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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. So true, so true I remember the discussion on the old board about the "mosquito nose" from the 1/60's (people complained it was too thin). But that is what it makes it closer to the lineart than the 1/48's. The canopy from the 1/48's is really messed up (it's too wide and ruins the front view of the fighter). Look at this pic then take your 1/60's and 1/48's and judge which one looks closer to the lineart (this view ruins my 1/48's, I never get used to the ultra wide canopy):
  2. I second that!!! I really enjoy looking at all of my 1/60's (Q-Rau and GBP included). It's a great line. I believe Billy Wong has done a good job.
  3. No way the Q-Rau is a better toy than any of the 1/48's. I just pointed out that it's a pretty good toy (it is more than a decent toy). I stated I had nothing to say about the 1/48's because they speak for themselves. I'm aware that speaking about the Q-Rau there are three mayor complaints, the price, the pilot, lack of die-cast. I share some of this thoughts but none of this ruined my enjoyment of this toy. The sculpt is perfect, so is the design. Even my two GBP armor have tight armor round the nosecone (many members reported that it pops out very often!). I do respect your opinion that you prefer any of the other 1/60's to the Q-Rau. I myself enjoy all of my 1/60's (own the whole line) even after buying the 1/48's (don't own them all). I always ask for accuracy, durabilty and last, but not too important, playlability. I would say Yamato makes two steps forward and one step back (the VF-0), but it still keeps on walking (insert your favorite scotch here ) I think we agree that the König will be the bomb!!
  4. I'm speechless Jesse Great work!!!!
  5. I'm among the group that think Yamato toys have gotten better. "The VF-0 is the exception that confirms the rule" -The Mac Plus valks were okay (except from the VF 11 with osteoporosis). -The 1/60 line got better with every release (I do believe the Q-Rau is a great toy, pricey but sculpt-wise it is perfect, and very playable, IMO). My two GBP 1S are perfect, balance well, click and fit very nice (I also think the sculpt is very accurate to the line art). -The 1/48 line, what can I say!! (I'll only can nitpick in certain areas where I like the proportions of the 1/60 better, such as length and bulk of the arms and a sleeker nosecone and canopy, again IMHO). Now, the König Monster will leave us speechless (if it doesn't, I have no problem to be stoned to death for this assumption ). It's an intricate design and I believe Yamato has pulled it off "almost" reaching perfection. I disagree with people on the other thread that don't like it's battroid mode. It is as good as a 3D model can be (I'm open to discussion). I don't get how people say that it does not resemble the line art in this mode. Is it as off, as a Toynami MPC to the VF 1 series? Please, don't answer yes to this one. Talking about QC, there are some issues now and then. Some acceptable some not, but all in all I think Yamato passed the exam. Should Yamato sit back and relax? Hell no!!!! There is always room for improvement Well, that's my 0,02 cents for all that matters.
  6. It looks like Lynn Minmay to me, although I'm not %100 sure. Sorry I can't help much more
  7. I'm hoping that too I think Yamato should venture a little more in the 1/60 SDF Macross line. It was stated in the old forums that this line was pretty much done apart from one or two more releases (Q-Rau and GBP as they turned out to be). I guess the Q-Rau is doing good (hence there's a Max release on the horizon). But Yamato shouldn't stop there. They should test the destroids and enemy mech arena in 1/60. We have currently one DYRL? type enemy mech (Q-Rau). Why not the male armor (Nousjadeul-Ger)? I know it's not amongst the favorites (it's surely among mine ). DYRL? Glaug does not exist, and the green Regults are a bit of an obscure mecha, but the TV version of the Regult would sell like hotcakes. When talking about destroids (excluding the vaporware Monster) they are a safe bet to complete the 1/60 line. Then as Graham pointed out we have other licenses such as M7, 2012 Flashback (the VF-4), VFX-2, M3 to name a few.
  8. Give the 1/60 GBP 1S a try. We don't know if Yamato is going to make it in 1/48 scale. Bought two GBP armors from Kevin and I'm really happy. Very sturdy, everything clicks and snaps together fine. It´s also very accurate to the line art (better proportioned than a possible 1/48 version would be, IMO). The 1/60 battroid is better proportioned (not sculpt wise). Well that's my two cents.
  9. This is when I take a seat, relax and wait for the pix You are doing great Rob, take the time you need!!
  10. Good work so far!!!! Keep us updated
  11. I don't think it can. If the drone attached only to the backplate of the VF 0 one could think that the transformation may be possible. But still the backpack could not fold against the backplate in battroid mode. A half gerwalk mode (without folding the back pack) should be OK.
  12. Looks really great, nice mod. Makes the lasers look more authentic.
  13. Thanks for the pics! I didn't know they had inner detail. Really cool Mecha!!! Now I think it's time for Yamato to make 1/60 Destroids and a 1/60 DYRL Nousjadeul-Ger (the Queadluun-Rau needs it's male counterpart!!).
  14. Looking really good Gorgon
  15. I only want Hikaru's VF 1S and I'm pretty sure there will be a second run!
  16. Sorry, forgot to thank Graham for the picture. Thanks for sharing it with us!!!!!!
  17. Guess i´ll be stoned for saying this but actually I like the dengeky picture much more than the proto. The proto looks very stiff, it´s legs are very static, the colored version looks more posable, it has more life to it. I´m so getting this toy!!!! Well, that´s my 0,02 cents
  18. My condolences
  19. Nice way of displaying your valks Jesse!! Thanks for the pix. (It´s nice to see the collection of other people and how they display it, I get new ideas )
  20. You're so right
  21. Nice collection you have there!!! Sure the valks look more menacing
  22. This page is so f_cking hilarious Can´t stop laughing. Gotta love the hatemail
  23. Great mod you did on the YF-19!! Looks really cool, good work
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