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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I'm in, didn't get these two so Arcadia has my money!!!! Best news ever!!!!
  2. I started my collection back in 2000' when Yamato was launching the 1/60 VF-1 version 1. I always preorder, I never wait for sales for the valks I like.
  3. May can't come soon enough!!!! Will have to buy more Spartans. It's looking awesome.
  4. Bought yesterday a 1/60 VF-1A Kakizaki TV ver from mandarake. Kakizaki was lacking in my collection.
  5. We're having a great time with the wife and kids going to far away beaches, we throw the surfboards and everything needed in the back, so I guess the truck serves it's purpose. It handles very well in the sand and like a car in the city! I'm really satiesfied with it. I opted for the manual BiTurbocharged direct injection diesel engine.
  6. Yes, no TV variants at all. One would think they no longer have the license but that pure speculation.
  7. Yes I've seen your pics, cool squad you got there mate!!! I need three more Movie ver CF's. Ideally I'd like 9 but six will be enough. I should have bought more Cavallier VF-1A's.
  8. You're right at least they've shown the DYRL? prototype. I also want the TV ver but no one seems to care for it
  9. I'm hunting more VF-1A Cannon Fodders I'm shooting for six VF-1A DYRL? Cannon Fodders, currently have 3 and one TV ver
  10. They've done the Glaug which is one of my favorites, but I'm going to be extremely pissed if they don't offer at least the DYRL? N Ger! !!! The have teased this mold. Hope it's not vaporware because it's my favorite enemy mech.
  11. My friend and macrossworld member Darotower helped me get my third 1/60 VF-1A Movie Version Cannon Fodder through Jungle.
  12. Cool pic no3Ljm!!! Although not official, Arcadia could have trown those in as a bonus.
  13. Picked up mine from the post office this morning. It's a work of art!!!! The chest piece fits very well. I can pick the VF by the chest armor and it doesn't pop off. I was doing it wrong first. The upper tabs near the protrusions that cover the tanks should be over the VF-0 chestplate (not against it) tjen the lower tabs click in very well. The chest armor "grabs" the chest piece from above and below. Will try to illustrate with pics later.
  14. Picked the RA up this morning from the post office. Truly amazing!!!! Quick pics from the cellphone, will post better ones later.
  15. A N Ger tv ver prototype was never shown. Hope Bandai releases both versions.
  16. Podes ir a una química y comprar "acetato de butilo" es acetona rebajada y sirve igual. Yo la uso para limpiar resina cuando arreglo mis tablas de surf.
  17. Turned out great!!!! The right amount of weathering. What did you use to panel line it? I like the subtle panel lines.
  18. Got Fans Toys Sovereign. I'm waiting for the RA armor and got a third 1/60 VF-1A Movie Ver Cannon Fodder through a friend from Jungle.
  19. MW member Ratatarse organized this!!!
  20. Así es somos pocos los de Sud America pero estamos presentes!!!
  21. We'll "crazy canuck" was a very active member back in the day!!! I wonder what happens to some members that suddenly disappear.
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