the metal in the legs which makes her balance just right. And all the joints are nice and tight. Facesculpt could have been better. All in all I give her an 8 out of 10.
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