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Ignacio Ocamica

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Everything posted by Ignacio Ocamica

  1. Nice pictures Reminds me to finish my 1/72 Glaug kit (it is sitting unfinished in my grandma's apartment ).
  2. Roy's death.
  3. Great rendition of the VF-1 WOZ!!!!
  4. Count me in for a fold booster. Although I just want the darn YF-19 to see the light of day
  5. I like it too, it is not the best Yamato toy out there but (I don't know why) I like the three modes Maybe it has grown on me, I like gerwalk mode a lot. Someone please hit me with a 1/48 in the head
  6. Graham already answered that one The same happened when we saw Q-Rau pics on the magazines. The production version has no problem standing on it's own. Guess Yamato will take care of that.
  7. Thanks for posting the pic! I remember the Mospeada (and for that matter, all the anime toys) sold here stateside had all firing mechanisms removed from the weapons at the time (mid 80's. I guess toy companies were still in the wake of the Battlestar Galactica Viper toy that killed a four-year-old when he fired a projectile into his mouth a few years back) whether they were in a "Robotech" box or original Japanese line box. I had that Mospeada 21 Bike. Me and my brother took apart some of the weapons and saw space for a spring and other related firing mechanism components. I think the projectiles were glued permaneantly in their "chambers" if I remember correctly. You are right about the firing mechanism. I have the japanese Gakken boxed version and the mechanism is there (I can remove the missiles but no longer shoot them cause the springs may be a little rusty!). Oh, by the way, it's an amazing toy
  8. Congratulations Rob She's adorable!!!
  9. Anyone wants to start a bet on how much time we'll have to wait till this beauty hits the streets? The only good thing is that we'll have more time to save $$$ to buy multiples!!!
  10. You can put a very fine layer of primer and check the areas which cause paint chipping (where the primer chips off). After that, sand down the problematic areas (not too much), prime again and then, go for your custom . You can avoid the "primer step" by studing carefuly the areas that rub against each other, and then do the sanding. Clearcoating helps too!!!!!!!!
  11. Mospeada is one of my favorite shows (macross and Megazone being the other two). We got great toys too...
  12. And what do I get vacuumed if the wallet is empty? You are right about that one (I've seen it in some mag scans).
  13. Destroid mode is "perfect", battroid mode is really good, and I am starting to like shuttle mode as well. What else can I expect from this toy?
  14. Thanks Yamato for making this real I'll get one for sure!!!
  15. You have my vote on those MECHS!!!!!!!! Anyone knows if the Q-Rau sold well? Graham? If I had to choose, I´d vote for a DYRL? Nousjadeul-Ger and a TV Regult, if Yamato makes that in 1/60 (to match the current line) I'd be the happiest guy on earth. My 1/48's are feeling lonely also (I know, I know, there is no possibility of 1/48 enemy mechs, that's why wish for 1/60 at least).
  16. Can't find the words to express how great this kit is coming along Truly a masterpiece John!!!
  17. Looking great so far!!! Keep up the good work
  18. As much as I'd like to mod my 1/48's, something tells me that "if it can go wrong, it will go wrong".
  19. Yep, we can have a VF-1 orgy nowadays And we can hope Yamato is going to exploit the non VF-1 market for us "always unsatisfied customers".
  20. Call me old fashioned but I love this gun. The German Embassy gave it as a present to my father and now he gave it to me!! A 9mm Carl Walther P 38, it's a great gun. I normally don't show guns but just a pic for the Transformers fans (if you know what I mean) :
  21. Welcome to the board Sadly, Bandai has no plans to reissue the Strike, Elint and Ostrich
  22. I need to get my MW post count up Now I must wait patiently for Rob's next updates
  23. EXO, Rob tore up the legs of a VF 1S!! Take a better look at the pix Great work Rob it's turning up really nice!!!
  24. I forgot to add that owing both lines is a "win win" situation. I voted that Yamato toys are getting better, but when the 1/48's came out I told to myself: this is "THE" toy, but the 1/60's look more accurate to the lineart. The 1/48's have better fast packs, the VF 1S head is the best rendition ever created and of course they have "perfect transformation". So when the 1/48's came out were they better than the 1/60's? Yes and no, better detailed, bigger, with tighter joints, with a smooth sculpt and barely any seam lines, but not as good proportioned as the 1/60's. That's my 2 cents for all that matters.
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