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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I'll declare model kit part/toy just in case.
  2. I'm waiting a review, but by looks alone I'm in. Love the Legioss design.
  3. I noticed the same, looks promising.
  4. Shoot me a pm I can send you one of mine. Free of charge.
  5. Sold!!!!
  6. Wow awesome!!! Great choice of colors, love this scheme!!!! How did you apply the different colors?
  7. Thanks for the pics!!! Looking much better than expected. Will pull the trigger and order it.
  8. No pics yet???
  9. Great pic!!! But you have the arm packs switched (change them, and the screws visible on the left arm end on the inside of the right arm).
  10. Easy pass, that price and colors!!!!!
  11. Looks awesome. I don't collect figurines, I'm more an only mecha collector but this Mirage is looking very good!!!
  12. Not anymore. The side covers are grey now (I prefer it this way to have some contrast).
  13. Having so much fun with Miria!!!
  14. I thought you were going to order one. I love this design so I couldn't let it pass. Bought it from AE. I'll post some WIP pics.
  15. Got my MG Hazel Custom from the post office.
  16. Picked my Hazel Custom this morning from the post office.
  17. Yes, shaving down those tabs solves the problem.
  18. It does have a lot of paint. I've transformed mine 3 times and the top paint is ok, but the back of the two back lights still gets scratched.
  19. Wow!!!! Good to konw Miria arrived safe and sound.
  20. One can never have enough Destroids lol!!!!
  21. Congrats on your Miria purchase!!!!
  22. Just two lousy cellphone pics, will post better ones later.
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