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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Yes!!!!!!
  2. Nothing can surpass John's level of detail, design, proportion, and attention to the subject at hand. So, it will be great if it still can happen. I understand his decision though.
  3. Thank you!!!! Will definitely check this Megatron, looks good and decent sized for my desk at the office. Chest windows look great now. Have you machined new gears for the hip ratchets?
  4. It certainly is!!! Simple but epic. Great review Kuma!!! Since you have a 1/100 HMR VF-1J, you should also experience a Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 ver2.
  5. Thank you, just a couple more minutes and I'll be home
  6. Picked up my VF-1J from the Post Office this morning, can't wait to get back home to open and play with it.
  7. That would be great, as long as bandai delivers I can wait Well, the N-Ger is my favorite Zentran mecha, so yes, I want it too.
  8. That's all kind of awesome Noel!!!! Why the down voting????? Up vote from me, gotta balance the force.
  9. My birthday is in June. A Tomahwk in June would be great
  10. TV Cannon Fodder ruinned. Will have to experiment whitenning. All other TV 1/60 white v2's are fine though.
  11. The 1/60 v2?
  12. I thought I was the only one that noted the slightly pre-yellowed nosecone. Wonder if it's made with a different plastic or painted. I will pass this 1/72 VF, but will consider other mechs in this line. Really looking forward to MAAS Bioroids.
  13. Bought only one, and I think I'm going to paint the chest fillers grey, don't like them in white.
  14. I have nightmares thinking about the cost of the SV-51.
  15. Amiami shipping notification received as well!!!
  16. I am not worried either, but I am very anxious
  17. As crazy as this sound, it's totally possible when it comes to bandai.
  18. I think I'm good with this Hikaru VF-1J equipped with GBP armor, Roy's VF-1S and (if bandai releases it) a CF.
  19. There may be some plastic flash inside the swivel articulation. You can use a hobby knife to carefully trim the excess plastic. I guess there will be a mushroom peg inside.
  20. Paid my AmiAmi order, now the waiting game begins.
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