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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. See pics above your post. Tab from the arm near the hand that holds the gun tabs into the lower leg (pic 3)
  2. Watch the new battroid pics and you'll see tabs in the arms and forearms that tab into the legs. It's the designer from the CM's Legioss and it seems he thought this time about keeping things together.
  3. I like fighter mode. It's still a prototype but looks promising to me.
  4. Thank you for the link!!! I like that it's a better proportioned CM's. The same guy is doing this. Let's hope it has better quality than the VF-2SS. I'm looking forward to this Legioss.
  5. Count me in for the preorder. I want to see more ET's Legioss pics.
  6. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Picked up yesterday Sovereign from the post office. First Fans Toys product. It's better than people say, what a great hefty toy! !! It's how I envisioned Galvatron in toy form.
  8. Wow I'm in!!!
  9. Why pixelate a picture of a repaint of an existing mold (like M&M, VT-1)? It's a new mold for sure. It could be a SV-51 v2. We'll have to wait for this sunday.
  10. My vote goes to the SV-51 too.
  11. Markings should have been tampoed like the first issue GBP Armor from Yamato. Not a dealbreaker through. Paid mine from HLJ.
  12. Ojalá apunten un poco a los fans de la vieja escuela y le den un tono más adulto!!!
  13. All my tinted canopies have held up well too!!! It's a pity that Yamato/Arcadia discontinued this process.
  14. Order stop now. Couldn't preorder it. Hope ut opens again!!
  15. Still in stock!!! Go people! !!
  16. Well more Macross is better than no Macross so, color me optimistic.
  17. Great job Lolicon!!! The VF-31J looks awesome!!
  18. Will try to preorder the "premium" version. Already have the Yamato version but I'm in for a full tampo white version. Hope nippon yasan carries it!!
  19. It really is full of details for such a small scale!!!
  20. Awesome pics and awesome Max collection Darotower!!!!
  21. You'll get one!!! Don't worry mate!!!
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