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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Look at my avatar
  2. Ignacio Ocamica


    I really like what I see!!! it seems to be all I expected. Can´t wait till Kevin recieves his shipment.
  3. 1/60 will do for me (to display with all of my 1/60´s). I´d also buy a 1/48 version.
  4. Hope you´re right. I´m dreaming with the DYRL? Nousjadeul-Ger. The Glaug never appeared in DYRL?, only green Regults. And Yamato favors DYRL? over the series (although there are some valks from the series). So Yamato might try with the Nous Ger in the future. Hope to be proved wrong and see a TV Regult or Glaug. But I´d KILL for a DYRL? Nousjadeul-Ger. I´m hoping for an upscaled 1/60 YF-19.
  5. This is the best valk after the VF 1X series PERIOD. Note the similarities of the SW-XAI with the VF 0! (Kawamori must have designed both at the same time) But the SW-XAI looks hundred times better than the VF 0 IMHO. It´s a shame that it´s an advanced valkyrie from the VF-EX series. Looks more advanced than the VF 1 just like the VF 0 does, so it could have been THE valk for Macross Zero . VF 0 toys: will get them SW-XAI toys: will never get them (hell I even can´t find this IHP kit!)
  6. See my avatar? That would be my first choice (DYRL? Nousjadeul, please yamato?) A Regult would be my second choice.
  7. Sooner or later you´ll have the 1/60´s even the 1/48´s. Believe me it will happen.
  8. I´m keeping all of my 1/60 valks! I´m a maniac when it comes to scale. Have every valk that came out in 1/60 and already preordered two sets of the GBP and the Q-Rau with Kevin. Will also get the Monster (and please Yamato iron out other destroids or enemy mecha!). The 1/48 line won´t be that complete . The 1/60 line will be the most complete out there. My Fast Pack 1/48 Hikaru VF 1A in "perched mode" (half gerwalk for those who wonder) and the Hikaru VF 1S Strike or Fokker Strike (I´m still debating which one to get) are enough to fix my 1/48 needs. I´ll be passing the M&M, still like the proportions of the 1/60´s better, guess I´m in the minority.
  9. Now that´s a custom!
  10. Sorry to hear your VE took a nose dive!
  11. If I had to choose between those two I´d get the 1/60 Armored valk That´s just me!
  12. Yes, the pilot has a face (Millia) under the visor. The visor is a seperate piece to the rest of the helmet/head. However, I'm not sure if on the production version, the visor will be removable or will be glued in place. Graham That sounds good! A face under the visor, but really, if it´s removable or not, if the pilot is articulated, limped or whatever, I´m gonna buy this toy. Already placed anorder with Kevin. The Q-Rau looks über-cool. Sorry but I don´t understand people that are missing this toy cause the pilot won´t be an incredible detailed action figure. The Q-Rau is the main STAR here! At 1/60 the pilot will have enough detail.
  13. Best nosecone: SWA-XI "Schneeblume" Best gunpood: full armor VF 11C. Actually it´s a good topic, fun and original
  14. Great pictures!!!!!!! I´ll dress all of my valks with the GBP armor. God it´s good to be a Macross fan these days.
  15. Cool news Sebastian!
  16. Ignacio Ocamica

    New here!

  17. The 1/60 Monster..., compare with the 1/48 VF 1´s on the right corner and judge the size!!!
  18. MkII Monster!!!!
  19. Me too! All hail the power of the 1/60!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I´m in too, I´ll get one whatever it takes
  21. Tough one here, can´t decide which one is my favorite. I own all of them except for the VE-1 and VT-1 (which are on the way thanks to Kevin) and they´re all great!!!
  22. Ok, I´ll go through the 13 pages and do the math. I´m through page 4 already, writing the quantities posted for each scale. Then I´ll sum. As Graham asked I´m counting the pieces bought, and whenever a post claims that X quantities are on the way I´m counting that too. I´m leaving the desired VF´s out of the addition. I´m busy right now, give me some time and I´ll post the result late this night.
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