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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Well, the VF-1 HMR is a mini Yamato v2.
  2. Different angles, taken from Twitter:
  3. Yes!!!!! Everything looks amazing.
  4. Thank God it was a joke, I was going to slap some sense into you!!!!
  5. I'm only intrigued by the potential RT LA film. HG keeps claiming it's a given but I doubt it.
  6. 6.800 Yen. Why give them ideas
  7. Man, I don't know, the Packs have too many markings, and the fonts are huge.
  8. I need the S and D for mine
  9. Awesome!!!! You've done it
  10. I decided to glue one of the multiple abcrunch/waist joints when I built the RG Shinanju (it can't bend backwards now). This kit has too much articulation in that area, more than needed IMHO. It's very stable now, it holds the shield and weapons fine, but I have it on a stand, that helps a lot!!! The RG Shinanju looks great, but the RG Sazabi is a much better kit all around, it poses better, it is much more stable.
  11. As others said, beware of Saburo's pics!!!! All of his nice pics are known to induce you to buy all sorts of VF's
  12. It's a great kit, my favorite RG (I'm biased cause I love the Sazabi). Objectively it's a great kit. Very straight foward build. You only have to be careful when inserting the shoulder mechanism in the torso housings. I've bought the waterslide decals from Samuel decals. I have to finish matt coating my kit and it's done. Some pics of my OBO build:
  13. Got the VF-1D HMR. Some quick cellphone pics at the office:
  14. Sweet 1/48 Yamato collection!!!!
  15. Good hunt, hope you can secure a Max on release date!!!! I'm not going to collect the whole line, I will pass Max. I was lucky enough to secure Hikaru's 1J at MSRP and now his 1S. I also want a CF and Roy, will try my luck during PO with these.
  16. Great minds think alike Mine went back to ficghter mode. Grabbed only one too. Missed the Max 1A PO (cartjacked) and missed the 1S PO (cartjacked too), but after a week trying, I was able to secure one 1S at AmiAmi. Can't wait for the Hikaru 1S, it's my favorite along Focker's 1S. The Strike Packs are already preordered at AE.
  17. Let's get it back on track then
  18. Great pics everyone!!!
  19. I have 27+ 1/60 v2's, and some of them have survived countless transformations. As others said, don't worry about that backplate bump. The only area of concern are the shoulders of the first releases. I have spare shoulders that Graham sent me ages ago (for Roy's DYRL 2008 first release and the 1D) but have not changed the cracked Roy shoulders and they are still attached, and the 1D has no problem at all. The 1/60 despite being 11 years old is a great toy. The 1/48 DX is not a huge step forward in the development departament. The 1/60 v2 is the groundbreaking VF-1 IMO. Free all of your toys from the boxes and enjoy them. With careful handling you should be okay. You might get a lemon here and there, I'm not saying you won't, but you can play with them worry free.
  20. You're are welcome!! Yes, those changes make the figure more dynamic looking, and also better articulated.
  21. Great pics!!!! And poses too lol.
  22. Hikaru/Rick is looking good, I'm all in with this line. Said I wouldn't but finally got Minmei and then proerdered Hikaru.
  23. Thank you Noel!!! Hikaru's 1S is THE one I wanted, I'd say more than Roy's 1S. I'm still refreshing like a maniac AmiAmi and HLJ, I'll let you know if another one opens up for preorder. Already payed for the Strike Packs at AE, but was missing a 1S preorder. My bussiness is very slow at this moment so I wanted a MSRP 1S preorder. I was lucky this time. Was cartjacked three times during PO night. I refused to pay 35K at NY. Nothing against all the people that preordered through NY, just saying I'm low on funds right now.
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