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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Nothing Macross related, but this morning I picked up Metal Build Mazinger from the post office. Had to open it at the parking.
  2. Thanks for the carification!!!!
  3. I'm in!!!!
  4. Wasn't Stick delayed until April?
  5. My M&M from Arcadia are fine (hopefully they stay so). I know some members had the hard point issue with their Yamato valks, but mine so far so good.
  6. Yes, ET is doing the same as CM's back in the day. AmiAmi is carrying the red Legioss and it's still in stock for preorder.
  7. +1!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has to!!!!
  8. Beautiful pics as usual Kuma!!! Are you going to shoot a video review? I'll pic mine up from customs this coming Tuesday.
  9. More pics of the toynami monstrosities:
  10. Toynami has done it again. Pic found by MW member Darotower. My eyes bleed from these abominations
  11. So I'm preparing myself for the innevitable F5. To be fair, all units have been somehow easy to obtain.
  12. Metal Build AoZ MS would be a dream come true.
  13. Congrats, should receive mine soon too!
  14. It's not the greatest scheme but I kinda like it. I'll buy it.
  15. Same here Noel, but I watched the movie and I liked it. Hadn't seen anything Mazinger Z related in 30 years, since I was ten. The movie was ok, not the end of all be but not the worst movie either. It might help that I'm not a harcore fan. Loved the MB the moment I saw it. It's a great modern representation IMO. I have a preorder with AmiAmi so I'm very excited with this release.
  16. Will do the Gundam marker trick to my Beagle Stick.
  17. Si estás en Argentina hay que estar preparado a pagar 50% de impuesto en aduana, eso como advertencia para cuando te decidas a comprar. Pero no es muy complicado, solo hay que cumplir con algunos requisitos, hay que tener Clave Fiscal para hacer a traves de la pagina de AFIP la declaración jurada para pagar el impuesto de importación y retirar en Aduana. Bandai Hi Metal R, que son 1/100 son una gran opción ya que disponés de mechas enemigas y Destroids y de a poco empiezan a salir mas VF-1 y el VF-2SS De Arcadia/Yamato tenes la línea más completa en escala 1/60 de series como Macross Zero, Macross (serie original), Macross Plus, Macross 7 De Bandai tenes también la linea DX con valks principalmente de Macross Frontier y Macross Delta, también excelentes figuras y su escala es 1/60.
  18. Yes, I checked and my PO is from October 1st. It's one of my most anticipated releases of 2018.
  19. I'm waiting for the Metal Build Mazinger Z Infinity. Can't remember how many months have past since I preordedred it at AmiAmi.
  20. Resisted too long getting mechs from Macross Delta!!! This is the beginning:
  21. Cool customs!!! I agree it's better to have Misa on the back instead of Minmay
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