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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. I was going to post the link here after securing my copy, but it was the only cooy available (someone must have cancelled his preorder). Then I saw that F360 had posted the link 8 minutes before. I was lucky this time. Bandai should reconsider the available stock for preorder for these popular releases.
  2. Thank you!!! Had my cellphone with HLJ and AmiAmi logged in just in case. Been refreshing those pages every hour for who knows how long Was going to wake up the kids for school and saw the preorder button!!!! Clicked and it went through. After I ordered it AmiAmi changed the status to sold out.
  3. Woke up, checked AmiAmi and saw the preorder button. I was able to preorder the VF-1S!!! Thank God it lasted 10 minutes after your post.
  4. Cool pics!!!!
  5. Yes!!!! I always forget the green repaint for DYRL
  6. I went with Anime Export this time for the Packs, hope they deliver.
  7. I ordered the Strike Packs yesterday from AE.
  8. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
  9. Naked VE:
  10. Love all of them, great pics!!!
  11. Thank you for the link but mykombini does not ship to Argentina anymore. Hope a fellow MW member gets it!!!
  12. Rant mode on: WTF Bandai????? You are losing money!!!! You are not meeting the demand. Yes, I get it, it's better than unsold stock sitting months in a warehouse. But this DX line is proving to have a great demand. I landed a 1J preorder at AmiAmi, but couldn't get the 1A and 1S. In my country (in South America) I have to pay 50% import taxes shipping included. So it's not fun at all to pay $100 above MSRP and then being @ss raped at customs. The Hikaru 1S which is my favorite is $380 shipped to Argentina through NY. So now (although nobody is putting a gun in my head) I have to preorder the Strike Packs at NY just in case I don't miss the preorder, and hope the Kairos scenario won't happen again. And I don't have a 1S yet. Again, WTF Bandai???? Really miss the smooth PO days. Lancers Sentinel cyclone was a breeze to preorder. Rant mode off
  13. I want to see Sentinel Fuke's prototype pics first. Confirmation of the fourth release please!!!
  14. The second pic is my favorite too!!
  15. Some Monster love:
  16. Great pic!!! CF love!!! I'm waiting for my VF-1D to arrive.
  17. It's where I ended. And got cart jacked at AE and CDJ. Extremely pissed right now!!!!
  18. 1470 at NY
  19. Got a could not process your order message at paypal
  20. Scared to refresh HLJ.
  21. Cartjacked at AE and CDJ
  22. Nothing, come on HLJ
  23. Oh God, I'm going to be extremely tired this Monday at the office. Good luck everyone.
  24. This ^^
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